Updated 11/21/23... Update 8/2/22...On July 29, 2022, after almost seven years in the Vaccine Court system, Zara’s mother shared the final “Entitlement” decision that she received from the U.S Court of Federal Claims, Office of Special Masters. Although Zara passed away less than 24 hours after receiving 7 vaccines in 3 injections at her 15 month old “well-baby” visit where she was given a clean bill of health; the Special Master denied the claim that the vaccines caused Zara’s death; and the case was dismissed. No alternative cause of death was found or offered. Therefore, Zara’s “official” cause of death remains “undetermined.” Zara Antoinette Shiel July 26, 2013 - November 19, 2014 (Original Photograph by Little Loo Photography) "How very softly you tiptoed into our world; almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts." Today is the third anniversary of Zara's earthly birth. It's been a year since I first read and shared "Zara's Story". Since then, I have shared Zara's story countless times. This precious little girl, that I never had the chance to meet, worked her way into my heart and inspires me each and every day to continue the mission of the Vaccine Choice Prayer Community. I carry her photo with me and when the opportunity presents to talk about Vaccine Choice Prayer Community, I share Zara's sweet photo and encourage others to learn all that they can about vaccine risks and visit the VCPC "We Remember" page. Soon after discovering Zara's Story, as beautifully written by the woman who photographed Zara shortly after her birth and then again shortly before her passing, I spoke with Zara's mother. During the past year, via conversations, emails and texts a very special friendship has grown and earlier this month, I visited with Zara's parents and brothers and spent time in the home where Zara lived her brief but extraordinary life. Through long talks with Zara's Mom and Dad, looking at videos and photos and playing with her brothers, Zara and her family have become even more deeply embedded in my heart. For those of you not familiar with Zara's story, Zara was a beautiful, perfectly healthy, feisty and active 15 month old who passed away within 24 hours of receiving seven vaccines within 3 shots. Her death was ruled as "undetermined." (Read "Zara's Story here.") During my visit, I met many of Zara's mother's friends, a group of kind and beautiful women who knew and loved Zara and who have encircled Zara's family with love and support since her passing. We talked, shared meals and attended the Las Vegas premiere of VAXXED: From Coverup to Catastrophe together. That, in and of itself, was a powerful experience. When the time is right, Zara's family will share more about their story. Until then I ask that you "Remember Zara", keep her family in your thoughts and prayers and share her story with others. Zara's life ended much too soon, but her legacy lives on. Zara's story can and will touch hearts, open minds and, if shared, will help to protect other children from harm and families from heartache. “I have a difficult time with people hanging their hat solely on science. Currently there is no scientific way to prove that a child died from vaccines. There is no test that can absolutely prove that the vaccines took the child's life. How then can we trust science to be the supreme answer? When a person dies from a heroin overdose, that can be listed as the definitive cause of death. When a child dies from vaccines, there is no way to test unequivocally for a vaccine overdose. I struggle with the fact that healthy babies are dying within hours or days of vaccines, doctors are dumbfounded as to why the child died and don't have the resources to test and know for certain it was the vaccines so since they can't prove it was, then it must not be. If we are trusting in science for all the answers, why does it not provide all the answers?” -Zara's Mom- Click here to read “A Message from Zara’s Mother." Click here to read Remember Zara... Click here and here to read Zara's Story. Click here to read "I want To Tell You About Zara."
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Adopted 1948 after World War II) Below is a referenced commentary on religious freedom, as it relates to vaccines, by National Vaccine Information Center's Co-founder and Presdident, Barbara Loe Fisher. The Declaration of Independence begins with, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” That Declaration was a rejection of oppression by a ruling aristocracy and the pledge that this country would uphold the unalienable natural right to life and liberty that belongs to every person. 240 years later, we find ourselves again fighting for freedom from oppression because we have allowed the rise of a new ruling aristocracy, an elitist class of privileged citizens who want the legal right to judge, shame, segregate, discriminate against and punish fellow citizens who do not share their beliefs. Nowhere is this truth more self evident than in the oppressive implementation of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws that fail to respect biodiversity or human rights and crush citizen opposition, in violation of the informed consent ethic and freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief.
"We come here today . . . in honor of our children; our children who have passed from vaccination injury; our children who've been hurt from vaccination; and children who stand to be hurt from this new law. Our stories matter. Our children matter; and we're tired of being dismissed; and we tired of being ignored; and we're not going to stop fighting SB277."
Parents honored their vaccine injured and deceased children and stood in peaceful protest of SB277; a law that takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption for school attendance in the state of California. Listen to their stories below.
"No parent should outlive their children."
More stories at "We Remember" and "Families Speak".
Today, July 1, 2016 is the day that SB277 goes into effect in California. SB277 takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption. If parents do not fully comply with the current mandated vaccine schedule and additional vaccines that may be added to the schedule in the future, their children can not attend private or public school. Their only option is to homeschool or move out of state. What has happened in California, could happen in any state. In peaceful protest of SB277 and to honor the many children and adults that have been injured or have died from vaccines, a rally and candlelight vigil is taking place in Santa Monica, CA today, July 1st. Those of us who cannot travel to California today or to other areas where sister rallies are being held, can support our California brothers and sisters in mind, heart and spirit by saying a prayer and lighting a candle from wherever we are. Please light a candle at http://www.gratefulness.org/light-a-candle/. Just follow the prompts to light your candle; and be sure to include SB277 in your message or signature so that we can search and see all the candles that are burning in solidarity with the SB277 vigil. The candle lighting process is simple, beautiful and free. Your candle will remain burning for 48 hours. To view candles already burning, go to http://www.gratefulness.org/light-a-candle/, select "View Candles" and then type SB277 in the "Search candles" box. Thank you for your thoughts, your prayers and your candles. God bless and take care... Learn more about SB277 . . .
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