Updated 2/23/20 As the VAXXED Nation Tour continues, members of the military, injured by vaccines they were ordered to get, are coming forward with their stories. In the first video below, a former combat army medic turned military whistleblower shares a powerful story of how she discovered that vaccines made from animal protein (including flu, tetanus and anthrax) were causing serious harm to soldiers. She then shares what happened after she reported that discovery to her captain and why she can no longer keep silent. "Gulf War Syndrome is a reaction to the vaccine shot of anthrax into the body when a soldier is not compatible with animal made protein vaccines." " . . . I was treating a soldier who was given the diagnosis of Gulf War Syndrome, he was a young soldier . . . he had never left the states but was charged with Gulf War Syndrome and he never left the state of Georgia . . . " “ . . . we’re not even told what the vaccine is. As a medic, my job was not to ask questions. My job was to vaccinate . . ." The military and our government have known about the dangers of vaccines for many years as reflected in the documentary, "Direct Order" which focuses on the link between Gulf War Syndrome and the Anthrax vaccine. Listen as military veterans and their families tell their stories. Then take time out to watch the documentary "Direct Order."
First released in 2003, Direct Order is a powerful, award winning documentary by Scott Miller (narrated by Michael Douglas) that tells the story of members of the military who were ordered against their will to receive the controversial anthrax vaccine. "I'd rather have caught a bullet from an AK 47 than gotten injected with this stuff. At least I would have known what my fate would have been." Federal regulators approved a plan by biotechnology company, VaxGen to test its experimental anthrax vaccine on about 100 people. The human volunteers were injected with the experimental vaccine to see if it’s safe and produces the desired immune response. VaxGen was awarded a $13.6 million federal contract to begin work on the anthrax vaccine. The company applied for two more anthrax vaccine contracts. The contracts were awarded for advanced testing and manufacturing of 25 million doses. In the last few years, a number of published studies have linked anthrax vaccination to the development of Gulf War Syndrome, among them a study in the British medical journal The Lancet. Hundreds of soldiers have refused the shots after evidence emerged that the vaccinations are connected to a variety of illnesses.
The VAXXED Mission..."to stop what happened to our children from happening to your children . . . "9/19/2016 In less than six months, the documentary VAXXED From Coverup to Catastrophe, which exposes the CDC coverup of the link between the MMR vaccine and Autism, has evolved into a movement that is validating and uniting families throughout the world whose children have been injured or died from vaccines. The VAXXED Nation Tour launched in early August, 2016; and in little over one month, almost 3,000 victims of vaccine injury and death have had their names written on the bus's exterior. Click here for upcoming Tour stops where you can see the bus and meet members of the VAXXED team. Listen below as members of the team explain what they are learning as they travel the country and why they are committed to this movement. "My main mission . . . of doing what we're doing now, is to stop what happened to our children from happening to your children, and that is the only reason we continue to do what we do . . . " Beaumont, Texas ~ September 8, 2016 "I am telling you this, the parents and the people are going to win this in the end." ". . . every stop we make the stories are unbelievable, very powerful. We have thousands of parents that are all telling one story. That's not a coincidence . . ." ". . . What I want to figure out . . . is how we overcome indifference? How do we reach those people who think, well it doesn't affect me. Well my kids got the shots and they're, they're fine. So how do we overcome that indifference in this population, those people that just don't care because they think that it doesn't bother them." More videos from the Vaxxed tour at www.vaxxed.com. Watch the VAXXED trailer and learn how you can see the film in its entirety at www.vaxxedthemovie.com. Since mainstream media rarely if ever reports on this sort of thing, you may not know that on August 15, 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a proposed ruling that threatens to detain, quarantine, vaccinate and electronically track you, if you show signs of illness such as cough, rash, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc., while traveling. ![]() NVIC's (National Vaccine Information Center) Barbara Loe Fisher, explains further in the video below. Read the actual proposed ruling, "Control of Communicable Diseases" and look for the link at the upper right of the Federal Register page to submit your comment before October 14, 2016. (You can also read comments previously submitted to help you in formulating your comment.) It is urgent that we ALL take action to oppose this proposed ruling. Read "Control of Communicable Diseases" A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department as it appears on the Federal Register. “This is a clear case of federal government overreach,” The proposed law change particularly focuses on measles. “The ongoing persistence of measles in the United States provides a good example of the need for this NPRM,” states the CDC, and “every case of measles in the United States is considered a public health emergency because of its extremely high transmissibility.”
"If the NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) becomes law, it will affect American and non-American travelers entering the U.S. or traveling between states, particularly on commercial airlines and ships. The CDC is proposing to enlist commercial airline and other public transportation personnel to step up surveillance on and report "unwell" passengers with rashes, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms of illness." Read full press release. If the NPRM becomes law, it appears U.S. health officials could hold a person in custody for 72 hours without the right to contact an attorney to appeal the detention. Detainees could be asked to sign a contract with the CDC that gives consent to the “public health measures” being applied to the adult or a minor child, which may include “quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment.” However, the NPRM states that “the individual’s consent shall not be considered a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority” by the CDC. After release, the person can be electronically tracked and monitored, including by electronic tracking devices attached to the body. Read full press release. Related articles: "Control of Communicable Diseases" A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department 8/15/16 An exhausted mother first; a physician second -- one who sees things differently now . . .9/13/2016 Went to see Vaxxed again. Took my husband and one of my dearest friends. This movie yet again had me bawling, crying so much I used a paper napkin in a vain attempt to dry my face. But I feel NO SHAME. I watched everyone around me, including my husband, who never cries, openly sobbing as we saw footage of the older vaccine injured kids.
I cannot tell you how it feels to wonder if your child will ever talk, will stop hurting himself and us for no apparent reason, and to wonder if he is sad or hurting. To go to an appointment of some kind nearly every day. To go broke paying for said appointments bc insurance doesn't cover autism (yes, really!). To lose your whole extended family and most of your friends....
The only words I have for this are SOUL-SHATTERING and HEART WRENCHING. This is all compounded because I handed him over for all those vaccines when he was sickly and under weight. I bought into the LIES THE CDC has pedaled to all of us...as a physician, I consider the years of education and hard work invested in my career, and I wonder how many other medical "facts" I have used in my practice on my patients which may in fact be very false and based on no scientific data?
What has happened to my son has absolutely changed the way I practice Medicine. I now really LISTEN to my patients. I vow NEVER to make anyone feel as dismissed and uncared for as we did leaving our pediatrician's office on follow up visits, when Dr. would make a point of near ridiculing me for thinking the encephalopathy had anything to do with the diagnosis of autism. This is what he said the last time we saw him:
"There is no way. Vaccines don't cause reactions like that...besides the RESEARCH (CDC??) proved there was no relationship between autism and vaccinations...your son has autism. There is no cure...IT WOULD BE SMART TO PLAN FOR HIS FUTURE, LIKE A GROUP HOME." How would YOU react? Medicine needs a revolution. And it's now. The first picture is of my child the night he nearly died from vaccine injury. He now has apraxia, autism, Severe Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Metabolic Dysfunction, Hypotonia, and suspected Seizures. Second picture -- I am: first an exhausted MOTHER TO A SEVERELY VACCINE INJURED CHILD, second a physician who sees things a lot differently now.
Click here for theater listings and information to rent or purchase the DVD.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025