"In 2016, a groundbreaking film exposed the vaccine scandal to the world (Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe)... In 2019, we took the message on the road and gave voice to the masses (Vaxxed II The People's Truth)... The story continues...exposing the devastation that occurred during Covid...In 2024 (Vaxxed III Authorized to Kill)." Click image for video. Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe told the story of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and the cover up of research that showed a link between vaccines and autism. In Vaxxed II The People's Truth, parents of children who had been injured or died following routine childhood vaccines shared their heartbreaking stories. Doctors and scientists also spoke out, as did parents of healthy unvaccinated children. In Vaxxed III, victims of Covid-19 "vaccine" injury and families who lost loved ones following injection or from Covid hospital protocols, share their tragic and eerily similar stories, They are joined by doctors and other medical professionals, scientists, lawyers and whistleblowers, whose eyes have been opened and lives have been changed forever by what they witnessed. Those who escaped adverse effects from the Covid-19 injection or hospital protocols, have much to be thankful for. As you will learn, countless others were not as fortunate. Please pray for the victims and their families. Watch and share Vaxxed III, while it is available for free online viewing, in an effort to prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again. Thank you and God bless. “So the patients were under treated, mistreated, maltreated, and died, because of money and it boils down to that. It really boils down to that...We failed as a society. We failed as a as a medical community. We were misguided by government agencies, the NIH, the FDA, the CDC and especially misguided by money and protocols.” Ryan Cole, MD “I knew they were killing people. I knew they were killing people in the hospital. I would cry myself to sleep at night . . . There was so much death, it was almost unbearable. Hospitals became the place where people go to die, instead of the place where people go to get better. They separated newborns from their moms. They let people die alone without being able to say good-bye. They drugged them and they strapped them down and people died without being able to say good-bye to their family.” Medical Coder “I’m adamant that, you know, we can never go down this road again where the FDA and the CDC and our politicians and big pharma, etc., pushed protocols on us that not only don’t work, but actually harm, injure and even kill patients.” Medical Doctor “If Ivermectin’s efficacy were known to the country and the world, it would have decimated the markets for the entire mRNA vaccine campaign, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, Monoclonal Antibodies and Remdesivir. You’re talking about markets, which in sum, probably total, well over 100 billion dollars.” Pierre Kory, MD
On Monday, February 26, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, led a discussion entitled,“Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” during which a panel of experts, that included doctors, scientists, lawyers, journalists, a former FDA official, members of parliament and more, exposed the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic. They discussed how federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech engaged in censorship and coverups; as well as the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions. There was also some discussion about “routine” childhood vaccines . In addition to the full discussion video, which I urge you to listen to in its entirety, below are two brief "highlights" videos as well as one of Senator Johnson's opening remarks. The testimonies are powerful and eye-opening; and with the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and proposed International Health Regulations threatening all of our rights and freedoms, it's more important than ever that we educate ourselves and others, advocate and pray. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke - Tucker Carlson recently sat down with Evolutionary Biologist, Bret Weinstein, PhD in a 59 minute interview that gives a clear, comprehensive summary of the Covid-19 pandemic, what Dr. Weinstein calls "the game of pharma" and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty, aka "The World Health Organization Pandemic Preparedness Plan." Dr. Weinstein offers a hypothesis for why things evolved as they did and for where we're headed. I urge you to listen to the interview (or read the transcript); learn more about the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty; share this interview with at least one other person; and as always, pray that truth "will be brought to light and made known to all." Bret Weinstein, PhD & Tucker Carlson Click image for interview video and print transcript. As Brownstone Institute's, Jefferey Tucker, states in his commentary for Children's Health Defense, "The COVID-19 response was a fiasco for the ages, and it was never about public health, even if that was the rhetorical cover. It was about profits and power, a terrible truth that the public is going to be dealing with for many years to come..." "Nobody wants to be thinking about COVID anymore. It was a traumatic and exhausting experience. I don’t want to be thinking about COVID anymore either. But what I find is that every time I look away and move on to other topics, things move just out of our sightline and these things couldn’t possibly be more important. So I’m going to try to explain where we are and how we got here and what the implications are in the present that people are largely not noticing." "I’m now going to put a hypothesis on the table about why things unfolded the way they did. And it involves that game