"In 2016, a groundbreaking film exposed the vaccine scandal to the world (Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe)... In 2019, we took the message on the road and gave voice to the masses (Vaxxed II The People's Truth)... The story continues...exposing the devastation that occurred during Covid...In 2024 (Vaxxed III Authorized to Kill)." Click image for video. Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe told the story of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and the cover up of research that showed a link between vaccines and autism. In Vaxxed II The People's Truth, parents of children who had been injured or died following routine childhood vaccines shared their heartbreaking stories. Doctors and scientists also spoke out, as did parents of healthy unvaccinated children. In Vaxxed III, victims of Covid-19 "vaccine" injury and families who lost loved ones following injection or from Covid hospital protocols, share their tragic and eerily similar stories, They are joined by doctors and other medical professionals, scientists, lawyers and whistleblowers, whose eyes have been opened and lives have been changed forever by what they witnessed. Those who escaped adverse effects from the Covid-19 injection or hospital protocols, have much to be thankful for. As you will learn, countless others were not as fortunate. Please pray for the victims and their families. Watch and share Vaxxed III, while it is available for free online viewing, in an effort to prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again. Thank you and God bless. “So the patients were under treated, mistreated, maltreated, and died, because of money and it boils down to that. It really boils down to that...We failed as a society. We failed as a as a medical community. We were misguided by government agencies, the NIH, the FDA, the CDC and especially misguided by money and protocols.” Ryan Cole, MD “I knew they were killing people. I knew they were killing people in the hospital. I would cry myself to sleep at night . . . There was so much death, it was almost unbearable. Hospitals became the place where people go to die, instead of the place where people go to get better. They separated newborns from their moms. They let people die alone without being able to say good-bye. They drugged them and they strapped them down and people died without being able to say good-bye to their family.” Medical Coder “I’m adamant that, you know, we can never go down this road again where the FDA and the CDC and our politicians and big pharma, etc., pushed protocols on us that not only don’t work, but actually harm, injure and even kill patients.” Medical Doctor “If Ivermectin’s efficacy were known to the country and the world, it would have decimated the markets for the entire mRNA vaccine campaign, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, Monoclonal Antibodies and Remdesivir. You’re talking about markets, which in sum, probably total, well over 100 billion dollars.” Pierre Kory, MD
In the CHD-TV Pediatric Perspectives episode below, retired pediatrician Paul Thomas, MD and practicing pediatrician, Larry Palevsky, MD, offer valuable information for parents regarding vaccine "requirements" for school and sports participation. They discuss vaccine adverse events -- including young athletes and the Covid-19 injection, school options, current public school curriculum, bird flu, and measles; and offer excellent advice for overall good health. Please listen and share with parents and grandparents and anyone concerned about children's health. School is just around the corner, and the pressure is on to get kids “up-to-date” on their school vaccinations. Many states allow families to opt out of the shots, but others do not provide exemptions as an option. In this episode of “Pediatric Perspectives,” Larry Palevsky, M.D. and Paul Thomas, M.D. provide parents with helpful information on this subject -- just in time for the fall. Click here to watch video. “I really feel that more and more parents can and could and might be able to take a different stand and say, ‘I’m not going to be part of a system that won’t let me in unless I poison my child.’ And so this is where homeschooling and co-ops and unschooling becomes a great, great possibility…There’s so many ways to homeschool your kids that you don’t have to be the one doing it all day, every day.” Larry Palevsky, MD “Just understand, there is no such thing as a safe shot and there is no such thing as no adverse event from vaccines.” Larry Palevsky, MD “You cannot inject the soup of toxins that are in vaccines and not create some harm. It just may be delayed in how it presents.” Paul Thomas, MD Note: Although Dr. Thomas lists Pennsylvania (my home state) as one of the states that does not honor vaccine exemptions, as you will see below, PA does offer Philosophical, Religious and Medical vaccine exemptions. Click here to learn more about U.S. State Vaccine Laws. U.S. State Vaccine Laws VAX FACTS. What to consider before vaccinating at all ages and all stages of life
