If you've watched the video I shared in,"It's OK...We just thought you ought to know...", about aborted fetal cell vaccines, chances are you felt a bit "uncomfortable." Recently, Tucker Carlson interviewed attorney, Aaron Siri, and while the subject matter started out with a discussion of RFK, Jr., polio, vaccine safety, and vaccine choice, perhaps unintentionally, but unavoidably, it turned to the "uncomfortable" subject of abortion tainted vaccines. I encourage you to listen to the entire interview. The "uncomfortable" segment begins at about 1:26. “I’m about as uncomfortable as I’ve ever been in an interview right now... There is some heavy stuff going on here. There's a human sacrifice quality here.” Tucker Carlson Many thanks to Anne Dachel for the following Substack about the Carlson/Siri interview. Tucker Carlson with Aaron Siri; the truly dark and grotesque side of vaccines...What the public needs to know by Anne Dachel Note . . . The YouTube version of the interview, shared in Anne's Substack, has been blocked; however it can still be viewed at tucker carlson.com.) On December 27th, Tucker Carlson aired an interview with attorney Aaron Siri. Siri had recently been demonized by the New York Times as Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s attorney and someone who wanted to end the polio vaccine...The lawyer in question, Aaron Siri, got a chance to defend himself in the hour and 45 minute interview with Carlson...All I can say is that what was discussed during the interview can genuinely be called eye-opening for first time listeners and toward the end, it was truly “grotesque,” to quote Carlson. Read more. More on the link between abortion and vaccines . . . Read, “It’s OK…We just thought you ought to know…” Several years ago (2019) Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD, President and Founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute recorded the following video in which she answers a series of questions about the abortion/vaccine link.
Read, “It’s OK…We just thought you ought to know…” Click image for video. The CDC Vaccine Excipient list, that Siri refers to in the interview, is no longer available on the CDC website; however, I have included a pdf version below along with related resources from Children of God for Life, "the pro-life worldwide leader in the campaign for ethical biomedical research and commerce that preserves the dignity of human life."
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” William Wilberforce
The topic of abortion and, in this case, aborted fetal cell vaccines, is not an easy one to address, but, "you ought to know." Please take the time to watch this brief but powerful CHOICE 4 2 video, “IT’S OK”. View the resource page and explore the links to learn more. Please share with others. Thank you and God bless. Click here for video and resources. Click here to view "It’s OK" on You Tube. Click here for an interview with “It’s OK” Director, Laura Klassen. (Laura discusses the video and goes into detail about some common myths about fetal cell lines.) No, It’s Not Ok . . . The irony of the script of “It’s OK” is that it’s NOT ok...No, it’s NOT OK that we live in a culture of child sacrifice. Abortion is murder and that is bad enough. But using babies that are STILL ALIVE and torturing them to create vaccines? ...Any civilization that will torture and murder some humans to benefit other children is a sick civilization that will face the wrath of God. In the case of fetal cell lines, it is the health of the collective that drives the justification for using living or “fresh” human beings for medical research and vaccine development... Most people have taken vaccines created from fetal cell lines, absorbing genetic material from babies sacrificed for a wide variety of reasons. Under pressure to “flatten the curve” (or keep their job), they rushed into a decision, not knowing what was even in the vaccine or how it was made. Read more. Do fetal tissue cell lines last forever or will they need to be replaced? 7/2/24...Finite cell lines like WI-38 (Ellie) and MRC-5 (David) - used in smallpox, rabies, hepatitis, chicken pox and MMR) - do not last forever and are already being replaced. Other “continuous” cell lines like HEK293 (Johanna) and PER.C6 (Jordan), technically don’t need to be replaced, yet may find themselves squeezed out of the market by more specialised and perfected cell lines in the future, unless consumer habits change. Read more. 12 Faulty Assumptions About Fetal Tissue Vaccines 3/15/21...The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is produced in cell lines derived from abortions — by contrast Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines used them in testing, which some argue may put them in the same moral category...The debate around the morality of fetal tissue vaccines frequently both contains and hinges upon faulty assumptions — thus, whichever side you stand on, it's worth considering the most common ones. Read more. What the HEK?! 2/9/21...HEK 293 is a human cell line created using a kidney from a dissected unborn baby in the Netherlands between 1972 and 1973. It is the second most common cell line and is used extensively in “pharmaceutical and biomedical research”. It is also used in vaccine creation and cancer research. Read more. Dr Theresa Deisher Explains How Aborted Fetal Cells Are Harvested and Then Used in Vaccine & Drug Development Watch video. (Dr. Deisher was the first person to identify and patent stem cells isolated from adults. Click here for video which begins at minute 34:20.) Please listen to this powerful message from the late Dr. Jim Meehan on aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines, religious freedom, and what he was taught in medical school about vaccines. Watch video. “Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage.” Doctor Ian Donald -Ultrasound Scanner Pioneer- (Dr. Donald claims to have witnessed the WI-38 dissections conducted at the Karolinska Institute.) “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” - William Wilberforce - For more on abortion tainted vaccines, please visit Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute and Children of God for Life. Catholic Church teaching on aborted fetal cell vaccines...“The one who is silent gives consent.”11/22/2019 Updated January 5, 2020... Please read Fr. Copenhagen's testimony opposing NJ S2173 at the NJ Senate Hearing on December 12, 2019. 