Updated 11/21/23 Update 8/2/22 . . . On July 29, 2022, after almost seven years in the Vaccine Court system, Zara’s mother shared the final “Entitlement” decision that she received from the U.S Court of Federal Claims, Office of Special Masters. Although Zara passed away less than 24 hours after receiving 7 vaccines in 3 injections at her 15 month old “well-baby” visit where she was given a clean bill of health; the Special Master denied the claim that the vaccines caused Zara’s death; and the case was dismissed. No alternative cause of death was found or offered. Therefore, Zara’s “official” cause of death remains “undetermined.” Note... Not long after Zara's death, her mother searched the lot numbers of vaccines Zara received and learned that two other babies who had received vaccines from same lots, died within two months of Zara. Zara Antoinette Shiel July 26, 2013 - November 19, 2014 "Today marks the two year anniversary of Zara's sudden and unexpected passing. Zara was a gift and while her physical presence was a much too short 15 months, her memory and life mission will last forever. Zara will always be remembered for her sweet smile and joyful nature among so many other wonderful things. Interesting that this is also vaccine awareness week. Did you know that pediatricians are not considered experts when your child dies and you go through the vaccine court? Do your own research, ask for the package inserts. Read the ingredients, the side effects. Ask many questions. Ask who's liable if your child is injured or dies. The answer is no one. The saddest part is that these babies are dying and their deaths are not being labeled appropriately. Often you see "SIDS", "SUIDS", "Undetermined", etc. Vaccines are not listed as cause of death. If it were so, we would have a more realistic number of how dangerous these vaccines can be. I did my research before I had kids, I read some of the stories but I thought it was rare and thought if I just spaced them out and limited the amount of vaccines my kids would get in each visit, they would be fine. It turned out not to be rare for us and it wasn't fine. I can't believe Zara's story will be added to the many other babies who have died for the "greater good". I could go on and on and when the time is right, I will. But for today, remember Zara and honor her beautiful life by doing your own research on vaccinations to protect your own children. Here is a great place to start: NVIC.ORG."
Click here to read “A Message from Zara’s Mother."
Click here to read Remember Zara... Click here and here to read Zara's Story. Click here to read "I want To Tell You About Zara."
11/21/2016 12:27:24 am
My heart breaks for the loss of your beautiful baby, Zara. I know that she is loved just as much now and forever! I, too, lost my 17 month, baby girl, Sabrina Lee in 1979 from complications of ITP (listed in the Merck insert) after the MMR! It took me twenty years to put the pieces together and has shaken me to my core. I love her and miss her as much as ever! We also lost a subsequent daughter at the age of sixteen in 1998, due to a car crash. It is a forever journey. We do the best we can. Hugs for your broken heart.
Dear Sharon...Thank you for your kind comment. I will make sure that Zara's mother sees it. I am so very sorry for the losses you have experienced. To lose one child is heartbreaking enough; but to lose two is almost unbearable As a mother of three daughters, my heart aches for you. If you would like to include Sabrina Lee's photo on the "We Remember" page of this website or share your story, please contact me at [email protected]. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless and take care...
Carla Shiel
11/22/2016 04:38:18 pm
Dear Sharon, thank you for your heartfelt comment and I'm so very sorry to hear about Sabrina and your 16 year old daughter. It sounds like you are incredibly strong and very loving. I know I'm not alone and too many parents have had a similar experience sadly. It gives me hope to hear as much pain as you are in, that you continue on in a positive way and have your daughters memories live on through you. Yes, we certainly do the best we can. Hugs back to you. God Bless you.
Mary Artemis
11/22/2016 06:43:33 am
Just praying for your family. You're in the right place with the right people. Serendipitous you found NVIC. God bless you and your boys. Thankyou ever so much for fighting for all of us, amidst your grief. We are blessed by you.
Carla Shiel
11/22/2016 04:45:05 pm
Dear Mary, thank you for your comment and encouraging words. I pray Zara's story will reach parents and save many from the same devastating fate. I appreciate your support. God bless.
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