Alexander's story, as told by his mother, Jennifer, and reprinted below, was first published at Stop Mandatory Vaccination. Jennifer shares not only Alexander's vaccine injury story, but also their long and painful ordeal with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which ultimately ruled that Alexander's death was caused by the vaccines he received. Alexander Johnson February 17, 2005 - May 11, 2005 “My son, Alexander, suffered a seizure and cardiac arrest on April 29, 2005, three and a half days after receiving his first set of vaccines.The vaccines he received were the DTaP, HiB and Hepatitis B combo (Comvax), inactivated polio, and Prevnar. He coded, but was revived and placed on life support, however, the damage to his brain was catastrophic. After 12 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), and two independent determinations of brain death, we removed life support on May 11, 2005. He was only 12 weeks old. He was born on February 17, 2005 and was a healthy little boy. Despite that, he died as a result of seizure and encephalopathy that resulted from his two-month vaccinations on April 25, 2005.
As outlined in the CDC's Increasing Awareness and Uptake of Influenza Immunization/Recipe for Fostering Public Interest and High Vaccine Demand "creating concern, anxiety and worry" with the help of medical experts, public health authorities and the media, is an integral part of an aggressive campaign to scare people into getting the flu vaccine. We've all probably heard, read or watched "scary" news reports about how deadly the flu is this year and why you should get a flu shot. What they often fail to mention is that most, if not all, of the victims had received the flu shot and/or were treated with flu drugs; and that there are more vaccine injury claims related to the flu vaccine than any other vaccine. Take steps to promote optimum health and prevent flu naturally; and before you rush out to get a flu vaccine, which even mainstream sources admit is only 10% effective; or take a drug like Tamiflu, do your homework. Simply "trusting" your doctor or one-sided fear based media reports is not enough. Use the resources at the end of this post to help make sure you are making an informed decision and not one based on irrational fear. In the brief video clip below, Del Bigtree exposes what happened when members of the HighWire team went on a field trip to hospitals mentioned in a January 16, 2018 L. A. Times article, "California hospitals face a 'war zone' of flu patients — and are setting up tents to treat them." After watching, perhaps you'll agree that things might not be quite as scary as we are being led to believe.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025