by Paul Thomas M.D. and DeeDee Hoover Click here to learn more. When it comes to vaccine injury awareness, informed consent and vaccine choice, no one has done more or fought harder or longer for the rights of parents and children than Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) which Barbara co-founded with Kathi Williams in 1982 under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together. Barbara was there when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by Congress. The following HighWire interview with Barbara tells the whole story about the 1986 Act and more; and is, perhaps, the most powerful HighWire episode to date. Please take time to watch the interview, read the supporting facts, and share with others. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act created by members of Congress after more than four years of deliberation with vaccine stakeholders, including parents of vaccine injured children, medical trade associations, public health agencies, vaccine manufacturers, and Administration officials, was signed into law as part of an Omnibus health bill by President Ronald Reagan on Nov. 14, 1986. The Act’s provisions specifically applied to federally licensed and recommended vaccines for children routinely mandated by states for school attendance. Read more. Watch interview. “There is no justice in the compensation program. It’s a joke. It’s a cruel joke. It’s an imitation, a poor imitation of a court trial in Washington DC, in the U.S. Court of Special Claims.” “…every admission, every award, is an admission that vaccines can do that; and that’s been the biggest problem because no one wants to acknowledge in the system, wants to acknowledge the extent of the problem with vaccine injury and death… so it’s minimize, cover-up, deny.” "The shaming and silencing of voices of the vaccine injured and those who are defending civil liberties must end." ![]() In the quiet suburb of Washington, D.C., the life of a stay-at-home Mom, Barbara Loe Fisher, took an unexpected turn in 1980 when her bright, healthy two and a half year old son suffered a reaction to his fourth DPT shot. It was a moment forever etched in her memory, as she remembers how her beloved first born child struggled with the ramifications of a decision she made with good intention, believing that a doctor would never give a child something that could cause harm. Read more. Watch video. Four Decades of Dedication . . .![]() Barbara Loe Fisher's Heartfelt Journey to Safeguard Vaccine Safety and Champion Informed Consent. Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982. For the past four decades, she has led a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject... Read more. Click here and here to read more and watch videos, including an inspiring tribute to Barbara and her 40 year mission to protect our children and grandchildren. ![]() On a personal note . . . In addition to my long-time respect for Barbara Loe Fisher, I am forever grateful to her for the 1985 edition of her book with Harris L. Coulter, "DPT: A Shot In The Dark" which played an integral role in my vaccine safety research as I prepared for the birth of my third child in 1988. I met Barbara for the first time in 2017, and had the opportunity to thank her personally. -JFS- NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) is dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws. Please visit "We Remember" and "Families Speak". Click here for additional resources to help you make a well informed vaccine related decision. “You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own. And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine...and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave. When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.”
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center “I just pray that parents will continue to research and educate; and don’t feel pressured; don’t feel pressured. You have a choice. If your pediatrician pressures you, find somebody else.” - Michelle (Jayden’s Mom) Watch video. Original post 6/29/19...Updated 10/15/23... About two years ago I first read a post about Jayden that his mother, Michelle, shared on Facebook. Almost immediately, this sweet little boy and his devoted family worked their way into my heart; and I've wanted to compile a blog post about them for quite some time. Like many other parents of severely vaccine injured children; when the conventional medical establishment gave them little hope or options for recovering Jayden; with relentless determination, in depth research and unwavering faith in God, Jayden's mom and dad found ways to recover their son. In addition to being Jayden's primary caregiver, while raising his very bright and busy older sister, and operating a home-based business, Michelle still finds time to keep her social media family updated on Jayden's progress and setbacks. It is extremely disturbing that children and families like Jayden's; get ignored by pro-vaccine advocates and legislators who cling to the belief that vaccines are "safe and effective" and push for vaccine mandates and repeal of vaccine exemptions. Thank you Michelle Marie and Dave for your inspiring faith; for sharing your sweet Jayden with all of us; and for speaking out to educate and protect others. The following post from Michelle, along with photos and videos summarize Jayden's story; and tell the very real truth that vaccines can and do cause serious harm and heartache. Read, watch and share and please keep Jayden, and all vaccine injured children and their families in your prayers. "Every day I pray that more eyes will open to what is really going on in the world."
