Suggestions and Resources for Informed Vaccine Choice . . .
Updated January 8, 2025... Dear Parents, Grandparents and Anyone Concerned About Vaccine Safety... Thank you for visiting the VCPC website. The vaccine decision is an extremely important one. It's not enough to simply trust your doctor or healthcare professional who might simply be following the CDC recommended schedule and guidelines. Many parents who trusted their doctors, rather than doing their own independent research, live with deep regret. Take advantage of the information within this website. Read, watch videos, learn, share; and subscribe. I have been researching vaccines since 1988. (Read more about that here.) Below are suggestions I have compiled for parents (and grandparents) who have asked me where to start. I hope this information will help you make a well-informed vaccine decision. If you have questions, please reach out. Educate before you vaccinate. As one mother who lost her 15 month old daughter within 24 hours of receiving 7 vaccines shared..."I want you to do the research that I wish I had done." God bless and take care... JFS
PS...If you have been told that you must get a pertussis vaccine before you can visit a newborn, please click here.
PS...If you have been told that you must get a pertussis vaccine before you can visit a newborn, please click here.
‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids is an animated video created by parents of vaccine-injured children, that fact checks the many statements used to convince parents that vaccines are safe and effective. Watch video. |
“Make informed decisions for your kids. They are depending on it.”
Please note: The "2025 United States CDC Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger" includes multiple Covid-19 injections for children beginning at six months old.
Before injecting any or all "recommended" vaccines into your child, please do the following:
There are excellent books available to help you make an educated vaccine decision. "Dare to Question One Parent To Another" by Ted Kuntz M.Ed., whose son Joshua (now deceased) was vaccine injured; is available for free download or purchase. Another brief and easy read that covers vaccine history, science and more is“Vaccine Primer: An Inoculation” by Elliott Freed. It is available for purchase in PDF format. Read "4 Questions that May Change Your Mind About Vaccines" to learn more.
I highly recommend "Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak" (2023), "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (2019/2022), read review here; "How to End the Autism Epidemic" (2018), learn more here; and Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. For information on Dissolving Illusions, 10th Anniversary Edition, click here.
If you are considering the HPV vaccine, please read "The HPV Vaccine On Trial" (2018); and watch the 2017 documentary, Sacrificial Virgins. Additional book suggestions can be found here.
If vaccines are "safe and effective" as we are repeatedly told, why have so many children (and adults) suffered injury or death as a result? If your child is injured or dies as a result of vaccines, neither the doctor nor the vaccine industry can be held liable. In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the issue of "unavoidable unsafe products" as it relates to vaccines; and upheld the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) that established a no-fault compensation program to protect vaccine manufacturers from liability. Learn more here and watch 1986: The Untold Story. As of May 1, 2024, The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, aka, Vaccine Court, has paid out $5 billion to victims and families for vaccine related injuries and deaths. There are hundreds of scientific studies that question vaccine safety. ”Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies-400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers” and 1200 Studies-Truth Will Prevail by Dr. Alan Palmer, are valuable resources. Learn more here.
Listen to parents who have lost a child to vaccines and to victims and families who live with vaccine injury. Many of their stories are shared at "We Remember" and "Families Speak" and on the VCPC blog. They speak out to protect other children and parents from the harm and heartache that they live with. Listen to a brief but very informative interview with toxicologist, Ashley Everly, who is the mother of a vaccine injured son. It is ideal for those new to the vaccine issue. Ashley has also compiled a comprehensive online "Vaccine Guide" that contains valuable resources in one place. Take advantage of the free online course, "The Dark Side of Vaccines." Delivered in brief segments, the course is an introduction to vaccine risk awareness.
Watch the documentaries “VAXXED From Coverup to Catastrophe”; VAXXED II: The People's Truth; VAXXED III Authorized to Kill; 1986 The Act; “The Truth About Vaccines” and “Vaccines Revealed". Links can be found below. Other highly informative documentaries can be found here.
