"Don't make the mistake I did...I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn't."11/4/2021 Updated 3/10/24 Although, to my knowledge, it did not receive mainstream news coverage, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin held a live panel discussion in Washington, D.C. on November 2nd that included powerful testimonies from doctors and medical researchers who treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries; an attorney who represents some of them; men and women who experienced serious Covid-19 injection adverse effects and a father who lost his only son following the injection. The experts on the panel are not opposed to vaccines; but are opposed to their mandated use. They have nothing to personally gain and everything to lose -- their jobs, titles and livelihood -- by speaking out. The victims whose lives have been completely disrupted, and in some cases devastated, by the Covid-19 injection feel abandoned by a government that told them the injection was safe and effective; and that it was their patriotic duty to get the shot. Their personal stories are powerful; and some are heartbreaking. Please take the time to listen and share this information with others. Perhaps by doing so, we can touch hearts, open minds and save others from the harm and heartache that the Covid-19 injection, like many other vaccines, can and do cause far more often than we are led to believe. "If the vaccines are effective, then mandates are pointless. If the vaccines are not effective, then the mandates are pointless." Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe the Defender, November 3, 2021 (The above article includes brief summaries of several stories shared during Senator Johnson's November 2nd panel discussion.) "I lost mine. You need to protect yours...Don't make the mistake I did. I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn't." - Ernest Ramirez - (Mr. Ramirez is a single father who lost his only son to the Covid-19 injection. He speaks out to honor his son and protect others.) “Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine yet the military is pressing forward without regard to the damage to the morale and readiness to process these soldiers out... We have never lost 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield in a few months. Taking soldiers out of uniform has the same impact on readiness as losing them on the battlefield.” Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Army Surgeon (Lt. Col Long believes the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to a soldier’s health and military readiness than the virus itself.) Although mainstream media did not cover this panel discussion. It was covered by The HighWire. "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17
The July 29th and 30th COVID-19 Interdisciplinary Symposium, presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics and hosted by UK Column, brought together an international panel of experts in the fields of medicine, science, finance, law, journalism and human rights. They offer an insight into Covid-19 and its effects on our world that you might not have considered; along with steps we can take, we must take, to preserve democracy, freedom and humanity. Read the participants bios and listen to their powerful and enlightening presentations. Session 1 explains Covid-19 through a medical and scientific perspective. In Session 2, leading economic and financial experts discuss the economic impact of the developing and ongoing Covid-19 response. Session 3 addresses the propaganda and applied psychology that has been used worldwide to create fear, control society and implement political agendas and government policies; EUA; pharmacokinetics and mRNA vaccine toxicity; and vaccine passports. In Session 4, you'll hear from holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and others, followed by a heartfelt closing message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, MD. Click here for the full symposium program, list of participants and bios. Session 1: The False Pandemic Professor Martin Haditsch talks with Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer, Ulrike Kämmerer, Denis Rancourt, Harald Walach, Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe Session 2: The Going Direct Reset Catherine Austin Fitts, John Titus, Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood, with moderator, Taylor Hudak Session 3: First Do No Harm Michael Palmer and fellow lead scientists Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon. The complicit role of the media with Taylor Hudak, Michael Meyen, Patrick Henningsen and Brian Gerrish. Session 4: The Hour of Justice Patrick Henningsen, Reiner Fuellmich, Sucharit Bhakdi, Vera Sharav Symposium concluded by Sucharit Bhakdi. "We have used a health crisis as an excuse to shut down the small business and many parts of the economy. At the same time, the Central Bankers are printing money in a way that, that the people who get that money can turn around and buy assets cheap..Think of this as disaster capitalism in a way that's unprecedented. So you shut down main street's economy and proceed to force everybody into the stocks
and the companies you own." Catherine Austin Fitts "Digital passports and wallets have one thing in common, that they give a lot of knowledge, a lot of power and control into the hands of those who operate those mechanisms." Richard A. Werner "If you combine vaccine passports, which is really a way of getting a digital I.D. card that can dovetail with the CBDC system, what we're talking about is a complete digital control system. That's the end of currencies as we know it on the retail level." Catherine Austin Fitts “This is so monstrous. This is not just crimes against humanity. This is evolving into crimes against creation itself...The real judgment will not come from the courts of law…I’m not a religious person, but I do think and I’m absolutely 100% certain, there is going to be a really, really great reckoning which has been overdue for probably hundreds of years, but now it’s coming. There’s no escaping.” Reiner Fuellmich “I think that the problem is that people don’t believe that the evil that is really upon us can possibly be true…I do want to say one more thing which is very difficult but people need to think about it. At the end of the Holocaust, still there were