In the following conversation, "The Journey of a Health Revolutionary" recorded live on September 19, 2023 in Bath, UK, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Tess Lawrie discuss how their views on routine childhood vaccines have changed since Covid-19. They also discuss Covid 'vaccines', spike protein shedding, base spike protein detoxification, censorship, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, health freedom, the crisis of compassion, doctor worship, coping with evil, dying with dignity, The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and more. I urge you to listen, and share -- especially with those considering additional Covid-19 injections and with parents who are making vaccine decisions for their children. Click image for conversation. "I think he (Andrew Wakefield) was right all along; and I think he will be vindicated absolutely." - Dr. Tess Lawrie "When we realise how we have inadvertently harmed our children by outsourcing their health to the authorities for decades without questioning, there is likely to be a painful period of sober reflection, anger and collective mourning...It is now clear that a common-sense approach to childhood vaccines is urgently needed." Click here to read World Council For Health statement, "A Common-sense Approach to Childhood Vaccines is Now Needed." “You have to say, ‘I do not consent’ and then you have to take action. We all have to take action. It’s our children’s lives and their health that’s at stake. So we really have to step up and not feel so helpless…We’ve got to be a warrior and not a worrier. Your children need you. Our children, children and grandchildren; we have to step up and protect them. If we don’t, who will.” Dr. Tess Lawrie “If I were a young parent today, what I would do is I would forego the vaccines,” - Dr. Peter McCullough Below are several articles and videos for your consideration as you ponder the above two questions. The first video, entitled "The Unvaccinated", is a 21 minute excerpt from the powerful 2019 documentary, VAXXED II: The People's Truth. Please share this information with others who might benefit. ![]() Click here or here to watch VAXXED II: The People's Truth in its entirety (96 Minutes.) Click here for film trailer. ![]() Integrative Pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas, breaks down the eye-opening results from his extensive, peer-reviewed, ten-year study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids in his pediatric practice. Watch video. Additional Resources . . . Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination James Lyons-Weiler & Paul Thomas, Published 11/20/22 The VAXXED-UNVAXXED Data Supporting presentation of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated Data from Dr. Paul's practice, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed the unvaccinated had superior health outcomes when compared to those variably vaccinated or vaccinated according to the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. Since there was essentially no child in Dr Paul's practice who was following the CDC schedule, one would have to compare these health outcomes with the going rates in America as most in the US vaccinate according to the CDC schedule. Less is more Lies are Unbekoming...6/11/23...Toby Rogers first taught me about Paul Thomas, and that vaccines cause autism. Del Bigtree first taught me about the placebo lie (not a single childhood vaccine has been tested against a saline placebo). Read more. ![]() Frequently Answered Questions...Injected versus ingested aluminium Dr. Christopher Exley...6/12/23...Note that unlike exposure to aluminium through ingestion all of the injected aluminium has access to the blood and this aluminium may also impact upon major organs such as the brain without first encountering the detoxification brought about by the liver…Next time you are confronted with this question have no doubt in your mind that injected aluminium is an acute exposure in comparison to aluminium in the diet. The acuity of such an exposure is, of course, significantly greater for an infant as compared to an adult. It is time that we stopped using aluminium adjuvants full stop. Read more. Christopher Exley, PhD, FRSB is the author of "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum. Click here for Dr. Exley's bio. How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? The Body of Research Supporting Vaccine Autism Causation The American Academy of Pediatrics FALSELY states that “Vaccines are not associated with autism." Following is a list of abstracts from 212 papers demonstrating the multiple associations between vaccines and autism. Read more. ![]() Beware of Studies Concluding Autism is Not Associated with Childhood Vaccination Peter McCullough, MD, MPH...6/3/23...With the ever expanding ACIP schedule of vaccine quantity and intensity of injections there has been a skyrocketing rate of autism. This has triggered scientists to go back and look at the studies published at the time to reassure parents that routine vaccines did not cause autism. Because so many shots are given at once, it is probably not any individual product that is the culprit, rather “hyper-vaccination” of a