Richie, Robbie and Claire were healthy, happy, active triplets who became vaccine injured at the age of nine months by the pneumococcal vaccine. They were later diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder. Seven years after their injury, their parents learned that the vaccine their babies received was contaminated and pulled from the market a week or two after the triplets received it; and after it killed a two-year old child. When they refused further vaccines for their already vaccine injured triplets, they were dismissed from their pediatric practice. They were told that they could not sue; and did not learn about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program until it was too late to file a claim. They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children. Hear their story in the video below. "They were no longer engaged in anything or anyone. They lost their smiles. They, they just were in their own little separate worlds. They never held hands again. They never looked at each other again...Vaccine injury is real. We were told it was genetic and then we were told by geneticists that there's no possible way three children would shut off on the same day. That that was absolutely statistically impossible especially being two boys and one girl."
If you've seen the documentary VAXXED From Coverup to Catastrophe; viewed the film trailer; or read my VAXXED related posts, you know that CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, came forward in 2014 stating that the CDC has committed scientific fraud by manipulating findings and then destroying evidence in connection with a 2001 study (published in 2004) on the link between the MMR vaccine and Autism. That fraud has led to an exponential rise in autism in the U.S. and around the world. In July 2015, Congressman Bill Posey of Florida implored the House of Representatives to subpoena Dr. Thomas and conduct a full congressional hearing; however, that has not happened to date. Recently another group of CDC scientists have spoken out about corruption within the CDC. Watch the video below as VAXXED producer, Del Bigtree, discusses this recent development; and read the full CDC SPIDER letter.
“We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests. It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders . . . These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health. We would like to see high ethical standards and thoughtful, responsible management restored at CDC. We are asking that you do your part to help clean up this house!"
CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research Read full CDC Spider letter. Watch the official VAXXED trailer below. Click here for ways to see the full documentary or purchase VAXXED through Amazon. ![]() In the video below, Alvin Moss, MD, a Professor of Medicine at West Virginia University School of Medicine, who has taught Medical Ethics for over 25 years, speaks out about vaccine safety, informed consent, and medical ethics. He also discusses why physicians are afraid to speak out about vaccines. Dr. Moss practices Internal Medicine; is a Nephrologist and does Palliative Care. He speaks out, not in an official role as a professor in the School of Medicine, but as someone, who has done independent research, is concerned about vaccine injury, and who, along with his wife, is personally aware of 12 cases of vaccine injury including a severely autistic vaccine injured neighbor. In the opening of this video, Dr. Moss refers to CDC scientists who have come forward to voice their concerns about the integrity of research being conducted at the CDC, and conflicts of interest that are coming before the safety of the public. Read the CDC Spider statement here. "If you read the records of the vaccine court, you can see that there are people that are being injured by vaccines . . . The concern is, are people properly informed? As, as somebody who teaches medical ethics, I'm very concerned that people receive informed consent; that they really know the benefits and the risks . . . These are major risks for what usually are mild illnesses. Measles is a mild illness. Chickenpox is a mild illness . . . So unfortunately, we are having major injuries; like, like autism is a lifelong injury for something that itself would have been a mild illness. So I think it is a matter of informed consent that people be told and then be able to decide whether they want it or not. Unfortunately for children attending public school, it's mandatory and so they don't get a choice which isn't fair." " . . . There are still things in the vaccines that can be harmful. They have things like mercury in some, aluminum in others, polysorbate 80 . . . things that can cause infertility . . . there are viruses in some . . . There are all sorts of things where we don't really know the long-term safety and yet they're being done to people without sufficient data sufficient safety studies to assure us that they will be safe." ". . . I'm coming at it from the standpoint of being somebody who teaches medical ethics and is concerned about it. I don't think people should be forced to undergo something where we don't know for sure it's safe, and they haven't been given adequate consent." "Unfortunately physicians are afraid because organized medicine has been mislead and I think it's really because there's been misleading data from the CDC . . . misled into thinking that vaccinations are uniformly a good thing . . . they are not uniformly a good thing; they can cause serious harm and people should be free to choose whether they want to be vaccinated or not. . . " "I think you need some humility on the part of physicians. First of all, physicians have not been trained that vaccine injuries could be this great . . . I wish more of my physician colleagues were humble enough to say well let me look into this as opposed to saying well it couldn't be . . . " August 29, 2016 letter to Chief of Staff, Carmen S. Villar, MSW, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from CDC Spider (CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research)
Dear Ms. Villar: We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests. It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception. Some senior management officials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors. Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right. We have representatives from across the agency that witness this unacceptable behavior. It occurs at all levels and in all of our respective units. These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health. We would like to see high ethical standards and thoughtful, responsible management restored at CDC. We are asking that you do your part to help clean up this house! Continue reading letter. Vaccine injured at age 5 after receiving four vaccines -- one given in each leg and each arm (MMR, DTaP, Chickenpox and Meningitis or Pneumococcal) -- 16 year old Jade tells her story. Jade's injuries included severe headache, high fever, projectile vomiting and paralysis short term, as well as legal blindness and adrenal tumor long term. Jade's signature on the Vaxxed bus is #3039. Doctor to Jade's mother . . . "It's a vaccine reaction...There's nothing we can do. Once you they inject them, you can't take them back out." As the Vaxxed Nation Tour continues, victims and families are coming forward and sharing their stories of vaccine injury and death. Visit the links below to access their stories. Listen. Learn. Share. Learn what's in vaccines, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse reactions.
