Update December 9, 2019: As is often the case with the passage of time, some of the links in this post are no longer working links. I apologize for any inconvenience. This article originally appeared on September 5, 2015 at "Naturally Nicole" and is shared here with the author's permission. Thank you Nicole! What exactly are we fighting about?Any parent who decides not to vaccinate their child will eventually have to go up to bat. Whether it’s with their child’s doctor, their child’s school or even complete strangers. It’s inevitable. But with more knowledge about the risks and dangers of vaccines becoming more and more mainstream, extreme hatred is increasing and being spewed across the web and social media. This hatred turns into horrific, heated arguments about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. What becomes maddeningly frustrating is that when there are facts, there are facts. Real, true facts simply cannot be disputed. They can be trash-talked, they can be blown off, they can be skated around, but they cannot be disputed. And this is what is difficult to understand among the non-vaccinating community. The facts are right there, so what the hell are we still fighting about? Indisputable, Undeniable Facts About Vaccines1) Vaccines Have Not Been Studied On Pregnant Women, But Are Highly Recommended Regardless The influenza vaccine and the Tdap vaccine are highly recommended to women during their third trimester of pregnancy. CDC has even gone so far recently as to say that pregnancy is “one of the best times for vaccines.” But vaccines haven’t been studied on pregnant women for safety of effectiveness. No one is arguing this fact, not the CDC nor the vaccine manufacturers themselves. They come right out and say it right on the vaccine insert. You can read it right here. (It’s on the right-hand-side under “Use In Specific Populations”). That link isn’t doctored or from some “blog” (Aren’t blogs just terrible? Wink Wink) It’s straight from the paperwork that comes with the vaccine. Only the Devil himself can admit to evil and have sheep line up and follow him anyway. So if this is a non-disputable fact, then why are people still sticking up for the vaccine manufacturers and blowing off the truth? 2) The Entire CDC Schedule of Vaccines Has Never Been Tested For Safety or Effectiveness “Show me the Science.” That’s what all of the pro-vaxxers love to say. Well, we agree. Show us the Science. Show us the study. Because as of right now, that study does not exist. Vaccines have only been studied individually, not combined, as the complete schedule (49 doses by age 6)that is recommended for children. You can check out the vaccine dosage chart here. 3) Vaccines Are Not Recommended For Immuno-Compromised Individuals Or Those With History Of Seizures, But Are Administered Without Knowledge of Medical History Again, that’s a fact. No one is disputing this. The vaccine manufacturers are not denying this and neither is the CDC. It states it right on the vaccine insert. You can view it here and scroll down to where it says this: “Vaccination with ENGERIX-B should be postponed in persons with 6 moderate or severe acute febrile illness unless they are at immediate risk of hepatitis B infection” Regardless of this fact, the HepB vaccine is administered to your newborn baby within 12 hours of life. How could a one-day old-baby have a medical history? Also, how could a one-day-old baby have sex or practice intravenous drug use? Those are the only two ways Hepatitis B is transmitted anyway if the Mother has tested negative. What’s the rush? 4) Some Children Will Have Severe Reactions To Vaccines Including Death I’m terribly sorry, but this is a fact. Nope, no one is disputing this one either. The vaccine manufacturers never claimed that vaccines are 100% safe for all children. The CDC never claimed this either. Even the federal government can’t deny this. There would never be over $3 billion awarded by the federal government to children and adults injured by vaccines if this wasn’t a fact. (Source: VAERS: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) Yet vaccines are still given and highly recommended for all children and are required to attend school. With administering something with known risks, why is it mandatory? Why is our current vaccine schedule a one-size-fits-all design? Doesn’t that seem a bit (a lot) silly? Preposterous even? Oh, but public health! Yes, I’m getting to that. 5) Vaccines Do Not Provide Herd Immunity Because They Are Not 100% Effective Again, this fact cannot be disputed. Vaccine Manufacturers admit that not all vaccines are 100% effective, so why are we fighting like fire over this? The CDC openly admitted that the flu vaccine was a pathetic 23% effective last year, (Check that out right from the horse’s mouth here) but still recommended it be pushed world-wide. The CDC has also admitted that all vaccines are not 100% effective right on their website and have been admitting this since at least the 80’s. Check out their report on a measles outbreak in vaccinated individuals in Illinois here. They actually even make an editorial note stating the following: (Direct Quote) “Editorial Note: This outbreak demonstrates that transmission of measles can occur within a school population with a documented immunization level of 100%. This level was validated during the outbreak investigation. Previous investigations of measles outbreaks among highly immunized populations have revealed risk factors such as improper storage or handling of vaccine, vaccine administered to children under 1 year of age, use of globulin with vaccine, and use of killed virus vaccine (1-5). However, these risk factors did not adequately explain the occurrence of this outbreak.” (Source) So what the hell are we still fighting about? With this indisputable fact, you cannot claim herd immunity is keeping children safe. You actually need to take “herd immunity” out of your vocabulary, because no one ever wants to hear it again. It makes our ears bleed, because it’s so grossly inaccurate, and there is nothing “factual” about it. Put it to rest. 6) Vaccines Have Been Admittedly Tainted With Cancer Causing Viruses NO WAY! Ohh, yes way. The CDC admitted it themselves. So there is no debate here. This was in the 1955-1963 batch of vaccines. The CDC posted on its own website (which was taken down shortly after a post exposing it went viral). Click here for an internet archived copy. The CDC admitted that as many as 30 million Americans could be at risk for developing cancer due to polio vaccine tainted with Simian Virus 40 (SV40) found in some species of monkey. (Original post excerpt taken by The Healthy Economist) You will see, right in black and white that the CDC states, “More than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 10–30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of vaccine.” It only took them 30 years to admit they were actually at fault for something. Yet, still, some find no fault in the CDC or vaccines. That, my friends, I will never understand. The facts are here, right here. And look, no one is even hiding them. There is no hate here. There is compassion. We get it. Vaccines equaling public health is all you know, all your parents know and all your grandparents knew growing up. It’s comfortable and widely accepted. But that doesn’t make it right. All you have to do is open your eyes, start asking questions and re-think the decades-long notion that vaccines are crucial and essential to public health and our children as a whole. Stop the hate. Stop the fighting. Check your facts and choose natural immunity. Don’t forget to check out my complete list of vaccine-friendly doctors in your state here. Come join the conversation on my Facebook. Thanks for letting me into your world awhile, Naturally Nicole Comments are closed.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
August 2024