Doctor to parents..."If you don't vaccinate your son... you're signing his death certificate..."6/29/2016 Updated 8/4/23...Video courtesy of CHD-TV 7/23/23...This is the story of Mason Bundy. Although he entered the world “a healthy, happy, normal baby,” that quickly changed. First, Mason fought RSV. Despite his mother’s concerns about vaccination following a recent illness, the infant was then routinely immunized. A few days later, Mason was found dead in his crib. His death was attributed to an ‘unknown cause’ — better known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). But Kari, Mason’s mom, knows the truth. Watch video. Kari is the mother of four beautiful children. At four and a half months, Kari's third child, Mason, passed away within days of receiving the DTaP vaccine. Ironically, the doctor told Kari and her husband, Bryce, that if they didn't vaccinate Mason, they would be signing his death certificate. Watch the video below to hear Kari and Bryce tell their tragic story. Then scroll down to read a beautiful tribute to Dr. Andrew Wakefield that Kari recently shared. "They are just so good at making parents afraid...We are operating out of fear and trusting people that shouldn't be trusted." Dr. Andrew Wakefield with Kari Bundy June 14, 2016 For anyone who has ever felt it necessary to call Dr. Andrew Wakefield a fraud, a liar, an attention seeker or a quack; it’s obvious you’ve never met this man. For anyone who has ever accused him of being an attention seeking liar, it’s immediately clear to me that you’ve never spent a single second in the same room as Andy. This did not start because he was looking for a fight. As a world-renowned gastroenterologist he knew literally NOTHING about autism when this entire debacle started. His children aren’t vaccine injured and he’d learned nothing about autism in medical school. He is a man who encountered a startling truth by listening to the concerns of a patient. He is a man who did his job - a physician who listened to his patient, even when it didn’t make sense to him. A doctor with the ultimate goal of helping a child with severe gastrointestinal issues get well. This man has been traveling nonstop. He has been traveling the country to help save our children. He’s trying to empower parents to do their research before making potentially life-altering decisions for their children. He’s encouraging parents to contact senators, congressmen, and politicians to try to get the truth heard. He is telling them EXACTLY where to go, what to do, and who to talk in order to demand change. And while he does all of this, he is missing out on so much precious time with his own family. He’s beyond exhausted. And even in this exhaustion, this all-consuming exhaustion that you can literally see in the way he stands and in the way his eyes start to droop at the end of the day, he still presses on. Yesterday, I watched him sit and talk with a group at 8pm when he hadn’t eaten ANYTHING all day. He never once acted impatient, or bored, or even tired. He spent hours engaging with a group of people who just needed to be heard and who needed their questions answered. People who needed hope. People who needed a voice. In those moments of utter exhaustion last night, I watched as he breathed deeply, seemingly inhaling more energy and exhaling the exhaustion. I watched him straighten his posture and regain the twinkle in his eyes and the soft smile on his face. (If you know Andy, you know the soft smile, almost a smirk, that I’m talking about). I watched as he looked into the eyes of concerned parents and gave them more of himself than he had left. And that’s the thing. FRAUDS do not do things like that. People who are frauds are selfish. They are liars. They do not care about the needs of others. They do not give all of their time and energy to ANYONE - let alone to strangers. They certainly never give more than they have. They do not emanate such amazing grace when surrounded by angry protesters. But Andy does. This team isn’t getting rich of off this. In fact, by the time the box office and production company take their cut, there is very little left (sometimes as little as 10-20%). And sometimes, as in this case, they actually lose money. This man, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is one of the most amazing men I’ve ever met in my entire life. Every person he hugged, every story he listened to, every time he cooed at a baby, every time he answered difficult questions... you could see people walking away comforted and finally feeling like they aren’t alone. He gives people hope. Because he gives parents a voice. Mason Bundy
October 22, 2010 - March 5, 2011
In this powerful video clip from the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, Sheila Ealey describes what happened when she brought her one-year old twins, Lucinda and Temple, for their "routine" vaccines; and her son was mistakenly given two MMR’s vaccines.