of pharma...And again, this is not certain, but what I’ve pieced together is that pharma owned what was potentially the biggest pharmacological cash cow conceivable. It owned a beautiful technology and I mean that sincerely, something truly brilliant that would potentially not only allow a bright future from the perspective of creating new treatments and new — I hesitate to use the word vaccine because it doesn’t really apply — but new vaccine-like technologies, but that it could do this indefinitely into the future and it could allow you to reformulate every vaccine currently on the market." "I still believe deeply in the elegance of vaccines as they should exist, but I’m now very alarmed at how they are produced, and I’m even more alarmed at what has been called a vaccine that doesn’t meet the definition. That because many of us believe that vaccines were an extremely elegant, low-harm, high-efficacy method of preventing disease. When they called this mRNA tech technology a vaccine, many of us gave it more credibility than we should have if they had called it a gene transfection technology. We would have thought, wait, what? You know that that’s that sounds highly novel and it sounds dangerous. And how much do we know about the long-term implications? But because they called it a vaccine, people were much readily, much more willing to accept it." "But they, the World Health Organization and its signatory nations will be allowed to define a public health emergency. Any basis that having declared one, they will be entitled to mandate remedies. Remedies that are named include vaccines. Gene therapy technology is literally named in the set of things that the World Health Organization is going to reserve the right to mandate, that it will be in a position to require these things of citizens, that it will be in a position to dictate our ability to travel, in other words, passports that would be predicated on one having accepted these technologies are clearly being described. It would have the ability to forbid the use of other medications...So this looks like they’re preparing for a rerun where they can just simply take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine off the table. They also have reserved the ability. Dictate how these measures are discussed. That censorship is described here as well, the right to dictate that." "I literally cannot understand how I would sleep at night, how I would look at myself in the mirror if I didn’t say what needed to be said." - Bret Weinstein, PhD - In the following conversation, "The Journey of a Health Revolutionary" recorded live on September 19, 2023 in Bath, UK, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Tess Lawrie discuss how their views on routine childhood vaccines have changed since Covid-19. They also discuss Covid 'vaccines', spike protein shedding, base spike protein detoxification, censorship, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, health freedom, the crisis of compassion, doctor worship, coping with evil, dying with dignity, The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and more. I urge you to listen, and share -- especially with those considering additional Covid-19 injections and with parents who are making vaccine decisions for their children. Click image for conversation. "I think he (Andrew Wakefield) was right all along; and I think he will be vindicated absolutely." - Dr. Tess Lawrie "When we realise how we have inadvertently harmed our children by outsourcing their health to the authorities for decades without questioning, there is likely to be a painful period of sober reflection, anger and collective mourning...It is now clear that a common-sense approach to childhood vaccines is urgently needed." Click here to read World Council For Health statement, "A Common-sense Approach to Childhood Vaccines is Now Needed." “You have to say, ‘I do not consent’ and then you have to take action. We all have to take action. It’s our children’s lives and their health that’s at stake. So we really have to step up and not feel so helpless…We’ve got to be a warrior and not a worrier. Your children need you. Our children, children and grandchildren; we have to step up and protect them. If we don’t, who will.” Dr. Tess Lawrie “If I were a young parent today, what I would do is I would forego the vaccines,” - Dr. Peter McCullough Since the Covid-19 injection rollout, more and more people are speaking out about vaccine injury and death -- something that parents of vaccine injured children have been crying out about since vaccines were first introduced. Although I compile and share VCPC News fairly regularly, it's been a while since my last VCPC blog post. A recent episode of CHD-TV's Tea Time, along with hearing several doctors and scientists acknowledge Covid-19 injection injury and death, but still promote the "vaccines are safe and effective" narrative for "routine" childhood vaccines, prompted this post. I share it to honor the countless ignored and marginalized parents of vaccine injured and deceased children; and to encourage others to research carefully before injecting their children or themselves with any vaccine. God bless and take care . . . Soon after receiving a "nudge" from God and launching Vaccine Choice Prayer Community in July 2014, I connected with mothers (and some fathers) who had lost a child to vaccines and others who were raising vaccine injured children. Many of their stories are shared here and here. Although some of these friendships, have been limited to internet and phone; I've had the opportunity to meet, hug, laugh and cry with several others. One mother has become a very close friend. We share a commitment to remember and honor their precious children; and do all we can to help parents understand the risks; and protect them and their children from the harm and heartache that vaccines can and do cause far too often.
