Released in May, 2020, the 25-minute documentary, Plandemic Part 1, which featured an interview with whistleblower and scientist, Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, quickly became the most viewed and the most banned documentary of all time. Last week, Plandemic director, Mikki Willis, released PLANDEMIC INDOCTORNATION, aka PLANDEMIC II free for all to view. It's a must watch for those who are willing to think beyond the mainstream narrative and seek truth in connection with Covid-19 and the current state of our world. Watch this very important film and be brave enough to share it. "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17 "Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decision makers that are currently managing this crisis." Visit the Plandemic website at to access video in a variety of languages, for individual video segments, to download videos, and for content links. “If I thought even one child or one grandma was injured or killed because I didn’t do something, that would have ended my life as I know it. There was no money you could ever pay me to get me to cover this up. I will never stop telling the truth.” “I’m telling people everywhere, please do not get a flu vaccine at the end of the summer or we will see another outbreak of Covid-19. The vaccine will drive the pandemic just as the flu vaccine in Italy drove the excessive number of deaths in Italy. That’s one of the most dangerous, untested vaccines that I’ve ever seen.” - Judy Mikovits, PhD - Listen to the interviews below with Plandemic Director, Mikki Willis, and Dr. David Martin, for a deeper understanding of how and why the Plandemic series came to be. Mikki Willis Interview with Brian Rose, London Real Mikki Willis Interview with Ben Swann, Truth In Media Part 1 and Part 2 “…I hope this film wakes people up to know that not only can we overcome what’s happening right now; we will overcome it; but we can create a new system, new worlds, not the new world order, I want to be careful with my language but but a, new environments that actually work for all people. We have the ability to do that if we just stop following the corrupt leaders.” - Mikki Willis, Director Plandemic Indoctornation - Mikki Willis Interview with Del Bigtree, The Highwire Interview begins at 35 minutes from the end. In this HighWire interview with Del Bigtree, David Martin, PhD, who is featured in Plandemic Indoctornation, explains how his expertise played a unique part in understanding the illegality of the coronavirus patent, and debunks the debunkers. To learn more about Dr. Martin, click here and here. PLANDEMIC INDOCTORNATION can also be viewed, free of charge, at PLANDEMICSERIES.COM FREEDOMPLATFORM.TV/PLANDEMIC, ISE.MEDIA THE HIGHWIRE
As shared in my last VCPC post, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, whose protocol is helping Covid-19 patients recover, recently underwent surgery and will soon be starting radiation and chemotherapy. (Please keep him in your prayers.) In a brief Facebook video from his hospital bed post surgery, Dr. Zelenko stated, “…I’ll be soon back at the front lines fighting this war against this evil enemy called politics, and money and arrogance.”
Shortly after returning home, Dr. Zelenko gave an eye-opening, thought-provoking interview in which he discussed why there has been so much opposition to his protocol which includes low dose hydroxychloroquine; and he asked for our help in getting his message out. Listen to the interview below while it is still available; and please sign and share Dr. Zelenko's petition, "Please give the Zelenko Protocol an EUA."
Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, MD
It’s not about me. At this point in my life I promise you I’ve had enough recognition
and fame and I’m not looking for anything. That doesn’t mean anything to me. It means…is to leave a positive legacy and impact in the world that the world is a softer, gentler place; and that happens through the sanctification of the name of God. That the knowledge of God will be revealed and spread through the world like water of the ocean.”
Watch video.
“Repeat it in my name, without my name; irrelevant, as long as the message
gets delivered…”
In the following brief video, Dr. Zelenko asks for our support with his petition which needs 100,000 signatures by September 6, 2020. Please sign and share the petition."Please give the Zelenko Protocol an EUA."
Sign and share the White House petition...
"Please give the Zelenko Protocol an EUA"
The Zelenko Protocol has shown an 84% reduction in hospitalizations in Covid-19 and a 0.71% death rate in High risk patients (expected death rate was >5%). HCQ and Zinc may have a prophylactic and/or treatment role in the influenza virus.
Click here to add your name to the petition.
Related post...
