When mothers speak out about the dangers of vaccines, they're often brushed off as being irrational or "just crazy mothers." Thirty years ago, a pediatrician I was considering called me "crazy" when I raised questions about vaccines. (He never did become our pediatrician.)
Young moms have told me that their instinct, along with research they've done, tells them not to vaccinate their babies; or at least to delay vaccinating; but their husbands, some of whom have not done any serious vaccine safety research, disagree and insist on following the doctor's recommendation. It's a very difficult and all too common situation.
Fortunately, more and more dads, are asking questions about vaccine safety. Unfortunately, some start researching after losing a child to vaccines; or they get pulled into this issue after their own children have been adversely affected by vaccines. They want answers that the medical establishment is not giving them.
Two autism fathers who watched their children's health deteriorate following vaccines -- J. B. Handley and Mark Blaxill -- have been researching, writing and speaking out about vaccine truth and vaccine safety for years. Their contributions to this movement are powerful.
The two young fathers in the video below, Adam Ringham and Chris Kickoff, are taking what they have learned and speaking out in an attempt to educate others and they do it in their own unique style. They have also written a book to help parents make well informed decisions
"Don't give honey to an infant but go ahead and let them get over 70 vaccines" is an entertaining and enlightening video. (Make sure the sound is not muted so you can hear their clever rant.), These two young dads have done their homework on vaccines and a lot more pregnancy and baby related topics. Keep reading for information about their book, "So You're Going To Have A Baby."
Having come to know many mothers of vaccine injured children and mothers who have lost a child to vaccine injury, it disturbs me greatly when these strong but wounded women are marginalized by others who choose not to believe what these mothers know to be true. In the video below, Hillary Simpson, the mother of three children, including a vaccine injured little boy, eloquently delivers a powerful message in an effort to spread awareness about an issue which, as she states, "ultimately makes her CRAZY." Watch, listen, share and please remember Hillary, her children, and ALL "crazy mothers" and their vaccine injured children in your thoughts and prayers. "As a mother of a vaccine injured child, the hardest comment to hear from people is when they say, over and over again... 'Don’t listen to them. They’re just a bunch of crazy mothers.'... I am a mother. I am the one who knows the rhythm of my child’s heartbeat. I am the one who gave life to this baby, no easy feat. I am that baby’s first food, first sustenance in every sense of the word. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. Whether the first or the third, I have what it needs to survive and thrive. And now that they’ve grown a little… As a mother, I know when they need to eat or poop or get a big hug. I know when they are hiding, I know if they are lying. I know who hit who first without even trying. I know how they like to sleep: one bundled up, one without covers, and one somewhere in between. I know all of their dreams. I know their fears, their hopes. I know their wins and their losses...I know how to keep them safe, how to read the emotion on their little face... And most importantly… I know what happened to my little boy. I know he had his shots one day at six months..."
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025