Click here to access Vaccine Package Inserts.
In the video below, Georgia pediatrician Dr. Ramon Ramos, who believes his responsibility is to his patients and not the CDC; talks freely about what pediatricians are taught and how the practice of pediatrics and the vaccine schedule have changed over the years. Listen, learn, share. "How much pressure I'm under? I'm not under any pressure. I understand what the CDC wants to do. I understand what the American Academy recommends; but I also understand what is happening out there with uh patients and that's who I, that's who I took my oath for, for my patients; not for the CDC, not for the FDA, not for the American Academy; and definitely not for the Pharmaceuticals. So I don't feel that pressure...I am, I feel that every, every parent has the constitutional right of making that decision . . . " On the "Doctors Speak" page and in past VCPC posts, there are statements and videos of physicians and nurses speaking out about the dangers of vaccines. I've personally talked with active and retired healthcare professionals who all tell me the same thing. They were taught vaccines are safe and effective and to follow the CDC schedule; however when shown the current CDC schedule; many are surprised at the number of vaccines being given to our children beginning on the day of birth. I recently asked a Harvard final year medical school student what is currently being taught about vaccines. Her response was not surprising. She told me that they are taught to follow the CDC schedule; that vaccines are safe and effective, that risks are minimal and that benefits outweigh the risks for the individual and society. When I shared a photo and story of a healthy 15 month old who passed away within 24 hours of receiving 7 vaccines in 3 shots, she asked me, 'Do children always get that many at once?" a tactic that is used in medicine where if you scare the herd, they're going to follow. That's what we do with our population, we scare them enough that they will do whatever we want them to do." Ramon Ramos, MD, Pediatrician "Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines… So when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good. But we don’t know enough to answer all of your detailed questions about vaccines, nor do we have the time during a regular health check up to thoroughly discuss and debate the pros and cons of vaccines." Bob Sears, MD, Pediatrician The names on the VAXXED bus now number more than 3,000 and include many children, like Liam and Nickson, who did not survive their vaccine injury. I first learned of Nickson's and Liam's stories a while ago and shared their photos on the "We Remember" page. Recently, the VAXXED Nation Tour team talked with their mothers. In the first video below, a young father, who lost his infant son to vaccine injury, talks with Liam's Mom. In the second video, Nickson's Mom shares her tragic story and the cruel way she was treated following her son's death. Liam September 26, 2014 - March 26, 2015 "After Liam died, everything just kind of fell apart, because after losing your kid, you lose a piece of yourself happy, perfect little family that I had completely fell apart . . . and you think you're doing what's best for your kid, what's the healthy thing, and that healthy thing ends up taking everything from you. The one decision which you thought was a good decision ends up taking all of it because I didn't just lose Liam; I lost my marriage, I lost partial custody of Wyatt. I lost me. I lost the joy of being a mom because I'm not the same mom that I was before. Things changed, Everything changes, and it's not fair." Nickson April 22, 2012 ~ August 24, 2012 "The number one pediatric forensic pathologist in the whole world has said that vaccines killed him. There's proof by his brain slides...I want other people to know...I want people to know that...that that doctor is responsible...that that more people know because they don't put it on the news...they don't tell people the dangers and they're just adding to the schedule and adding to the schedule and it doesn't matter . . . it doesn't matter that they're killing our children and causing autism." With every stop on the VAXXED Nation Tour, more names of victims are added to the VAXXED bus and more stories of vaccine injury and death are shared. Below are Matthew's and Lilly's stories as told by their mothers. Take time to listen, learn and share. Matthew - Beaumont, Texas Chickenpox Vaccine "My happy, healthy baby boy in a matter of four days went into a near vegetative state of being . . . It's very sad and heartbreaking to sit on the sidelines and watch your child deteriorate in front of your eyes knowing that you can't do anything about it and that it all happened because of a stupid vaccine because you didn't have the truth." Towards the end of this video, Matthew's former nurse, now a newborn nursery nurse, talks about shots given to newborns. Lilly - Sarasota, Florida Flu shot in pregnancy, multiple infant vaccines, Tylenol "I mentioned these concerns when she was, after her four month vaccines . . . so we delayed her six month vaccines because we just didn't feel right and then at eight months . . . she got six at once and then that's when everything really changed. That's when we pretty much lost her . . . " "and people ask us if we're afraid to have more kids, you know, are you afraid you're going to have another special needs kid? That's not even a thought in our mind because we know it wasn't genetic. We know that it's because she was poisoned." ". . . the one thing that really just breaks my heart and that we do cry about is, um, who's gonna, who's gonna to take care of her one day when we're gone? It's so stressful to think about . . . " |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025