With all the excellent information readily available, there is no excuse for not making an informed vaccine decision. Take time to read and share this comprehensive article by pediatrician, Ralph Campbell, MD. The following article from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is reprinted courtesy of Orthomolecular.org. Subscribe to OMNS at http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html. Access OMNS archives at http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml. Vaccinations: To Be or Not to Be A commentary by Ralph Campbell, MD, (OMNS Oct 11, 2017) Whether or not to vaccinate their children is a big question for parents to ponder. Instead of encompassing a one-size-fits-all attitude, there needs to be the realization of individuality on both sides of the needle---the vaccine itself and the target patient. Some vaccines are ineffective, and may in fact be harmful. [1-4] In my experience as a pediatrician, no drug or vaccine can be effective 100% of the time for 100% of children.
As promised in,"Do not let this happen to your child and family", below is the video of Del Bigtree's interview with Nick and Marjorie Catone about the tragic loss of their precious 20 month old son, Nicholas. (The interview begins at point 36.36.) Listen as Marjorie, a registered nurse, shares -- like so many physicians and healthcare professionals have -- that she did not learn about vaccine risks in her medical training. Read and hear her powerful words..."not one person ever came through..." Please pray for this family and do more. Honor Nicholas' memory by sharing his story with others. Those of us who are aware of the dangers of vaccines have an obligation to "come through" and tell others. God bless and take care... “We just never in a million years thought we would be here; and I wish that somebody had told me something about vaccines when we had two children growing up. We’re very well connected in the community and at work as a nurse; not one person ever came through and ever told me anything bad about vaccines. So, if anything, I feel like this became our mission even though I don’t want it to be, but just the education and the awareness about just doing your own research. I’m not here to tell you not to vaccinate, but to just educate yourselves before you do, because I know in going forth with Madeline and if we have any more children, we’d never vaccinate until things change.” -Marjorie Catone- Nicholas Scott Catone September 8, 2015 - May 12, 2017 “It’s hard… It’s really hard…like I say, don’t let it be you…Don’t let it, don’t let it be your son or daughter. Just do your research because this is the worse, worse feeling in the world for a family to go through…We’re torn to pieces and we’ve got to live like this the rest of our life. It’s not a fun way to through life; to wake up and have to try and just struggle everyday to get through each day . . . “
-Nick Catone- “Please educate yourselves, do your research, something is going on. We once stood in your same shoes, hearing of these horrible stories and thinking it would never happen to us…Do not let this happen to your child and family." -Nick Catone- Nicholas Scott Catone September 8, 2015 - May 12, 2017 I first learned of Nicholas' story in late June when I read a Facebook post, written by his dad, former UFC fighter, Nick Catone. Soon after that, I read a post from Nicholas' mom, Marjorie, a registered nurse. Nicholas was a happy, lively 20 month old who enjoyed playing with his big sister. According to his parents, Nicholas was a healthy little boy, except for when he received vaccines. With each round, his health would deteriorate; even though his parents chose a less aggressive vaccine schedule than the one recommended by the CDC.
Chances are that if your doctor prescribes a drug for you or your child, you'll want to know what's in the drug and what the possible side effects are; so you'll ask questions and read the information that accompanies the prescription before using it. For some reason, people tend to be less cautious when it comes to vaccines; and they shouldn't be. Some might read the VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) but very few patients and, for that matter, very few doctors, read the full Manufacturer's Vaccine Package Inserts that include vaccine ingredients, contraindications, warnings, adverse effects, etc. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has created a unique tool - the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator, aka VaxCalc, to help you discover the ingredients in the vaccines that your doctor recommends, along with important information about those ingredients. "The purpose of this tool is to enable the public to make informed vaccination decisions for themselves and their children. VaxCalc computes ingredient exposures for multiple vaccinations to be received at a single office visit, covering 64 ingredients contained in the vaccines recommended by the CDC in it's vaccination schedule." Click here to learn more about VaxCalc, create a free account so you can utilize the calculator; and please share this valuable new tool with others!
Part 1 of the Sacrificial Virgins trilogy is included in, "Is HPV vaccine the next Thalidomide-style scandal?" In Part 2 (video below), you'll hear from Ruby and Chloe, two young women who have been seriously injured by the HPV vaccine, and from their mothers. Listen as they tell how their conditions are dismissed by many physicians; and that even when doctors do believe that the vaccine was the cause, they won’t write it in the medical records. Listen as world renowned aluminum (aluminium) expert, Professor Chris Exley, PhD, explains how aluminium can accumulate in the body to toxic levels; and discusses Gardasil and Cervarix testing procedures. Listen as Viennese OB/GYN, Dr. Christian Faila explains how studies are "biased" to make it appear that the vaccine is safe. Although this video and post are about the HPV vaccine, it's important to remember that infants and young children are getting multiple vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvants, often at the same doctor's visit. “I was a very healthy 12 year old. I did everything a pre-teen girl would do. I’d go to the cinema. I’d skate. I’d go rollerblading…I was dancing, constantly like six days a week…I started to become ill after the second injection and that was around January 2011. It started off with joint pain, muscle pain, bone pain, relentless fatigue which would not go away without sleeping. I used to fall asleep in lessons and then it kind of escalated.” - Chloe, HPV Vaccine Victim
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025