Measles is in the news again, but is it a serious concern or a media fear tactic? Host Paul Thomas and Dr. Larry Palevsky discuss measles and MMR risk through a pediatric lens and give parents and guardians practical tips for safely navigating an outbreak and making decisions that are best for their child. Watch video. Click here for more episodes of Pediatric Perspectives with Dr. Paul Thomas. Whenever the Public Health Empire gets worried that people are losing their fear of contagion, suddenly cases of an infectious disease pop up and we are told that unless everyone gets vaccinated, death is only a sneeze at the check-out counter or a plane ride away. For a long time, but especially over the past decade, the contagious disease selected for this “sky is falling” hype is measles. Read more. Watch video. From Why I started researching vaccines by JFS . . . "In 2014, when I was launching VCPC and asked my then 87 year old aunt and mother of four about measles, she just laughed and replied, "Never thought much about it. Just waited until they ran through the house and were finished!" Read more. Related information... Measles Disease & Vaccine Information (Courtesy of National Vaccine Information Center - NVIC) Measles and the MMR Vaccine (Courtesy of Physicians for Informed Consent - PIC) Mainstream Measles Mongers (Courtesy of The Vaccine Reaction) Those of us born before 1970 with personal experience pretty much all agree that measles is a big “meh.” We all had it ourselves and so did our brothers, sisters, and school friends. We also had chicken pox and the mumps and typically got a few days off school. The only side effect of those diseases was that my mom sighed heavily and called work to say she had to stay home to look after a kid with spots. Read more "Surprising Remedies for Measles Might Have Saved Many Lives" (Courtesy of The Epoch Times) Recent measles outbreaks have reignited discussions about the vaccine. But does a vaccine resolve the problem, or are there more effective ways to prepare? Read more. How Measles Vaccines Alter Our Natural Immunity (Courtesy of The Epoch Times) Vaccines are built upon a theory of needing antibodies to fight a virus. But research shows that antibodies are not essential and can even alter our immunity. Read more. "Knowledge is power. Be the one who never has to say that you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow. It’s your health, your family, your choice." - Barbara Loe Fisher -
When it comes to vaccine injury awareness, informed consent and vaccine choice, no one has done more or fought harder or longer for the rights of parents and children than Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) which Barbara co-founded with Kathi Williams in 1982 under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together. Barbara was there when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by Congress. The following HighWire interview with Barbara tells the whole story about the 1986 Act and more; and is, perhaps, the most powerful HighWire episode to date. Please take time to watch the interview, read the supporting facts, and share with others. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act created by members of Congress after more than four years of deliberation with vaccine stakeholders, including parents of vaccine injured children, medical trade associations, public health agencies, vaccine manufacturers, and Administration officials, was signed into law as part of an Omnibus health bill by President Ronald Reagan on Nov. 14, 1986. The Act’s provisions specifically applied to federally licensed and recommended vaccines for children routinely mandated by states for school attendance. Read more. Watch interview. “There is no justice in the compensation program. It’s a joke. It’s a cruel joke. It’s an imitation, a poor imitation of a court trial in Washington DC, in the U.S. Court of Special Claims.” “…every admission, every award, is an admission that vaccines can do that; and that’s been the biggest problem because no one wants to acknowledge in the system, wants to acknowledge the extent of the problem with vaccine injury and death… so it’s minimize, cover-up, deny.” "The shaming and silencing of voices of the vaccine injured and those who are defending civil liberties must end." ![]() In the quiet suburb of Washington, D.C., the life of a stay-at-home Mom, Barbara Loe Fisher, took an unexpected turn in 1980 when her bright, healthy two and a half year old son suffered a reaction to his fourth DPT shot. It was a moment forever etched in her memory, as she remembers how her beloved first born child struggled with the ramifications of a decision she made with good intention, believing that a doctor would never give a child something that could cause harm. Read more. Watch video. Four Decades of Dedication . . .![]() Barbara Loe Fisher's Heartfelt Journey to Safeguard Vaccine Safety and Champion Informed Consent. Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982. For the past four decades, she has led a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject... Read more. Click here and here to read more and watch videos, including an inspiring tribute to Barbara and her 40 year mission to protect our children and grandchildren. ![]() On a personal note . . . In addition to my long-time respect for Barbara Loe Fisher, I am forever grateful to her for the 1985 edition of her book with Harris L. Coulter, "DPT: A Shot In The Dark" which played an integral role in my vaccine safety research as I prepared for the birth of my third child in 1988. I met Barbara for the first time in 2017, and had the opportunity to thank her personally. -JFS- NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) is dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws. Please visit "We Remember" and "Families Speak". Click here for additional resources to help you make a well informed vaccine related decision. “You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own. And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine...and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave. When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.”