“I look over and I notice that one of hers is gone. There are only two shots left for her. And I asked the nurse, what happened to the other shot? She says, “Oh my goodness, I gave it to him.”
Later that night, Temple had severe reactions to the shots. Now, in his late teens, Temple lives his life with autism. His unvaccinated twin sister speaks three languages, is a classical pianist and an A student.
“I was so naïve that he would lead a fulfilling life. He would end up being a happy man, having a family…and my dreams for him. Every year that goes by and the older my son gets, the further that dream seems to be.”
Visit to watch the Vaxxed film trailer,
for theater listings and more. See the film and join the movement/the mission, to protect children from harm and families from heartache. Educate, Advocate, Pray.
"….you wake up one day and you’re like Gosh, I’m just blindly, like a robot, following through with this, with no real data, no real information… …didn’t know what was in them… that’s part of what makes us all feel really bad and its part of why physicians are very resistant to this information because you have to… …redigest and relearn everything that you’ve learned and come to terms with the damage that you’ve potentially caused through the years.” - Rachael Ross, MD
"I saw VAXXED and I was shattered!"
"Our patient’s place such trust in us as physicians. As physicians, we place our trust in organizations such as the CDC to give us the information we need to keep our patients safe. It changes you when you find that those you thought you could trust could not be trusted." - Kathryn A. Hale, MD, MPH
"I'm a nurse and Lactation consultant. I see vaccine damage in babies and mothers. Recently a mom told me she was bullied into flu vaccine in pregnancy, she got flu and eventually they tested and she had influenza A. So your OB should then say that the vaccine is to blame. But of course it's just coincidence. I've had 2 moms get measles rash after MMR given during their postpartum hospital stay (of course doctors told them it was from bandage and other such nonsense). One mom recently had "PUPPS" but strangely it started right where she had tdap injection. I've seen seizures in kids, horrific rashes etc etc Etc . . ." LC
"Vaccine choice is a fundamental human right. American children are experiencing an epidemic of poor health, with 54% of our children suffering a chronic illness or neuro-developmental disability." "Nearly 9 million children have skin allergies. Eight million have respiratory allergies. Seven million have asthma. Five million have a learning disability. One in 400 is diabetic. And 1 in 50 kids has autism. What you may not know is that science links all these chronic illnesses to vaccines. Vaccine injuries are real and some are life-threatening. The U.S. government acknowledges that children have been severely injured and killed by vaccines." Continue reading and watch video below. "Our bodies belong to us. No parent should be forced to risk their child’s life to protect someone else.” "Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It's a religion." Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD In "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" (1979) Mendelsohn goes on to say, "Modern Medicine relies on faith to survive. All religions do. So heavily does the Church of Modern Medicine rely on faith that if everyone somehow simply forgot to believe in it for just one day, the whole system would collapse." ![]() Listen below as VAXXED producer Del Bigtree makes a passionate and powerful statement about the religion of science. I think Dr. Mendelsohn is smiling. ". . . You cannot do enough studies of these things (vaccines) to ever prove that they're going to be safe. Now I'm all about making these vaccines as safe as possible for people that want to believe in the religion of science. That's ok and that's why I'm here. Everyone deserves to have the safest product available; but you cannot do enough studies . . . You can never do enough studies to prove they're safe; so we're left with faith in a theory about vaccines. We're left with faith that the pharmaceutical industry is making vaccines for our health; not to make money. We're left with faith that our doctors actually look at these stupid studies they're doing and read them and figure out what's going on. We're left with faith that our pediatricians are doing their job. We're left with faith that you do need a Hep B vaccine in a day one old baby for their health and not for the bottom dollar of the pharmaceutical industry. So I have to say, with that much faith, let's call this thing what it is. It's a religion; and I live in a country that celebrates the freedom of religion. You can have yours and I can have mine." Good, solid, well