“The world has gone mad; and I don’t want to blame the world. The world has gone mad because it has been completely drowning in propaganda and censorship…The voices of truth, of science, of pragmatism are being drowned.” Dr. Pierre Kory, MPA, MD Thousands of the world’s leading doctors and a host of international guests came together at the recent 2nd World Congress in Brazil. FLCCC founder, Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA gave the Day 1 opening address which you can listen to below. It's a powerful ten minutes. I encourage you to listen and share. Read more. Watch video. The final two minutes of Dr. Kory's address were especially powerful. Listen below. “We will get through this. We will get our truth out. All grassroots movements that were on the right side of history; that had a truth and had a goal, they’ve all succeeded; and the only way to succeed, is little by slowly, those small little actions that each of us do each day, make a difference.” "Pierre Kory is what all doctors should be: passionate about caring for the sick. The abdication of most of the medical profession from their responsibilities over the past couple of years is horrifying. Doctors like Kory, McCullough, Malone, Cole, Risch, Marik, Fareed, Tyson, Urso, the late Zev Zelenko, and others provide hope that the truth will ultimately prevail." Rumble Comment from "MikeInStafford" "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17 (NABRE) On June 30, 2022, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, father of the Zelenko Protocol for Covid-19 that has saved the lives of countless people around the world, went home to be with Our Father God. I first learned of Dr. Zelenko via an interview with Rudy Giuliani that I watched in March 2020. I was living in New York at the time and remember the dark and heavy feeling that seemed to permeate the air. At that time, Dr. Zelenko had successfully treated 699 Covid-19 patients within his close New York community. He offered a message of hope and light with the reassurance that there was no need to be afraid of Covid-19. Click here to listen to the March, 2020 interview. Below are several tributes to Dr. Zelenko; as well as a few wise quotes from the good doctor himself. Thank you Dr. Zelenko for your protocol; for your tireless advocacy despite the personal challenges you faced; for the hope; and for the reminder that our world has lost its way and needs to return to God, our Creator,. Enjoy your well deserved heavenly reward. Our love goes with you; and our prayers for your family continue. God bless and take care... From Z-Freedom Foundation . . . The man who discovered and implemented the treatment for Covid-19 that over the past two years has been responsible for saving millions of lives worldwide, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was 48...A man of profound faith, he believed until the end that God had created a special mission for him on this earth, and that the prayers of millions had kept him alive long enough to fulfill that mission. Read more. "I have looked death in the eye and I have been made ready to meet God. I fear nothing on this earth.” From Mikki Willis, Plandemic . . . "Of all the extraordinary humans I’ve had the honor of befriending through my work, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, or “Zev” as we call him, shines like no other. He is a man of unshakable faith, love, compassion, integrity and courage." Read more. Watch video. “I will give you all the information with the sources. Please do not believe a word that I’m saying. Do your own due diligence. Research the topics and come to your own conclusions. Don’t make the same mistake with me that people have done with the government. Blind faith only belongs to God, not to human beings.” Shared by Robert Malone, MD, MS Read more. Watch video. Video segments: 0:08 - Do You Believe in Mother? 2:46 - Mikki Willis With Dr. Zelenko 9:06 - How Dr. Rick Bright Sabotaged Early Covid Treatment 36:20 - The Doctor/Patient Relationship 37:44 - Will Our Children Be Free? 54:53 - Last Interview “This is a David vs Goliath situation and we are the David.” From AAPS - Association for American Physicians and Surgeons... Thank You Dr. Zev Zelenko (1973-2022), a Hero for All Patients and Physicians... Dr. Zelenko’s leadership is timeless in how to treat Covid-19 patients, while not being intimidated by authorities who improperly interfered with use of his brilliant treatment protocol. Zev’s shining example is what all physicians should aspire to be, and he will continue to be a model for the medical profession for generations to come. Read more. From AFLDS - America's Frontline Doctors... Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the man who discovered and implemented the treatment for COVID-19 that over the past two years has been responsible for saving millions of lives worldwide, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was 48. Read more. Watch videos... In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko by Harvey Reish... Dr. Zev Zelenko had both moral and intellectual courage in a society dominated by go-along-to-get-along. Dr. Zelenko was an astute physician, keenly aware of the nuances in disease presentations of his patients. They came to him for treatment of the respiratory disease that would become Covid-19. Read more. “This hill is worth dying on. It’s time for us, this generation, to pay the price so that our children could live with God consciousness, with freedom and be able to thrive; and whether or not that will happen is directly correlated to what we do now. today." Dr. Zelenko Speaks at ReAwaken America Tour “There’s nothing new here…They call it a new world order; it’s just a rebranding of the oldest world order — of idolatry, paganism and child sacrifice.” “So, I want to officially announce to the world that I’m a globalist. I believe God is the King of Kings and he has global dominion over the world; and we need a new world order where we live by the will of the Creator and not submit to tyranny; and then we can build back better a world where God wants to be revealed. So this is a very privileged… era to live in. because In reality, I don’t see a natural way out of this. The Goliath has . . . it’s almost