Based on more than 35 years of vaccine safety research and involvement with families of vaccine injured and deceased children, I personally do not think it is wise to vaccinate any baby in accordance with the CDC recommended schedule. It is too many vaccines at one time and too many vaccines over too short a period of time; but you must evaluate the information and decide for yourself. Children born in the 70’s and 80’s did not get the number of vaccines that children get today. For a visual comparison of how the recommended childhood vaccine schedule has expanded since 1983 click here. A less aggressive approach, as outlined in "The Vaccine Friendly Plan" by Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis, PhD is not a guarantee of safety, but might reduce the chance of adverse effects and is a more prudent approach for those who choose to vaccinate. Please note, In an 8/3/23 webinar which I encourage you to watch, Dr. Thomas shared the following, "2023 UPDATE: NO VACCINES except unique, high-risk situations." View presentation slide at minute 32:34 of webinar. Dr. Thomas' new book, VAX FACTS: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages and Stages of Life (December 2024) reflects how his views on vaccines have changed since "The Vaccine Friendly Plan." Read more here and watch the Vax Facts videos in the December 16, 2024 issue of VCPC News. For more from Dr. Thomas, tune in to the CHD-TV program, “Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas.” If you do choose to vaccinate, be sure to re-read and follow the instructions offered in #9 and #10 above.
Thank you for permitting me to share these suggestions with you. Additional resources can be found here; and new information is shared via VCPC blog posts and VCPC News as well as on MeWe. Subscribe to VCPC; and stay current on vaccine risk awareness issues via Children's Health Defense, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and The HighWire. To stay informed of vaccine legislation in your state (U.S.), register at NVIC Advocacy Portal.
Before injecting any or all "recommended" vaccines into your child, please do the following:
- Become familiar with the CDC Recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule. (Additional vaccine schedule information and the adult vaccine schedule can be found here.) An easy to read NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) version of the CDC vaccine schedule can be found here.. Read/Watch "Is the Childhood Vaccine Schedule Safe?", "If You Vaccinate Ask 8 Questions" and "Recognizing Vaccine Reaction Symptoms." Physicians for Informed Consent offers several educational resources that can easily be downloaded, printed and shared with your physician. Click here to access. In addition to the aluminum containing Hepatitis B vaccine routinely given to infants within 12 hours of birth -- unless parents "opt out" -- most infants are given an aluminum or Polysorbate 80 containing (depending on brand) Vitamin K shot shortly after birth. Although not a vaccine, the Vitamin K shot is not "just a vitamin" either. It contains a "black box warning; and like vaccines, the Vitamin K shot package insert includes Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Adverse Reactions, that parents should be aware of. Learn more here, here, here and here. Also know that vaccine doses and the Vitamin K shot do not vary by baby or child's weight. A small baby will get the same dose as a larger baby. To learn more about safety and efficacy of oral Vitamin K drops as an alternative to Vitamin K injection click here.
- Find out ahead of time which vaccines (type and brand) your pediatrician administers. Read the full manufacturer's Vaccine Package Inserts for the vaccines your child will receive and not just the much abbreviated Patient Package Insert or Vaccine Information Statements (VIS), which some doctors give to parents, as these do not include the complete list of ingredients, warnings, contraindications, adverse effects, etc.
- Learn about Vaccine Ingredients/Excipients that are in the vaccines your child will receive; and utilize VaxCalc, the Vaccine Ingredient Calculator.
- Review the Vaccine Injury Table here and here.
- If you are opposed to vaccines made from aborted fetal cell lines, that contain aborted fetal cell DNA, click here for ethical alternatives. To learn more, click here; here; here; here; and here; and visit Children of God for Life and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. Learn more and watch the powerful 4-1/2 minute video from Choice 42, “It’s Ok” as well as my VCPC blog post, "I'm about as uncomfortable as I've ever been in an interview right now..."
- Learn about vaccine laws and exemptions where you live. Click here or see U.S. map below for exemptions in your state.
- If you choose to vaccinate, never vaccinate if your baby or child is ill. DO NOT give Tylenol or any acetaminophen product before or after vaccines. Learn more here.
- Learn about MTHFR mutations which are quite common and can make your child less able to detoxify after vaccines; and more likely to suffer adverse effects. Learn how mitochondrial disorders can be impacted by vaccines and lead to injury.
- Pray for wisdom and guidance, trust your gut instinct and do not let anyone coerce you into making a vaccine related decision you are not comfortable with.
- If you choose to vaccinate, make sure the vaccines your child is supposed to receive at his or her appointment are the ones actually being given. Mistakes do happen and sadly, their consequences can be devastating. Examine each vial before it is injected into your child. Keep detailed records of the vaccines received, including vaccine name, brand, lot number, etc. Take photos. Also note the immunization date, the immunizer's name, injection site and ANY reactions you observe. It's wise to have photos and/or videos of your child before vaccines to help document any changes that may appear after vaccines; and please keep in mind, that if you choose to vaccinate your baby on the first day of life, you don't know what your child would have been like without vaccines.
- If your child experiences an adverse vaccine reaction, contact your healthcare provider immediately and report the reaction to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as soon as possible. Also report vaccine reactions, vaccine failures and vaccine harassment to NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center.)
