This 11 minute video does an excellent job of answering the above question. Please watch and share with others who might benefit. Perhaps it will help to open minds, touch hearts and foster a better understanding as to why the protection of vaccine choice rights is so important to so many of us. Thank you. To read Dr. Thompson's statement that appears at point 7:51, click here. I invite you to meet some of the children and some of the families who have been adversely affected by vaccines, at "We Remember" and "Families Speak." Please light a candle, offer a prayer, a thought, or moment of silence for those who have been adversely affected by vaccines; for the protection of vaccine choice rights; or for your own personal intention. God bless and take care . . . (Please include the initials VCPC after your name or initials when you light your candle. Thank you!)
![]() I am disappointed -- but not defeated -- to share this update on today's hearing in New Jersey. As home to vaccine giant, Merck & Co., we knew New Jersey would be difficult and this just confirms it. My heartfelt thanks to all those who attended the NJ hearing and to everyone who supported them prayer. Our brothers and sisters in NJ have much work to do. The rest of us need to continue to pray and lend our support in whatever way we can! As a good friend just shared a short while ago, "I am afraid that the USA is gradually slipping into a dictatorship and people are not taking notice." God bless, watch over and protect us all . . . ![]() Please join us as we pray for the protection of religious freedom and vaccine choice! "Update 3/16: Today, hundreds of parents and professionals are planning to testify on A1931, a bill to restrict the religious exemption to vaccination in New Jersey on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:00 am in the Committee Rm 11, 4th floor State House Annex. A1931requires a written statement “explaining how the administration of the vaccine conflicts with the bona fide religious tenets or practices of the student, or the parent or guardian.” As such, it requires that parents justify their deeply held personal and private religious beliefs to the government for approval. This bill is designed to make it more difficult for parents to obtain an exemption. A1931 is discriminatory because the state will determine what is and is not a legitimate religious belief. This sets the stage for the unfair application of its dictates for people of various faiths." U.S. CITIZENS NEED TO ACT NOW!!! Vaccine Exemptions and Mandates Threatened in Even More States2/24/2015 In the United States, hearings and bills are popping up in just about every state that, if approved, would mandate vaccines and eliminate your right to vaccine exemptions. Without vaccine exemptions you could be forced to submit to vaccines for yourself and your children for school entrance, employment, travel and more. Click here for current information from NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) including a list of current State bills that need your attention NOW. Please register on the NVIC Advocacy Portal to be made aware of what is going on in your state and receive information on what you can and should do to protect your rights to informed consent and vaccine choice. Click here to read referenced commentary. ![]() As shared in my post U.S. National Adult Immunization Plan, the push for adult vaccines in on; including vaccine recommendations for pregnant women. A document worth reading, especially if you or someone you know is pregnant or planning to be, is The National Vaccine Advisory Committee: Reducing Patient and Provider Barriers to Maternal Immunizations which was approved by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee on June 11, 2014. At this point, these are just "recommendations" but as you will see this document strongly recommends administering influenza and pertussis vaccines to pregnant women. Not only are infants being injected with the Hepatitis B shot within hours of birth; the pressure is on to inject them in the womb. Before you read further, take a minute to view the following video. The person speaking is CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson.
![]() Protecting vaccine choice rights is not just about protecting our children, it's also about protecting an adult's rights to refuse vaccines without fear of losing a job, college or graduate school entrance or whatever other restriction may be imposed if vaccine choice rights are not protected. It's important for all of us to know that children are not the only ones being targeted for vaccines. If you are someone who visits the internet regularly, you may be aware of the recent admission by a top CDC (Center for Disease Control) research scientist, Dr. William Thompson, that the CDC deliberately hid information as far back as 2003 that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, particularly in young African American boys. Click here to read the August 18th press release. If you don't visit Facebook, or Twitter, autism related or alternative health websites, chances are you have not heard anything about this story because mainstream media (MSM) has chosen not to report on what might just be the biggest health-related story of the century.
![]() This post has been in my heart and on my mind since returning from my recent retreat at St. Mary by the Sea in Cape May Point, NJ; so it's time to put it down on paper. As I mention in my July 17th post, VCPC members and ministry were on my mind during my retreat week, as they have been since I got that little "nudge" from above. As the week progressed, I was thinking that the vaccine issue is a pro-life issue. After learning more about the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccine production and reading the pontifical letter on vaccines (see below), I new that it was a pro-life matter with regard to abortion; but I couldn't stop thinking about the babies, children and adults that are harmed by vaccines and those who have died following vaccines. While doing a little research my last night at St. Mary's, I discovered the website, Children of God for Life and realized that the founder of COG was the very same woman, Debi Vinnedge, who's name I recognized from the pontifical letter that I had discovered a few weeks earlier. As I listened to Debi's video and read the material on the COG website -- which I highly recommend -- I kept thinking about vaccines and pro-life and how the vaccine issue warrants the same passion and prayer that the pro-life movement demonstrates against abortion. I went to sleep that night, July 21st, with those thoughts in my head, asking God for guidance. ![]() Since responding to the call to start the Vaccine Choice Prayer Community less than a month ago, I have connected with more vaccine information resources and more kind, passionate, well educated men and women -- who are committed to sharing information about vaccine rights and safety -- than I have in the past 25 years which is when my personal interest in this issue began. One of those individuals is Alan Phillips, a vaccine rights attorney who has authored “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions” which you can download at I have a copy of the guide and find it very helpful. Alan also has a vaccine radio show, The Vaccine Agenda, at that offers "Hard hitting information about vaccine adverse events, the real vaccine science, and your legal right to refuse mandatory vaccines." The show features experts on vaccine science and law as well as those who have experienced vaccine adverse events. I encourage you to tune into an upcoming broadcast or listen to an archived rebroadcast. You are invited to email your vaccine legal questions to [email protected] for discussion on the air and sign up for the Vaccine Rights E-newsletter to receive information about vaccine radio, law and news at If you or someone you know has experienced a vaccine adverse event and would be willing to share the story on the air, please contact Alan at [email protected]. |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025