conducted science is important; however, I cannot comprehend how people choose to trust "vaccine science" when it contradicts what we see in hundreds of thousands of real-life cases. Scientific studies can be changed at the stroke of a pen and are only as good as the integrity of those conducting, funding and publishing it. The heartbreak of vaccine injury and death is real and permanent. Below is a comment from the mother of a beautiful, healthy toddler who passed away within 24 hours of receiving 7 vaccines. "Medical experts" ruled the child's death "undetermined". “I have a difficult time with people hanging their hat solely on science. Currently there is no scientific way to prove that a child died from vaccines. There is no test that can prove unequivocally that the vaccines took the child's life. How then can we trust science to be the supreme answer? When a person dies from a heroin overdose, that can be listed unequivocally as cause of death. When a child dies from vaccines, there is no way to test unequivocally for a vaccine overdose. I struggle with the fact that healthy babies are dying within hours or days of vaccines, doctors are dumbfounded as to why the child died and don't have the resources to test and know for certain it was the vaccines so since they can't prove it was, then it must not be. If we are trusting in science for all the answers, why does it not provide all the answers?” Many more real life "stories" that cannot be proven by science can be found at "We Remember", "Families Speak" and "Stories" . . . and these are but a few.
Kristina's story, as told by her mother, Donna . . . NOT BORN WITH IT. I was watching 60 Minutes last night, a report about how so many mothers now were addicted to opiates while pregnant. Well, I can assure you, I didn't take ANY drugs before or during my pregnancy. Prescription or over the counter. Never Tylenol. I had absolutely NO health issues. I had a healthy full term pregnancy. ![]() I delivered her on January 1, 1996, naturally in under 4 hours of labor. She was full term and healthy. I took her home in 24 hours. She had perfect Apgar scores and a head circumference which was perfectly normal. I did everything right. She was my second child, who was also born healthy and normal. Both of them were born exactly one week prior to their due dates. And just like my first, one of those things I "thought" I was suppose to do was vaccinate her. At seven weeks old, weighting 9 pounds, she was given DTAP, HEP B, HIB and polio vaccines. She seemed fine, except for days of high pitched screaming. I did not give her Tylenol. Again at her 4 month and 6 month visits, more of the same vaccines. Again, no fever, no Tylenol. More unusual high pitched screaming and back-arching, which my older daughter had not done. But no one told me this was anything to be alarmed about.
“. . . Pretend you had a Holy Spirit intuition; an overwhelming gut instinct to avoid vaccinations before she was even born, in a state that doesn’t recognize freedom of religion concerning vaccines.“
Click below for Pailyn's story as told by her mother, Lindey.
Thank you Lindey for permission to share your story. "Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable." Proverbs 31:8
Maternal Instinct . . . Mothers of vaccine injured and deceased children often share how they, like Pailin's Mom, had a "feeling" a "sense" about vaccines that they put aside, usually because of pressure from doctors and other health care professionals. Sadly, they live with deep regret. Please mothers, tap into and trust that maternal instinct that comes from deep within; and I believe, from God.
"We are here on this earth, now, because of maternal instinct. It’s the most powerful force in the world . . . we ignore that instinct there are perils; and medicine has sought to usurp that instinct by saying we in the white coat know better. No we don’t. No we don’t."
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Vaccine Exemptions . . . The right to religious and personal belief vaccine exemptions is being threatened and has already been eliminated in some U.S. states. As a result, parents are losing their right to refuse vaccines for their children even when vaccines violate their deeply held personal or religious beliefs. Educate, advocate and pray for the protection of vaccine choice rights for those who choose not to vaccinate; and for safer, more ethical and effective vaccines for those who choose to vaccinate.
Join the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) Advocacy Portal to be kept aware of vaccine policies in your state; and take action when asked to do so. The combined efforts of concerned citizens have made a difference in many states. Click here to learn more.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025