It is always painful to learn of another child lost to vaccines; and another family left to live with grief and regret. Owen was just two months old when he received eight vaccines. He passed away 48 hours later. Owen's death, like so many of the children on the "We Remember" page of this website was ruled as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Click here to read Owen's story, as told by his mother, Jeanee; and please say a prayer for Jeanee, Owen's dad, sisters and family. As I read the comment section that followed Owen's story, I learned of two more children who died shortly after receiving vaccines -- Stephen who died at three months and Corey who died in 1995 at six months. Both cases were ruled as SIDS. Please urge parents and expectant parents to research vaccines thoroughly before allowing anything to be injected into their precious children. “I wanted to share my story because my hope is that no one else has to experience the pain in my heart every single day. My son, Owen Matthew Stokes, passed away October 25, 2017. He was born August 18, 2017 and was just two months old. He was born at term and weighed 8.8 lbs. Owen was perfectly healthy in every way. He did not receive the Hepatitis B shot at birth. Even in my pro-vax mindset, I did not see the need at that time to give that to a newborn. He did receive Vitamin K at birth, but I didn’t know anything about Vitamin K at that time." Many thanks to Owen's mother for telling her story in an effort to protect others from the heartbreak that she and Owen's father now live with; and thanks, also, to Melissa Curtin and the team at Stop Mandatory Vaccines for sharing Owen's story. Owen Matthew Stokes
August 18, 2017 - October 25, 2017
Originally posted on January 7, 2018 at Restoring Olivia... I had a hard time writing in 2017... It was this persistent feeling of having to "wordsmith" each and every post. An unrelenting feeling of pushing back what I really wanted....and needed to write about. As time went on it became impossible and the words stopped coming. I mean, this is my story, so why am I fudging my way through blogging it? I think I misinterpreted who my audience is, and what they "want" to hear. A couple months ago I heard a heartbreaking interview with a young couple who had recently lost their 20-month old son. It was her question that rocked my world...... It went something like this....."Why haven't I heard stories of other children before? If I would have heard their stories, I may have questioned it and made a different choice and he would still be here." I need to apologize to this young couple. I need to tell them I'm sorry for being a coward. I haven't been brave enough. I feel as though I've lived two lifetimes with this sobering reality. I've learned so much about Olivia's situation and am passionate to put my pen to paper, but in order to move in that direction, I need to explain an important truth. ![]() My last three blog posts -- here, here and here -- were about Professor Chris Exley's recent study on the link between aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and autism. Since then, another very important study, co-authored by Exley, Critical analysis of reference studies on the toxicokinetics of aluminum-based adjuvants has been published in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. A copy of the Accepted Manuscript can be read here.
The team at Informed Consent Action Network has put together a brief video about studies that link aluminum & autism. Watch below.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025