"America, there is a cure for Covid...Nobody needs to die..." Updated 8/10/20 When I first listened to Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko in a March interview with Rudy Giuliani, I knew that Covid-19 didn't have to be a death sentence. Dr. Zelenko talked about his successful treatment of hundreds of Covid-19 patients. Giuliani interviewed Dr. Zelenko again in early July, by which time, Dr. Zelenko and his team had seen over 2200 Covid-19 patients in the outpatient setting and had achieved a 99.3% survival rate. Listen to the Giuliani and the more comprehensive Covexit interviews below and read Dr. Zelenko's retrospective case series study. Please share this and my August 3rd post with others so they too will know there is a safe, effective and inexpensive treatment for Covid-19. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to share some optimism. Not some, a wonderful piece of information with the American public and I would like to reassure our country that we’re going to get through this and there’s no need for unnecessary anxiety.” -Zev Zelenko, MD-
In the three part interview below, Dr. Zelenko covers a number of Covid-19 related issues. I encourage you to listen in; and ask that you keep Dr. Zelenko in your prayers as he deals with a serious heart related health challenge and surgery. Click image for interview Part 1. “In my opinion, no one really should be dying of Covid-19, if treated properly with my clinical data and experience. It’s no different than any other infection. You intervene early. Most patients recover. A subset won’t; you’ll have to admit them in the hospital…most of them will recover and unfortunately, a small percentage, according to my data, less than 1% will have a problem, will die…but that’s the nature of life. Nothing is 100% guaranteed. So I think that it’s a tragedy; it’s the biggest tragedy that I’ve witnessed in my lifetime…I feel that I live in a world of tyranny right now where the government gets in the way of what used to be sacred, a physician-patient, doctor-patient relationship where a doctor would make a recommendation; a patient would listen, think about it and either agree or not agree and if there was an agreement, there would be a treatment initiated. Now the government says, even though the two of you have agreed, we know better. We’re going to stand in the middle and we’re gonna mandate and regulate what you can do.” “…retracted, fraudulent studies which have been discredited are still being used by organizations like the FDA. So you know what people in power really think? That you and me are idiots. That we’re stupid. That we are able to buy all of this propaganda and we’re not capable of critical thought or analysis, or common sense and that they can feed us whatever they want, regardless if it’s true or not true and we’ll just accept it. To them, I answer, “no” humanity is smarter than you think, and you can try to suppress the truth and you may be initially successful but sooner or later the truth will come out and history will judge you and you’ll get what you deserve.” Dr. Zelenko delivered the following message on July 18th from his hospital bed ... "Regarding Covid, we’re winning thank God. Some countries in Central America, believe it or not, are making it over the counter, Hydroxychloroquine, and the truth is really unstoppable at this point. It’s just a function of time. Unfortunately, time means life lost. So it’s upon us, all of us, to spread the truth, that there’s a solution. It’s a terrible problem. That it works. It just needs to be used properly and that will facilitate the physical, spiritual and economic healing of the world. So there’s a lot of hope and optimism coming and again I want to express my heartfelt and sincere gratitude to all you wonderful people who supported me and keep supporting me in this moment in time. God bless you all.” In a July 2nd HighWire interview with Del Bigtree, while discussing the challenges doctors and patients were having in accessing hydroxychloroquine, Dr. Zelenko stated... “ my personal opinions, anyone who got in the way of access to care, who got in the way of access to patients having medication, committed crimes against humanity; and are guilty of mass murder.” Watch excerpts from the HighWire interview here. Watch the full HighWire interview below. Click image to watch HighWire interview. Read Dr. Zelenko's landmark study about his treatment of outpatients during the COVID-19 crisis: COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study Updated 8/7/20 America's Frontline Doctors, a group of physicians who are actively diagnosing and successfully treating Covid-19 patients, met in Washington, DC on July 27th for a summit and press conference which was covered by Breitbart News. Within hours, the press conference video which had been seen by more than 17 million viewers (including me) was taken down from Facebook. Shortly thereafter, the video disappeared from YouTube and Twitter. Click here for details on the censorship; and click image below to watch the press conference video. Click image to watch the July, 27th America's Frontline Doctors press conference. The next day, on July 28th, after learning that video had been censored, the "silenced" doctors returned to the front steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC to once again share their powerful message of hope with the American people. Click here for the July 28th conference which, as of August 3, is still available via YouTube. America's Frontline Doctors Press Conference, July 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. Note: I discovered on August 7, 2020 that the YouTube version of the July 28th press conference had been removed. Many thanks to Brighteon for hosting the video! Click image to access video. These good doctors are being attacked in mainstream and social media. One of them, Dr. Simone Gold, a board certified emergency room physician and lawyer, was fired from her hospital position for appearing in the video.
Although the summit and press conference covered a number of Covid-19 related issues, much of the attack seemed to revolve around the doctors' recommendation of hydroxychloroquine. Scroll down for links to a number of resources, that support America's Frontline Doctors' stance on the lifesaving benefits of Hydroxychloroquine. |
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