2019 V.I.E Event, National Mall, Washington, DC Photo by Kari Bundy On Thursday November 14th, I attended the 2019 Vaccine Injury Epidemic (V.I.E.) Event on the National Mall in Washington DC. About 3000 of us gathered to raise awareness of vaccine injury and to remember the victims and families who live with vaccine injury and those who did not survive their vaccine injury. It was a powerful event with excellent speakers including doctors, scientists, lawmakers, attorneys, advocates, parents of vaccine injured and deceased children and members of the clergy, one of whom was Fr. Michael Copenhagen, a Catholic priest from Rochester, New York. I had recently read Restore Ye to Its Owners: on the immorality of receiving vaccines derived from abortion by Fr. Copenhagen; so I was thrilled when I heard him introduced. Listen below and please share the video and above document with others, including and especially with clergy and members of your church; and with those who believe there is no justification for a religious exemption to vaccines. "There are many here who make compelling scientific and personal cases, I'm here to make a religious and moral case for Catholics and for all to hear." “Most people are misinformed about actual church teaching on the issue of immorally produced fetal cell lines; those obtained through the taking of innocent human life and the stolen DNA present in many mandated vaccines…The result is that Catholics are unrepresented in a moral fight that is ours by right and by duty. Everywhere I see faithful Catholics numbingly going against the instincts of conscience because they are convinced that the Church has given an unconditional green light to the use of these cell lines. Let’s set the record straight...” Click here for a complete transcript of Fr. Copenhagen's V.I.E. speech. Click here to read the 2005 Vatican document to which Fr. Copenhagen refers. Also read the Children of God for Life document, "Aborted Fetal Material Used in Vaccines and Medicines", which answers the question "How many abortions were involved in vaccines?" This document gives the facts – the direct link to the abortions involved, the cell lines created and footnote hyperlinks directly to the science documents describing their work. “No one is bound to participate in one sin in order to avoid another. It is never permissible to do evil for a good purpose.” From Restore Ye to Its Owners: on the immorality of receiving vaccines derived from abortion by Fr. Michael Copenhagen Fr. Michael Copenhagen is a teacher at Chesterton Academy of Rochester since 2014 and has taught high school, middle school, and fourth grade, at St. John Bosco Schools since 2012. He is the Pastor of St. Nicholas the Wonder Worker Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Rochester NY. Father Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Scranton and Bachelor of Sacred Theology in Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. Hear all the 2019 V.I.E. Event speakers in the video below. Video starts at the 8 minute mark. List of Speakers
Updated December 15, 2020
In the following brief video, Dr. Theresa Deisher talks about human aborted fetal contaminants and retroviruses in the Rubella, MMR and Chickenpox vaccines and their association with several human diseases including Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and HIV associated dementia.
“Anyone who says that these contaminants in a vaccine would not do anything, either knows nothing about immunology or vaccinology; or they’re not telling the truth. If I talk to someone in the field of small fragment homologous recombination and I say “how much human fetal DNA fragments left in a vaccine do you think would be safe?” They say, ‘zero’.”
After starting video, be sure to click "unmute" icon at bottom right to activate sound.
“…and mutated stem cells could cause problems for us for life. The dangers of retroviral fragments as well as the residual human fetal DNA are an unstudied risk to vaccine recipients. No study has ever been done to look at the safety of these contaminants. No cytokines have ever been measured;
and no antibodies have ever been measured.”
In the June 20, 2019 episode of The HighWire, Del Bigtree talked with Dr. Deisher of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, about aborted fetal cell DNA fragments in vaccines. The video originally included with this blog post has been removed by YouTube. Below is an alternative video. Click image to view.
Related Information:
On July 11, 2019, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) published a feature article, entitled, "Fetal Cells and Vaccines -- Common Questions Answered." The article contained several false statements; including that the final vaccines are pure and "... will not introduce unnecessary components that could trigger immune responses or affect us in other ways." They did not reference any safety study for that statement. Click here to read Sound Choice Pharmaceuticals' July 21, 2019 rebuttal -- complete with references -- to the CHOP article.
Updated 4/17/21...The YouTube videos originally included in this post are no longer available. I have replaced them with videos from other platforms where possible. I apologize for any missing information. Stanley Plotkin, MD, aka "The Godfather of Vaccines, is considered the world's leading authority on vaccines. Originally published in 1988 and now in it's 7th edition, his book "Plotkin's Vaccines" is the standard textbook for vaccines; and has been called "the bible for vaccinologists" by pro vaccine advocate, Bill Gates. Following an introduction at the February 2017 meeting of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services National Vaccine Advisory Committee, Dr. Plotkin commented, "I hope you all have indeed have read the book, and I hope it's more accurate than the Bible." Unfortunately, the YouTube video where Dr. Plotkin makes that statement is no longer available. Dr. Plotkin is an atheist who has little tolerance for religious beliefs. He stands by his statement... “Vaccination is always under attack by religious zealots who believe that the will of God includes death and disease.” The video below, is an excerpt from a nine-hour deposition, in which Dr. Plotkin, while under oath, details the use of aborted babies in vaccines, beginning at about the 40 minute mark. If you have read J. B. Handley's, "How To End the Autism Epidemic" you will be aware of this deposition conducted by attorney, Aaron Siri.