some survivors, right; and survivors were rescued, the survivors were rescued by allied armies. There are no allied armies anywhere. If this civilization goes down, it is the end. There are no rescuers. You have to be your own rescuer of your children.” Vera Sharav “This symposium…all in all, it’s been profoundly impressive to me. To see so many wonderfully…wonderfully human people, the best that humanity produces come together. None of us has known each other before this event…We’ve all been strangers to each other; but now we’re united; we’re friends because of, because we know that only by coming together, we have a chance; small, small chance; make no mistake, the chance is not that big…to overcome what otherwise is going to be the apocalypse. This is absolutely clear, that if this satanic agenda can not be stopped, as had been said so repeatedly today by different people, humanity will end as it is.” Sucharit Bhakdi “You are on the front lines of the most important battle in history and it is the battle to save democracy and freedom and human liberty and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us simultaneously in every nation in the world of the rights that every human being is born with. So thank you for your courage; thank you for your commitment; and thank you for your brotherhood. And I can pledge to you that I will go down dying with my boots on, fighting side by side with all of you to make sure that we return these rights and preserve them for our children. And I will see all of you on the barricades.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. As with vaccine injury and death in babies and children following "routine" childhood vaccines, serious adverse reactions following Covid-19 injection are real and not rare. Reports come in daily; and much like childhood vaccine injury and death, they are often ignored or passed off as "coincidence". Healthy prior to injection, members of the C19 VAX Reactions community struggle to get the mainstream medical establishment to acknowledge that their deteriorating health is due to the Covid-19 injection they received and to find appropriate treatment to help them recover. The following statement is from the C19 VAX Reactions website. "We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States)... We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic... We are completely independent of any other organization." The people speaking out in the videos below -- some of whom participated in early Covid-19 injection trials -- suffered severe adverse reactions. Listen to their stories and please share with others. Click here for videos. Read more stories here. “How far do we have to go or who does this have to effect before it’s recognized that there is a problem and that we, our voices should be heard...I’m also feeling like nobody is willing to help me and that I’ve been caught in a system that doesn’t care. I have felt so isolated.” -Candace Hayden- “…They don’t know anything about these reactions...and I’m completely pro-vaccine and pro-science; but this experience has made me really question the way that our public health system runs and the transparency that’s lacking…It’s not an issue of politics…it’s an issue of collateral damage and not having had a game plan to deal with that collateral damage…why would they expect with a scientific mentality that a vaccine that was released without FDA approval; that was rushed with 11 months of studies would be perfect? That’s insane. That’s not scientific at all...It’s criminal to leave a good chunk of the population stranded, suffering in these torturous prisons of neurological issues.” -Emily- Click here to listen as participants respond to the following questions:
...An interview with Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPHTucker Carlson recently interviewed Peter McCullough, MD, MPH on Fox Nation's Tucker Carlson Today. The focus of their conversation...Why is nobody discussing COVID treatment protocols outside of the new experimental “vaccines”? Please watch and share this very important information. "The information in this interview can literally save your life, and the lives of your loved ones." Click image to watch interview on Rumble. Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center and an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine. He is the most published scientist in the history of his field. Read more. Watch interview.
![]() Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Updated 4/17/21...
I first shared Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's powerful video message "The Covid Fraud Scandal...The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed", in early October, 2020, followed in November, 2020 by a message entitled, "Truth will prevail..." A follow up with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Dr. Fuellmich and his German Corona Investigative Committee, headquartered in Berlin, have worked tirelessly during the past several months, interviewing over one hundred doctors, scientists, psychologists, bankers, economists, Holocaust survivors and more, seeking truth and gathering evidence in connection with the corona crisis/scandal as they prepare for the largest class action lawsuit in history, aka "Nuremberg 2.0". In the video below, Dr. Fuellmich gives an update. Please watch and share this very important information. “Whose interests does the federal government represent when it orders such measures; those of the German people or others? …The question arises on whose behalf is the federal government acting this way and for what reason? ...Considering the fact that the most important advisors of the federal government beside Drosten, the Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, high-ranking representatives of the vaccine producing pharma industry and the tech industry, are all eager to see a vaccine passport implemented, this gives rise to suspicion that it is their interests that the government cares about; not the interests of the people." “A large group of internationally well connected lawyers is cooperating closely to shed light on who is behind all this and who will be held responsible, because as my legal hero, Louis D. Brandeis said ‘Sunlight is the best of disinfectants’ and that sunlight is the light at the end of the tunnel which we can all see and it becomes ever brighter.”
