This is the story of a happy, healthy baby boy who became severely brain injured and crippled at the age of eight months, after receiving his "routine" vaccines. His prognosis was bleak with doctors predicting that he would never walk or speak. This is also the story of that little boy's determined father who refused to give up on his young son. Today, 29 years later, despite personal and professional hardships, that father continues to be his son's "coach", "cheerleader" and "biggest fan."
Below is a peek into the world of Bryson and Barry Milazzo. Read their inspiring story of faith, hope and love in "All the Kings Horses" available through Amazon. (See link below.) Bryson and Barry's Story . . .
"After being profoundly brain-injured and crippled through his vaccinations at 8 months old, my courageous son finally walked independently at 10 years old, after many thousands of hours of agonizing, repetitious work." ~ Barry Milazzo
![]() "My perfectly healthy son Bryson nearly died after his eight month vaccinations. When he survived he was left profoundly and permanently brain-injured. We were told he would never walk or speak, and would be educable to only rudimentary levels. There was no power on earth who could put his shattered life back together again. We were advised to place him in an institution to live."
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025