Vaccine Choice Prayer Community strives to educate, advocate and encourage prayer for the protection of vaccine choice; for informed consent; for families who have lost a child or other loved one to vaccines and for the victims and families who live with vaccine injury. Many stories are shared at We Remember, Families Speak and
We Remember-Covid-19 Vaccine. Please share the VCPC website with others. Thank you.
God bless and take care . .
Read "A simple Idea with a BIG vision . . . "
We Remember-Covid-19 Vaccine. Please share the VCPC website with others. Thank you.
God bless and take care . .
Read "A simple Idea with a BIG vision . . . "
Thank you for visiting the VCPC website. Below are links to frequently requested information.
- Suggestions and Resources for Informed Vaccine Choice (Helpful resource for new and soon-to-be parents and grandparents.)
- Covid-19 Resources (Including treatment protocols, physicians, exemption info and more.)
- Safety and Efficacy of Face Masks
- Covid-19 related blog posts
- Past issues of VCPC News
- Subscribe for blog posts and VCPC News
We Remember
“You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own. And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine...and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave. When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.”
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center
"For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible,
and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." - Luke 8:17
and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." - Luke 8:17
The following groups promote vaccine risk awareness, informed consent and vaccine choice.
Additional resources can be found here.
Additional resources can be found here.
Films and Documentaries
Click images below to view films.
Click images below to view films.
Click here and here for more films and documentaries.
Click here for U.S. state vaccine requirements and exemptions. Join the NVIC Advocacy Portal to be kept aware of legislation in your state.
Blog Posts:
Please pray for victims and families who live with vaccine injury,
and for families of those who did not survive their vaccine injury.