- Homeopathy offers an option to acquire immunity naturally without the risks of vaccination. Click here and click here to learn about Homeoprophylaxis aka "HP". Read "There Is A Choice: Homeoprophylaxis An Appeal To Mothers" by Cilla Whatcott, PhD, available here.
There are excellent books available to help you make an educated vaccine decision. "Dare to Question One Parent To Another" by Ted Kuntz M.Ed., whose son Joshua (now deceased) was vaccine injured; is available for free download or purchase. Another brief and easy read that covers vaccine history, science and more is“Vaccine Primer: An Inoculation” by Elliott Freed. It is available for purchase in PDF format. Read "4 Questions that May Change Your Mind About Vaccines" to learn more.
I highly recommend "Vax-Unvax Let the Science Speak" (2023), "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (2019/2022), read review here; "How to End the Autism Epidemic" (2018), learn more here; and Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. For information on Dissolving Illusions, 10th Anniversary Edition, click here.
If you are considering the HPV vaccine, please read "The HPV Vaccine On Trial" (2018); and watch the 2017 documentary, Sacrificial Virgins. Additional book suggestions can be found here.
If vaccines are "safe and effective" as we are repeatedly told, why have so many children (and adults) suffered injury or death as a result? If your child is injured or dies as a result of vaccines, neither the doctor nor the vaccine industry can be held liable. In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the issue of "unavoidable unsafe products" as it relates to vaccines; and upheld the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) that established a no-fault compensation program to protect vaccine manufacturers from liability. Learn more here and watch 1986: The Untold Story. As of May 1, 2024, The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, aka, Vaccine Court, has paid out $5 billion to victims and families for vaccine related injuries and deaths. There are hundreds of scientific studies that question vaccine safety. ”Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies-400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers” and 1200 Studies-Truth Will Prevail by Dr. Alan Palmer, are valuable resources. Learn more here.
Listen to parents who have lost a child to vaccines and to victims and families who live with vaccine injury. Many of their stories are shared at "We Remember" and "Families Speak" and on the VCPC blog. They speak out to protect other children and parents from the harm and heartache that they live with. Listen to a brief but very informative interview with toxicologist, Ashley Everly, who is the mother of a vaccine injured son. It is ideal for those new to the vaccine issue. Ashley has also compiled a comprehensive online "Vaccine Guide" that contains valuable resources in one place. Take advantage of the free online course, "The Dark Side of Vaccines." Delivered in brief segments, the course is an introduction to vaccine risk awareness.
Watch the documentaries “VAXXED From Coverup to Catastrophe”; VAXXED II: The People's Truth; VAXXED III Authorized to Kill; 1986 The Act; “The Truth About Vaccines” and “Vaccines Revealed". Links can be found below. Other highly informative documentaries can be found here.
Based on more than 35 years of vaccine safety research and involvement with families of vaccine injured and deceased children, I personally do not think it is wise to vaccinate any baby in accordance with the CDC recommended schedule. It is too many vaccines at one time and too many vaccines over too short a period of time; but you must evaluate the information and decide for yourself. Children born in the 70’s and 80’s did not get the number of vaccines that children get today. For a visual comparison of how the recommended childhood vaccine schedule has expanded since 1983 click here. A less aggressive approach, as outlined in "The Vaccine Friendly Plan" by Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis, PhD is not a guarantee of safety, but might reduce the chance of adverse effects and is a more prudent approach for those who choose to vaccinate. Please note, In an 8/3/23 webinar which I encourage you to watch, Dr. Thomas shared the following, "2023 UPDATE: NO VACCINES except unique, high-risk situations." View presentation slide at minute 32:34 of webinar. Dr. Thomas' new book, VAX FACTS: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages and Stages of Life (December 2024) reflects how his views on vaccines have changed since "The Vaccine Friendly Plan." Read more here and watch the Vax Facts videos in the December 16, 2024 issue of VCPC News. For more from Dr. Thomas, tune in to the CHD-TV program, “Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas.” If you do choose to vaccinate, be sure to re-read and follow the instructions offered in #9 and #10 above.
Thank you for permitting me to share these suggestions with you. Additional resources can be found here; and new information is shared via VCPC blog posts and VCPC News as well as on MeWe. Subscribe to VCPC; and stay current on vaccine risk awareness issues via Children's Health Defense, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and The HighWire. To stay informed of vaccine legislation in your state (U.S.), register at NVIC Advocacy Portal.
U.S. Vaccine Exemptions by State
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