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center In the following fully referenced video commentary and print transcript, NVIC Co-Founder & President, Barbara Loe Fisher, analyzes and offers perspective on the historic response to the COVID-19 pandemic by governments, the pharmaceutical industry, and the public. Please listen to her powerful message, and share with others. Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, NVIC Click image for video and transcript. "...if the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." How Fear of a Virus Changed Our World by Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Fear is a primal biological response to a perceived threat to our survival. Fear triggers momentary paralysis and then a fight or flight reaction before the brain can rationally analyze and calibrate our response to a perceived threat. Right now, people around the world are living in fear of being infected or infecting someone else with a new coronavirus that can kill those most vulnerable without warning. Along with confusion and uncertainty, which prolongs fear, many of us are traumatized by the authoritarian measures governments have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that began in China in late 2019. The “new normal” is disorienting, like we have taken a hit to the gut and then to the head that we didn’t see coming. Maybe that is why so many Americans, who value freedom of speech, religion, assembly, privacy and the right to work, have given those constitutional rights up, without stopping to think through the ramifications of the larger precedent being set. We are slowly coming out of shock five months after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control declared a public health emergency on January 31, which escalated six weeks later into a social distancing lockdown when the World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 pandemic on March 11. Read more. Click here for video, and fully referenced transcript. "Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow." Also by Barbara Loe Fisher...
The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American (Video Commentary & Print Transcript) Catholic Church teaching on aborted fetal cell vaccines...“The one who is silent gives consent.”11/22/2019 Updated January 5, 2020... Please read Fr. Copenhagen's testimony opposing NJ S2173 at the NJ Senate Hearing on December 12, 2019. 2019 V.I.E Event, National Mall, Washington, DC Photo by Kari Bundy On Thursday November 14th, I attended the 2019 Vaccine Injury Epidemic (V.I.E.) Event on the National Mall in Washington DC. About 3000 of us gathered to raise awareness of vaccine injury and to remember the victims and families who live with vaccine injury and those who did not survive their vaccine injury. It was a powerful event with excellent speakers including doctors, scientists, lawmakers, attorneys, advocates, parents of vaccine injured and deceased children and members of the clergy, one of whom was Fr. Michael Copenhagen, a Catholic priest from Rochester, New York. I had recently read Restore Ye to Its Owners: on the immorality of receiving vaccines derived from abortion by Fr. Copenhagen; so I was thrilled when I heard him introduced. Listen below and please share the video and above document with others, including and especially with clergy and members of your church; and with those who believe there is no justification for a religious exemption to vaccines. "There are many here who make compelling scientific and personal cases, I'm here to make a religious and moral case for Catholics and for all to hear." “Most people are misinformed about actual church teaching on the issue of immorally produced fetal cell lines; those obtained through the taking of innocent human life and the stolen DNA present in many mandated vaccines…The result is that Catholics are unrepresented in a moral fight that is ours by right and by duty. Everywhere I see faithful Catholics numbingly going against the instincts of conscience because they are convinced that the Church has given an unconditional green light to the use of these cell lines. Let’s set the record straight...” Click here for a complete transcript of Fr. Copenhagen's V.I.E. speech. Click here to read the 2005 Vatican document to which Fr. Copenhagen refers. Also read the Children of God for Life document, "Aborted Fetal Material Used in Vaccines and Medicines", which answers the question "How many abortions were involved in vaccines?" This document gives the facts – the direct link to the abortions involved, the cell lines created and footnote hyperlinks directly to the science documents describing their work. “No one is bound to participate in one sin in order to avoid another. It is never permissible to do evil for a good purpose.” From Restore Ye to Its Owners: on the immorality of receiving vaccines derived from abortion by Fr. Michael Copenhagen Fr. Michael Copenhagen is a teacher at Chesterton Academy of Rochester since 2014 and has taught high school, middle school, and fourth grade, at St. John Bosco Schools since 2012. He is the Pastor of St. Nicholas the Wonder Worker Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Rochester NY. Father Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Scranton and Bachelor of Sacred Theology in Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. Hear all the 2019 V.I.E. Event speakers in the video below. Video starts at the 8 minute mark. List of Speakers
Vaccine Awareness Week 2019 The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) provides the public with independent, well-referenced information on vaccines and advocates for vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the public health system. This educational charity’s mission since 1982 has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to secure and defend your legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination. Please watch this three minute video about NVIC. Video courtesy of In the video interview below, NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher and holistic health advocate, Dr. Joe Mercola discuss measles outbreaks and how the ever-intensifying pressure by the forced vaccination lobby in 2019 to eliminate vaccine exemptions throughout the United States is affecting the public conversation about vaccination and informed consent rights.