insurmountable; but God can do anything he wants; and so we need a supernatural intervention. Let’s be blunt, we need the Messianic redemption. I don’t care if He’s coming back or he’s coming for the first time. All I care is that He comes and that will resolve all the questions; but supernatural interventions are not free, we have to pay a price and the price is the reconciliation of human hearts with their Creator.” “You don’t go to war with the army you wish you had. You go to war with the army you’ve got.” Click here to visit Dr. Zelenko's website for treatment protocols, studies, and more. Click here to learn more about the Zelenko Freedom Foundation. “If you woke up, that’s proof that HE wants you to be; and that you didn’t finish your job.” “There’s only one type of free person in the world and that’s someone who chooses to be a servant of God.” The March 3rd HIghWire included an interview with British medical doctor, scientist and former W.H.O. consultant, Dr. Tess Lawrie, on the topic of Ivermectin. Dr. Lawrie explained that in October of 2020, her colleague, Dr. Andrew Hill, also a medical doctor and research scientist, was to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. However, on January 18, 2021, Dr. Hill published his findings on a pre-print server. Dr. Lawrie, stated that Dr. Hill's methods lacked rigour, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on Ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion. In the end, Dr Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities." Instead of seeking a global recommendation for Ivermectin, Dr. Hill actually recommended against it. As a result, the media demonized Ivermectin. In the brief video below, Dr. Lawrie explains what happened from her first-hand perspective. She recites a letter she wrote to Dr. Andrew Hill asking him what made him turn his back on a potential cure for Covid-19. The documentary includes recordings of zoom calls she had with Dr. Hill and also features Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik. The film is powerful and poignant. Please watch and share. Click here to watch "A Letter to Andrew Hill." Learn more in the two videos below -- An interview with Dr. Tess Lawrie and her recent segment on The HighWire.
Updated 8/2/22 . . . With the help of Senator Ron Johnson's staff, we now have an audio only version of the full Covid-19: A Second Opinion panel discussion, accessible by phone, for those who do not have internet and/or video options. See below for instructions and please share! Call 712-432-8774. Enter Conference ID 2535452#. When prompted, enter "Sharing ID" below. Part 1 of 5 — 2201# Part 2 of 5 — 2202# Part 3 of 5 — 2203# Part 4 of 5 — 2204# Part 5 of 5 — 2205# Print copies of "Covid-19: A Second Opinion" are available for purchase by calling 717-672-6702. Continue reading for the video version of Covid-19: A Second Opinion. In the January 30th VCPC News, I included a link to Senator Ron Johnson's January 24, 2022 panel discussion, "Covid-19: A Second Opinion." In this five hour discussion, world renowned doctors, scientists and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. Click here or image immediately below for 38 minute video of discussion highlights. Scroll down a bit further for full panel discussion. I assure you that the full panel discussion is well worth your time and attention. I encourage you to watch and to share it with others. Click here or above image for full panel discussion which begins at 40 minute mark. Senator Johnson's Covid-19: A Second Opinion is also available on the Children's Health Defense website. Click here to access Click here for Senator Johnson's powerful and poignant November 2021 "Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates." Click here to read "Don't make the mistake I did...I did it because I thought
it was the right thing to do, It wasn't." On Sunday, January 23, 2022, I joined more than 30,000 others at "Defeat the Mandates An American Homecoming" in Washington, DC. The message in the sign above echos my primary reason for attending. It was a peaceful, beautiful, uplifting event. For me, the most inspiring part of the day, was seeing physicians and scientists, that I have followed for the past two years and have come to respect for their courage and integrity as they put their professional and personal lives on the line to successfully treat Covid-19 patients. There they stood side by side in front of the majestic statue of Abraham Lincoln and delivered powerful messages, which are all recorded here, beginning at the 50:25 mark. Click here or above image for Defeat the Mandates DC speeches by Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Mary Bowden, & Dr. Paul Marik. Related articles & videos... A Scientific Reawakening at the Lincoln Memorial (Video) Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH "This is a scientific reawakening. This country has been racked by a virus that's been here for two years, and the doctors who stand in from of you early on in the pandemic, used all their clinical skills and knowledge and compassionately treated each and every high-risk patient to the best of their ability to prevent two bad outcomes, hospitalization and death. And they have demonstrated...that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths that occurred in this country could have been prevented." Watch video. 30,000+ Demand End to Vaccine Mandates, Government Overreach at DC Rally Children's Health Defense, 1/24/22 Americans of every race, creed, political affiliation, sexual orientation and vaccination status attended the event, including groups of police officers, firefighters and teachers. Read more. The March Against The Mandates by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, 1/25/22 "I have never been more proud of my colleagues and my country. I am still on fire from the March. The Truth is finally getting out." Read more. Many thanks to my oldest daughter and the mother of my precious grandson who accompanied me to the event, took the photos below and created the photo/video montage of the sights and sounds we experienced. I hope it gives you at least a small taste of this memorable day. God bless and take care... |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025