Several Dr. Fuellmich videos are available online, including some with people he, his associate, Viviane Fischer, and his team interviewed as part of their investigation. While compiling the information for this post, I came upon the video below of an interview that I found encouraging and uplifting. As Dr. Fuelllmich and others -- including Holocaust survivors -- have said, we are currently living through the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed. We are not helpless. We can ALL do something. I urge you to watch and share. As Dr. Fuellmich states...
"The most important thing is to just spread the information, spread the truth, spread the facts to as many people as possible; and don’t waste your time on those people who are aggressively on the other side; who really want to get vaccinated. I mean it’s tragic, but we will not be able to save everyone. A lot of people will lose not just their livelihoods, but also their lives. Our hand is extended to them; so if they change their minds, they’re welcome to come aboard.”
“I see a much better world at the end of this tunnel. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and that’s a much better world because most of the things that we have come use to, our way of life, is very destructive both on a personal level and on a global level. There’s too much injustice. There’s too many people trying to take advantage of other people. That will change. That’s the light at the end of the tunnel I can see.”
- Reiner Fuellmich - More videos with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich...
See also...
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke - As mass experimental Covid-19 vaccine programs continue in the United States and throughout the world, Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, an internationally recognized expert in vaccine development who has taught and worked in virology his entire professional life, including associations with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI), Univac, German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF) and VARECO; has put his reputation on the line to sound the alarm that the global Covid-19 vaccination rollout and lockdown methodology is causing immune escape, breeding dangerous variants and threatening humanity. Watch interview below and share this information with others. “As everybody knows, I am a highly passionate vaccine guy, and I have no criticism on the vaccines but please use the right vaccine at the right place and don’t use it in the heat of a pandemic on millions and millions of people. We are going to pay a huge price for this and I’m becoming emotional because I’m thinking of my children, of the younger generation…" - Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM - Watch video on YouTube or BitChute. Click here for interview transcript. The interview is also included in the March 11th HighWire segment "A Coming Covid Catastrophe". “I think we are very close to vaccine resistance right now…you are at the same time losing the most precious part of your immune system...and that is your innate immune system…and you lose every protection against any viral variant or coronavirus variant, etc…So this means that you are left just with no single immune response…your immunity has become nil. It’s all gone. The antibodies don’t work anymore and your innate immunity has been completely bypassed …and this while highly infectious strains are circulating…If that isn’t clear enough, I really don’t get it.”
