Updated 11/21/23 Update 8/2/22 . . . On July 29, 2022, after almost seven years in the Vaccine Court system, Zara’s mother shared the final “Entitlement” decision that she received from the U.S Court of Federal Claims, Office of Special Masters. Although Zara passed away less than 24 hours after receiving 7 vaccines in 3 injections at her 15 month old “well-baby” visit where she was given a clean bill of health; the Special Master denied the claim that the vaccines caused Zara’s death; and the case was dismissed. No alternative cause of death was found or offered. Therefore, Zara’s “official” cause of death remains “undetermined.” Note... Not long after Zara's death, her mother searched the lot numbers of vaccines Zara received and learned that two other babies who had received vaccines from same lots, died within two months of Zara. Zara Antoinette Shiel July 26, 2013 - November 19, 2014 "Today marks the two year anniversary of Zara's sudden and unexpected passing. Zara was a gift and while her physical presence was a much too short 15 months, her memory and life mission will last forever. Zara will always be remembered for her sweet smile and joyful nature among so many other wonderful things. Interesting that this is also vaccine awareness week. Did you know that pediatricians are not considered experts when your child dies and you go through the vaccine court? Do your own research, ask for the package inserts. Read the ingredients, the side effects. Ask many questions. Ask who's liable if your child is injured or dies. The answer is no one. The saddest part is that these babies are dying and their deaths are not being labeled appropriately. Often you see "SIDS", "SUIDS", "Undetermined", etc. Vaccines are not listed as cause of death. If it were so, we would have a more realistic number of how dangerous these vaccines can be. I did my research before I had kids, I read some of the stories but I thought it was rare and thought if I just spaced them out and limited the amount of vaccines my kids would get in each visit, they would be fine. It turned out not to be rare for us and it wasn't fine. I can't believe Zara's story will be added to the many other babies who have died for the "greater good". I could go on and on and when the time is right, I will. But for today, remember Zara and honor her beautiful life by doing your own research on vaccinations to protect your own children. Here is a great place to start: NVIC.ORG."
Click here to read “A Message from Zara’s Mother."
Click here to read Remember Zara... Click here and here to read Zara's Story. Click here to read "I want To Tell You About Zara."
"God gave me two healthy, perfect, beautiful girls. One of them had her life destroyed by vaccines. Sacrificed for the "greater good". If you didn't know me, would you be able to tell which one it was? Which one deserved a life of disability and epilepsy? Which one deserved to be left non verbal and in so much pain from brain swelling that she spent her entire childhood smashing her head through walls? I did everything right. I played by the "rules." 32 vaccines between 7 weeks old and 5 years old. When she was "diagnosed" with the fake label of "autism"' the rate was 1 out of 500 children. Is it ok with you that it's 1 in 45 now? How many of them will be like my daughter and never be independent? God help this country that this is being allowed to happen for all these years. What will it take for you to stand up? When it happens to one of your children or grandchildren maybe? And if it didn't happen to one of yours, does that make it alright? Vaccine injury is unpredictable. Each vaccine is Russian roulette. Please pray for the truth. Because I just don't know what else to do. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going away. Vaccines are NOT safe for all children, you are being lied to. Nobody deserves to find out the hard way like we did." ~ Donna D. These sisters were born just 15 months apart. There are many cases within families where an older child gets all their vaccines and appears to be fine and then a younger child, getting the very same vaccines, suffers serious injury and even death. As the mother of these two precious little girls who are now beautiful young women states, it truly is a game of "Russian Roulette," one that is being played with our children's lives. Please urge parents to become well informed about the harm that vaccines can and do cause in far too many cases. Please read "Kristina's Story" and "Kristina . . . Not born with it." In, "An exhausted mother first; a physician second..." the young mother you see in the photo describes what it feels like to be the parent of a severely vaccine injured child. In the video below, that same mother, a practicing psychiatrist, talks about her feelings of guilt and helplessness. Listen, too, as VAXXED team member, Polly Tommey, who is the mother of an adult vaccine injured autistic son, offers Anders' Mom and Dad encouragement and hope. "I never questioned any of it. I feel so foolish. I have incredible guilt...because I'm a doctor, I should know. Everything has a side effect. I tell people that when I prescribe...but I never questioned any of his vaccines, in fact I was always very pro-vaccine."
"We did not know . . . We should have known as nurses; we should have known and read it and confronted the doctors . . . " Ruth is a 40 year pediatric nurse who worked in a children's hospital setting for many years before joining a pediatrician's office where she gave hundreds of vaccines. In the video below, Ruth humbly and bravely talks about how little nurses and physicians know about vaccines and how that lack of knowledge has resulted in devastating harm. " . . . We never saw the package inserts . . . I guess the inserts get thrown away . . ." "What I really want to tell the parents of all of these children is there's no excuse that I didn't know; but so many of us did not do this intentionally . . . so many of us did not know . . . " "I'm trying to educate everyone that I can, and I don't give a damn what they think about me; it doesn't matter . . . but to anyone that I inadvertently may have given a vaccine to*, believe me when I say, I did not know . . . " I can't be bullied. I've come too far in my nursing career . . . and I'm not afraid to speak . . . I can't change any of this; all I can do is help." *After recording this video, Ruth shared that she actually wanted to say . . . "To anyone that I inadvertently hurt by giving a vaccine, believe me when I say, I did not know . . . " Thank you and God bless you, Ruth, for your integrity, your honesty and your humility. For more healthcare professionals who are speaking out, click here and also visit "Doctors Speak." Please share these stories to help protect others from vaccine injury and death. More video stories from the VAXXED Nation Tour can be found at:Click here for stories and visit "We Remember" and "Families Speak." Learn what's in vaccines, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse reactions. |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
August 2024