Updated 3/28/24 Theresa Deisher, PhD is President of the non-profit Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. Her research focuses on the health risks of residual human fetal DNA contaminants and retroviruses found in pharmaceutical products, including some vaccines and how these contaminants may be implicated in autism, autoimmune disease and cancer. Dr. Deisher was the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, and has been a champion of adult stem cell research, both professionally and privately for over two decades. As the result of this work, her name is on 23 patents as the inventor. Read more about Dr. Deisher here. Not only is Dr. Deisher a brilliant scientist, who has the integrity and courage to speak out about her research even when it goes against popular mainstream thinking and corporate interests; she is a mother whose own son developed and passed away from a rare childhood cancer that her research has linked to human fetal cell vaccines. Take the time to listen to two recent interviews with Dr. Deisher and please share with others. The first is a Vaccine Choice Canada interview recorded in June, 2018 at the Alliance for Life Ontario annual conference where Dr. Deisher was one of the featured speakers. Topics covered in the interview include:
Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD - Vaccines & Aborted Fetal Cells, Ontario Canada (2018) https://odysee.com/@VaxxedDoctors:c/Dr.-Theresa-Deisher,-PhD---Guelph,-Ontario-Canada-June-23,-2018:4 Click above link for video. "I encourage parents to let their pediatrician know how these vaccines are made. Most pediatricians don't even know. Let their pediatrician know about the established biologic dangers to their child. Most pediatricians don't even know. Make their objections known, because if we declined these vaccines, we would have alternatives and in some cases, it's a matter of months. So there are alternatives that can be available in three months if we said no thank you as a population as a whole; we want a safer vaccine... If you're forced to vaccinate, it's very reasonable that you would delay until your child's as old as you possibly can; and I think that clearly reduces the risk for autism. That won't reduce the potential risk for cancer, but the cancer rates in children are much lower than the rates in autism." -Theresa Deisher, PhD- In "The Truth About Stem Cells" interview below with The HighWire's Del Bigtree, Dr. Deisher explains how human fetal cell line vaccines are having adverse effects on our children in the form of autism and rare childhood cancers. Dr. Deisher also talks about the arrogance of many MDs and PhDs who don't like to admit that they might be wrong. “...I can say this because I’m a scientist, but you can’t. I think that there is, in many cases, an arrogance among MDs and PhDs; that they don’t want to admit that they are wrong. They don’t want to question. Sometimes they’ll hold to dogma, I mean they’ll hold to dogma where there’s actually no data anywhere that supports it; but these are also very confident people and you have to be confident to be a doctor or a scientist, right; and so yet that strength if it’s not balanced with perspective and curiosity and inquisitiveness, is a huge weakness. So confidence can then become arrogance and arrogance does not like to be wrong and if that arrogance is not, is based on a really weak foundation, right, then, it’s attack; because they’re arrogant really; really, they’re not confident. …They’ve lost the balance and so it’s turned into arrogance; and arrogance is weak actually and vulnerable and they’re very angry. when they feel that they’re attacked.” -Theresa Deisher, PhD- Please consider making a donation to support Dr. Deisher's work.
Your tax-deductible contribution to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute will help insure that your children and grandchildren receive medicines free from human embryonic or human fetal material. All of your donation goes directly to support program activities.
8/20/2018 11:27:48 am
A friend suggested this link
Christine Rice
8/20/2018 06:27:23 pm
Our government is out of control.
10/26/2018 08:30:31 am
Even delaying vaccinations can be a disaster for some children. There is no known safe vaccine and their never will be. Four of my grandchildren were partially vaccinated at ages 5-11. The 5 year old developed Celiac, asthma and allergies. The 7 year has developed learning, comprehension and auditory difficulties along with anxiety and allergies. The 9 year old developed Celiac, IBS, allergies and Fibromyalgia. The 11 year old developed asthma, anxiety and fine motor problems.
Maryann Cassidy
1/31/2020 08:39:50 pm
Is celiac disease a symptom of squalene autoimmune response? I hope your granddaughters aren't exposed to Roundup, in addition to vaccine damage.
ulises cortez
3/15/2019 12:21:52 pm
Buen día, estoy es sumamente interesante, Tendran material en Español?????
Désirée Röver
7/21/2019 03:39:18 am
There is no safe vaccine. EVER.
12/10/2019 07:48:31 am
Absolutely true!
12/10/2019 07:53:35 am
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