"We don’t understand the pandemic…What we are now doing is that we are really chasing this virus and it becomes increasingly infectious and this is a situation that is completely, completely, completely out of control.” “At this point, it’s so irrelevant whether you’re a pro vaxxer or an anti-vaxxer…It’s about the science. It’s about humanity…It’s about humanity.. and, of course I’m passionate… It’s about your children. It’s your family. It’s my family. It’s everyone, right; and simply for me, I put everything at stake…This is simply a moral obligation, a moral obligation…It’s about humanity. People don’t understand what’s currently going on and we have an obligation to explain this…” HighWire Episode 206, includes the interview with Dr. Vanden Bossche. "When one follows the science, and nothing but the science, it becomes extremely difficult to not label ongoing mass vaccination campaigns as a crime, not only to public health but also to individual health." - Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM - "You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know." - William Wilberforce - by Cathy Jameson, Originally posted in Age of Autism, February 14, 2021 ![]() “Be curious and ask questions. Don’t just accept things as they are. Scientists always ask ‘why’ and ‘how.’ And…read as many books and magazines as you can about science.” That advice was found in a textbook written for students in elementary school. Had it been written as a stand-alone paragraph, I’d have thoroughly appreciated the quote. But this advice was at the end of a one-page write up in a children’s Science textbook that promoted vaccines. Had the authors of the book, or the doctor himself, an immunologist, added that some vaccines can cause some problems for some people, I’d have not been disappointed. But I was. I honestly shouldn’t have been, especially since this sentence was also included in that one-page write up: “Many immunologists hope that vaccines—medicines usually given through a shot—will prevent people from getting sick.” That was my hope, too, as a young mother. Vaccines are the hope for a lot of young mothers. Until they’re not. Updated March 6, 2021 Before you or someone you love gets the new experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, make sure you understand what it is, how it works, its risks and limitations. Although repeatedly censored from mainstream and some social media platforms, international doctors and scientists, who have nothing to gain and much to lose, warn not to get this experimental vaccine. Understand that "vaccinated persons still need to mask and social distance because they could be able to spread the new coronavirus to others without knowing it." Adverse effects and deaths -- often labeled as "coincidence" -- are being reported daily, especially in the elderly. I've compiled several articles and videos below. To help stay current, watch The HighWire; and please share this information with others. Click here to learn what to do if you or someone you know suspects they have suffered any kind of adverse side effect, from any vaccine. If you are being forced to get a Covid-19 experimental vaccine, ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) may be able to help. Learn more. DOCTORS AROUND THE WORLD ISSUE DIRE WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! Click here to read more and access additional resources. DR. LEE MERRITT, MD ON MRNA "VACCINES" In the video below, Lee Merritt, MD, explains the mRNA experimental vaccine, what it does in the body and how it could be used as a military weapon. “We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus. We have never done this in humans before…We don’t really have a track record of success. This vaccine was rolled out to distribution centers before they even made a show of caring about the FDA approving it...It was in distribution center days before the FDA even said they were going to approve it…and I will make this military point, this is a perfect binary weapon.” - Lee Merrit, MD - Click here for full interview, "Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid". Stories of injury and death following receipt of the Covid-19 experimental vaccine are being reported daily. Several appear below; at "We Remember-Covid-19 Vaccine"; and in recent editions of VCPC News. In my last post, I shared the video Something is Not Right: Part 1 Taking the Plunge. The documentary continues in Something is Not Right: Part 2 Censorship Deception and Lies. Parts 3 and 4 will be shared as they become available. Dr. David Martin of Plandemic Indoctornation is featured in Part 2. Watch Plandemic in its entirety below or click here for full video and individual segments in a variety of languages. For more on Bill Gates, watch The Corbett Report's
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full transcripts are included.) Several people have reached out this week with questions about the Covid-19 vaccine. I hope to create a post with a number of resources, similar to those I have compiled on masks. In the meantime, I urge you to watch the powerful video below, which was censored from YouTube just 27 minutes after being posted by Queen of Peace Media. The video includes clips of Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci promoting the vaccine; as well as clips of doctors, scientists and others, from around the world, warning of the dangers of this experimental vaccine which is quite different from other vaccines you may have taken in the past. As with all vaccines, make sure you are well informed about the risks as well as possible benefit BEFORE injecting yourself or someone you love. Please watch and please share. “…if a toxin is doomed to fail, and doomed to claim lives, and claim the livelihood of people, you have to do everything to stop it; and this is the case with this damn Covid vaccine. The big, big danger about this vaccine is you are shooting the gene of the virus into your body. It’s going to go through the body and go to entering cells that you don’t know. These cells are going to start making not the whole virus, but virus protein, and these cells are going to put the waste of that spike protein in front of their cells. And the killer lymphocytes will see the waste and, you know, anyone who does not understand, there’s going to be an auto attack because the killer lymphocytes are already there. Excuse me, it’s with this that I will say, “bye bye” because you don’t realize that what you are going to do is, you are going to plant the seed of autoimmune reactions. And I tell you, for Christmas, don’t do this. The dear Lord did not want humans, not even Fauci, to go around injecting foreign genes into the body because the dear Lord made these killer lymphocytes for you to see the cells that are daring to make waste of us…Have I made myself completely clear? It’s horrifying. It’s horrifying.” - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, featured in the above video is the author, along with his wife
Dr. Karina Reiss, of CORONA FALSE ALARM? Facts and Figures. Click here for a more in depth interview with Dr. Bhakdi, entitled "The Biggest Experiment Ever Done." |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025