It's been one week since hundreds of Americans gathered at CDC Headquarters in Atlanta, GA to demand Truth, Transparency & Freedom in connection with vaccines and the injuries they inflict upon our children. I've shared videos of speeches by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Barbara Loe Fisher. Below is video of the brief press conference that took place on October 23rd. Unfortunately, mainstream media does not report on stories that question vaccine safety or the CDC. If we want to protect our right to decide what is injected into our bodies and into our children; and if we want vaccines that are truly safe and effective; then it's up to each of us to seek truth, spread the word; and demand Truth, Transparency & Freedom! Press Conference Participants: Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Michelle Ford, Founder, V-iAL Vaccine Injury Awareness League (Learn more about Michelle Ford below.) Sabha Abour, Human Rights Activist activist @sabhaabour Minister Tony Muhammad, Nation of Islam Michelle Piper-Terry President, A. Akbar Muhammad, International Representative Nation of Islam
In my last post, I shared the powerful speech that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gave at the CDC Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally in Atlanta Georgia on October 24, 2015. Below is video of National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Co-Founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher, and the powerful and passionate speech she gave at the same rally. ![]() As Michelle Ford of Vaccine Injury Awareness League (V-IAL) states in her introduction which begins at point 1:44 in the video, Barbara co-founded the NVIC in 1982 and for over 30 years has led the vaccine safety and freedom movement. Barbara is "one of the most frequently quoted non-medical experts on vaccine science, policy, law, and the ethical principals of informed consent. . . . She has debated more doctors on radio and television on the subject of vaccination than any other American." NVIC's President Barbara Loe Fisher spoke at the CDC Truth and Transparency Rally on October 24, 2015. In her speech she spoke of the history of vaccine injury, the creation of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and its failure to provide vaccine injured Americans with a no-fault non-adversarial mechanism for vaccine injury compensation and the betrayal by the U.S. Supreme Court of making the VICP the sole remedy for vaccine injury compensation. Learn more at Full Transcript of Barbara's speech is available here.
I'm going to say one last thing to you. Frank DeStefano, who runs the division, the vaccine division, and who orchestrated this corruption; he is a criminal and he committed scientific research fraud and he is guilty of injuring all of these people. Now I'm saying that and I'm using his name; and what I'm saying, if it's untrue is an act of slander, and I want him to sue me. And if he didn't do it, he ought to sue me. He ought to file a suit this afternoon and enjoin me from ever saying that again. If somebody said that about me, I would sue them immediately and I'm saying to you, Frank DeStefano, if you didn't poison the children, you need to sue me right now and shut me up because what I'm saying to you is damaging to your career. So let's see what he does on Monday. Thank you all very much." ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CDC Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally, October 24, 2015
This article was posted on Becky's website, Journey Boost, on September 30, 2015 and is shared here with the author's permission. Thank you Becky! ![]() As a parent your number one priority is the health of your child. As a government organization the CDCs number one priority is to maintain their vaccine schedule – at all costs. You could call this self preservation. Their careers, income, reputation and much more are at stake. To them, the lives of a few children, or the robust health of many children are not as important as maintaining their point of view. These two priorities conflict. Get the facts. When thinking about the health of your child, the most important thing you need to consider is how best to protect your baby’s developing brain. Our world is full of toxic assaults, so we need to be as wise as possible in reducing potential harm to our children’s brains. When thinking about vaccines, your primary question should be, ‘What are the ingredients in this, and how can they impact my baby’s brain?’ I am trying to say this in a loving gentle way, as if each one of you were one of my adult children. Update December 9, 2019: As is often the case with the passage of time, some of the links in this post are no longer working links. I apologize for any inconvenience. This article originally appeared on September 5, 2015 at "Naturally Nicole" and is shared here with the author's permission. Thank you Nicole! What exactly are we fighting about?![]() Any parent who decides not to vaccinate their child will eventually have to go up to bat. Whether it’s with their child’s doctor, their child’s school or even complete strangers. It’s inevitable. But with more knowledge about the risks and dangers of vaccines becoming more and more mainstream, extreme hatred is increasing and being spewed across the web and social media. This hatred turns into horrific, heated arguments about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. What becomes maddeningly frustrating is that when there are facts, there are facts. Real, true facts simply cannot be disputed. They can be trash-talked, they can be blown off, they can be skated around, but they cannot be disputed. And this is what is difficult to understand among the non-vaccinating community. The facts are right there, so what the hell are we still fighting about? "My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed." (Excerpt from August 27, 2014 statement by Dr. William Thompson. Read full statement below.) ![]()
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025