Measles is in the news again, but is it a serious concern or a media fear tactic? Host Paul Thomas and Dr. Larry Palevsky discuss measles and MMR risk through a pediatric lens and give parents and guardians practical tips for safely navigating an outbreak and making decisions that are best for their child. Watch video. Click here for more episodes of Pediatric Perspectives with Dr. Paul Thomas. Whenever the Public Health Empire gets worried that people are losing their fear of contagion, suddenly cases of an infectious disease pop up and we are told that unless everyone gets vaccinated, death is only a sneeze at the check-out counter or a plane ride away. For a long time, but especially over the past decade, the contagious disease selected for this “sky is falling” hype is measles. Read more. Watch video. From Why I started researching vaccines by JFS . . . "In 2014, when I was launching VCPC and asked my then 87 year old aunt and mother of four about measles, she just laughed and replied, "Never thought much about it. Just waited until they ran through the house and were finished!" Read more. Related information... Measles Disease & Vaccine Information (Courtesy of National Vaccine Information Center - NVIC) Measles and the MMR Vaccine (Courtesy of Physicians for Informed Consent - PIC) Mainstream Measles Mongers (Courtesy of The Vaccine Reaction) Those of us born before 1970 with personal experience pretty much all agree that measles is a big “meh.” We all had it ourselves and so did our brothers, sisters, and school friends. We also had chicken pox and the mumps and typically got a few days off school. The only side effect of those diseases was that my mom sighed heavily and called work to say she had to stay home to look after a kid with spots. Read more "Surprising Remedies for Measles Might Have Saved Many Lives" (Courtesy of The Epoch Times) Recent measles outbreaks have reignited discussions about the vaccine. But does a vaccine resolve the problem, or are there more effective ways to prepare? Read more. How Measles Vaccines Alter Our Natural Immunity (Courtesy of The Epoch Times) Vaccines are built upon a theory of needing antibodies to fight a virus. But research shows that antibodies are not essential and can even alter our immunity. Read more. "Knowledge is power. Be the one who never has to say that you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow. It’s your health, your family, your choice." - Barbara Loe Fisher -
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
August 2024