Updated 3/28/24 Theresa Deisher, PhD is President of the non-profit Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. Her research focuses on the health risks of residual human fetal DNA contaminants and retroviruses found in pharmaceutical products, including some vaccines and how these contaminants may be implicated in autism, autoimmune disease and cancer. Dr. Deisher was the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, and has been a champion of adult stem cell research, both professionally and privately for over two decades. As the result of this work, her name is on 23 patents as the inventor. Read more about Dr. Deisher here. Not only is Dr. Deisher a brilliant scientist, who has the integrity and courage to speak out about her research even when it goes against popular mainstream thinking and corporate interests; she is a mother whose own son developed and passed away from a rare childhood cancer that her research has linked to human fetal cell vaccines. Take the time to listen to two recent interviews with Dr. Deisher and please share with others. The first is a Vaccine Choice Canada interview recorded in June, 2018 at the Alliance for Life Ontario annual conference where Dr. Deisher was one of the featured speakers. Topics covered in the interview include:
Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD - Vaccines & Aborted Fetal Cells, Ontario Canada (2018) https://odysee.com/@VaxxedDoctors:c/Dr.-Theresa-Deisher,-PhD---Guelph,-Ontario-Canada-June-23,-2018:4 Click above link for video. "I encourage parents to let their pediatrician know how these vaccines are made. Most pediatricians don't even know. Let their pediatrician know about the established biologic dangers to their child. Most pediatricians don't even know. Make their objections known, because if we declined these vaccines, we would have alternatives and in some cases, it's a matter of months. So there are alternatives that can be available in three months if we said no thank you as a population as a whole; we want a safer vaccine... If you're forced to vaccinate, it's very reasonable that you would delay until your child's as old as you possibly can; and I think that clearly reduces the risk for autism. That won't reduce the potential risk for cancer, but the cancer rates in children are much lower than the rates in autism." -Theresa Deisher, PhD- In "The Truth About Stem Cells" interview below with The HighWire's Del Bigtree, Dr. Deisher explains how human fetal cell line vaccines are having adverse effects on our children in the form of autism and rare childhood cancers. Dr. Deisher also talks about the arrogance of many MDs and PhDs who don't like to admit that they might be wrong. “...I can say this because I’m a scientist, but you can’t. I think that there is, in many cases, an arrogance among MDs and PhDs; that they don’t want to admit that they are wrong. They don’t want to question. Sometimes they’ll hold to dogma, I mean they’ll hold to dogma where there’s actually no data anywhere that supports it; but these are also very confident people and you have to be confident to be a doctor or a scientist, right; and so yet that strength if it’s not balanced with perspective and curiosity and inquisitiveness, is a huge weakness. So confidence can then become arrogance and arrogance does not like to be wrong and if that arrogance is not, is based on a really weak foundation, right, then, it’s attack; because they’re arrogant really; really, they’re not confident. …They’ve lost the balance and so it’s turned into arrogance; and arrogance is weak actually and vulnerable and they’re very angry. when they feel that they’re attacked.” -Theresa Deisher, PhD- Please consider making a donation to support Dr. Deisher's work.
Your tax-deductible contribution to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute will help insure that your children and grandchildren receive medicines free from human embryonic or human fetal material. All of your donation goes directly to support program activities. In May, I shared a post by Courtney Charles entitled, "Do Vaccines Violate the Christian Faith?" In the following post, "Calling All Christians" Courtney addresses the use of aborted fetal cell vaccines, and the dilemma that causes for those opposed to abortion, especially in light of the recent approval of CA SB277 which eliminates religious and personal belief exemptions. Inspired by a scripture passage, Courtney's message speaks to both Christians and non-Christians who oppose vaccines due to deeply held religious beliefs. It also reminds me of the scripture passage that "nudged" me to start Vaccine Choice Prayer Community. Read about that here. Note: There is much misinformation about the Vatican and the use of aborted fetal cell vaccines. For accurate information, please visit Children of God for Life; and for further clarification of the "right of conscience" please read this May 6, 2015 letter sent to California lawmakers by Children of God for Life. Do Vaccines Violate the Christian Faith? by Courtney Charles Continuing along the same lines as my post "Aborted Fetal Cell Vaccines & Religious Beliefs," below is a beautifully written, well referenced article by Courtney Charles from her website Alkaline Mom's Alabaster Living. It comes at a time when Christians and non-christians are facing the very real possibility that they will have to violate their deeply held religious beliefs in exchange for education, employment, medical care and more. Thank you Courtney, for permission to share your post! |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025