Topics include: by Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, NVIC "How well do you know the lucrative global vaccine market and how private physicians are being enlisted by government to abandon the precautionary and informed consent principles so they can become agents of the state and enforce one-size-fits-all vaccine laws?
In this eye-opening illustrated video and referenced written commentary, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher provides analysis and perspective about why the medical exemption to vaccination has become a political football and is disappearing from state public health laws. She describes the lucrative global vaccine market and how private physicians are being enlisted by government to abandon the precautionary and informed consent principles so they can become agents of the state and enforce one-size-fits-all vaccine laws. She reviews the history of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and efforts by the forced vaccination lobby to turn ACIP vaccine use recommendations into state vaccine laws that legally prohibit doctors from exercising professional judgment and conscience when granting a child a medical vaccine exemption." by Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center Every July 4 since our nation declared independence in 1776, Americans have celebrated this truth: “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” 1 The Declaration of Independence rejected unjust laws imposed by a privileged ruling class. The guiding principles of the Declaration of Independence were codified into the Bill of Rights to limit the power of government and protect our unalienable natural rights. The First Amendment of the Constitution states that: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” 2 by Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles and editorials spewing hatred toward a tiny minority of parents with unvaccinated children, who are being blamed for measles outbreaks. 1 2 3 The remedy is always a call to track down, persecute and punish any parent whose child is not vaccinated. 4 5 6 Some state and federal lawmakers are reacting to the relentless fear mongering by proposing to severely restrict the medical vaccine exemption and eliminate all religious and conscientious belief exemptions in state vaccine laws. 7 8 9 10 These exemptions, which help prevent vaccine injuries and deaths, also protect parental rights, civil liberties and the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking. 11 Pediatricians Turn Well Baby Visits Into Vaccine Battlegrounds by Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC11/15/2018 "Pediatricians’ offices have become ugly battlegrounds. Intelligent, well-informed and loving parents asking legitimate questions about vaccination are being belittled and treated with disrespect and contempt by too many pediatricians robotically implementing the CDC’s inflexible vaccine schedule in clear violation of the informed consent principle." -Barbara Loe Fisher- The following is a video referenced commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Originally posted 11/5/18 at I remember when I took my first-born baby to the pediatrician for his first checkup 40 years ago. Like most young Moms, I looked up to my pediatrician and completely trusted him. I did everything he told me to do, never questioning his expertise or doubting him, believing that he would never recommend or do anything that would put my baby in harm’s way. Much has changed since 1978. Back then infants and children were getting half as many vaccines as they do today.1 Parents had no information at all about vaccine risks and failures. We just followed the doctor’s orders. Today, the subject of vaccination is the most often discussed health topic in America. Not a day goes by without mothers and fathers being reminded that the health of the nation depends upon making sure their children get every one of the 69 doses of 16 CDC recommended vaccines exactly on schedule. 2 3 4 Click here to continue reading and access references.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025