As government leaders, public health figures and mainstream media throughout the world continue to push fear, mask mandates and lockdowns, more and more brilliant, courageous doctors, scientists, financial experts, activists and more, are putting their lives and careers on the line to educate the masses and make sure truth is made known. In the brief video below, meet the men and women who have formed The World Freedom Alliance, aka World Doctors Alliance*. You are unlikely to learn about WFA via mainstream media, so please share with others and pray for their efforts on behalf of truth and world freedom. This is the first meeting held by the newly founded World Freedom Alliance (WFA). The alliance would like to announce it’s newly elected representatives. Read the Open letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World. As of 11/20/20, almost 47,000 medical professionals, holistic health practitioners and members of the general public have signed the letter To add your name, click here. This Feature-Length documentary surrounds the establishment of the World Freedom Alliance (WFA) in Stockholm, Sweden, in November 2020. The World Freedom Alliance will provide a worldwide platform linking with various associations and organisations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics while holding worldwide officials to account under the law. We will offer transparent evidence-based solutions and encourage robust debate with media, scientists and governments to ensure our fundamental freedoms of the people of the world are restored and maintained. Our mission is to PROTECT our cherished freedoms, PROMOTE collaborations and links between groups of doctors, scientists, lawyers, professionals and freedom campaigners worldwide. We will PROVIDE transparent analysis of the data for business and innovative solutions to build a wonderful world for us, our children and future generations.
Click here to visit the World Doctors Alliance/World Freedom Alliance website; to read and add your name to the Open letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World and to be added to the WFA email list. *An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.
In The Covid Fraud Scandal...The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed, I shared a powerful video statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German trial lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. In the video interview below, Dr. Fuellmich follows up with Valuetainment's Patrick Bet-David and gives more details on the class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the "pandemic hoax". He summarizes the main charges that he says easily will be proved through the process of discovery and witness cross examination in court. He will prove that (1) Whatever is causing the symptoms attributed to COVID-19 causes no more hospitalization or death than the seasonal flu; (2) The commonly used PCR test is incapable of detecting COVID-19; and (3) The sole purpose of PCR testing is to generate large numbers of false-positive results that can be called “cases” and frighten the population into passively accepting vaccines and a restructuring of society without question. Click here or image above for interview video on Brighteon. Click here for YouTube video which may disappear due to censorship. “This is not about a corona pandemic. This is a PCR test pandemic... I'm saying this because I can prove this in court…We can prove that the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu and we can prove that the assertion that PCR tests can detect infections with the coronavirus is definitely completely wrong.” - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17 |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
August 2024