bundle of vaccine products that invokes a neurotropic, cytokine mediated inflammatory reaction that in some causes febrile seizures, autism, and immediate death. There are factors related to susceptibility including older parents and siblings with autism, but it remains that hyper-vaccination is a likely provocateur. Read more. ![]() For When You've Got 5 Minutes to Prove Vaccines Cause Autism Levi Quackenboss...6/15/23...Please see the enclosed links I'm providing to help further your understanding of the correlations between infant vaccination and autism. As you might suspect, the compelling science is almost impossible to publish...Against all odds, occasional articles get published, and occasional vaccinated vs. unvaccinated studies make their way into journals. Read more. “You may choose to look the other way,
but you can never say again that you did not know.” William Wilberforce Since the Covid-19 injection rollout, more and more people are speaking out about vaccine injury and death -- something that parents of vaccine injured children have been crying out about since vaccines were first introduced. Although I compile and share VCPC News fairly regularly, it's been a while since my last VCPC blog post. A recent episode of CHD-TV's Tea Time, along with hearing several doctors and scientists acknowledge Covid-19 injection injury and death, but still promote the "vaccines are safe and effective" narrative for "routine" childhood vaccines, prompted this post. I share it to honor the countless ignored and marginalized parents of vaccine injured and deceased children; and to encourage others to research carefully before injecting their children or themselves with any vaccine. God bless and take care . . . Soon after receiving a "nudge" from God and launching Vaccine Choice Prayer Community in July 2014, I connected with mothers (and some fathers) who had lost a child to vaccines and others who were raising vaccine injured children. Many of their stories are shared here and here. Although some of these friendships, have been limited to internet and phone; I've had the opportunity to meet, hug, laugh and cry with several others. One mother has become a very close friend. We share a commitment to remember and honor their precious children; and do all we can to help parents understand the risks; and protect them and their children from the harm and heartache that vaccines can and do cause far too often.
“The world has gone mad; and I don’t want to blame the world. The world has gone mad because it has been completely drowning in propaganda and censorship…The voices of truth, of science, of pragmatism are being drowned.” Dr. Pierre Kory, MPA, MD Thousands of the world’s leading doctors and a host of international guests came together at the recent 2nd World Congress in Brazil. FLCCC founder, Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA gave the Day 1 opening address which you can listen to below. It's a powerful ten minutes. I encourage you to listen and share. Read more. Watch video. The final two minutes of Dr. Kory's address were especially powerful. Listen below. “We will get through this. We will get our truth out. All grassroots movements that were on the right side of history; that had a truth and had a goal, they’ve all succeeded; and the only way to succeed, is little by slowly, those small little actions that each of us do each day, make a difference.” "Pierre Kory is what all doctors should be: passionate about caring for the sick. The abdication of most of the medical profession from their responsibilities over the past couple of years is horrifying. Doctors like Kory, McCullough, Malone, Cole, Risch, Marik, Fareed, Tyson, Urso, the late Zev Zelenko, and others provide hope that the truth will ultimately prevail." Rumble Comment from "MikeInStafford" "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17 (NABRE) Updated 8/2/22 . . . With the help of Senator Ron Johnson's staff, we now have an audio only version of the full Covid-19: A Second Opinion panel discussion, accessible by phone, for those who do not have internet and/or video options. See below for instructions and please share! Call 712-432-8774. Enter Conference ID 2535452#. When prompted, enter "Sharing ID" below. Part 1 of 5 — 2201# Part 2 of 5 — 2202# Part 3 of 5 — 2203# Part 4 of 5 — 2204# Part 5 of 5 — 2205# Print copies of "Covid-19: A Second Opinion" are available for purchase by calling 717-672-6702. Continue reading for the video version of Covid-19: A Second Opinion. In the January 30th VCPC News, I included a link to Senator Ron Johnson's January 24, 2022 panel discussion, "Covid-19: A Second Opinion." In this five hour discussion, world renowned doctors, scientists and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. Click here or image immediately below for 38 minute video of discussion highlights. Scroll down a bit further for full panel discussion. I assure you that the full panel discussion is well worth your time and attention. I encourage you to watch and to share it with others. Click here or above image for full panel discussion which begins at 40 minute mark. Senator Johnson's Covid-19: A Second Opinion is also available on the Children's Health Defense website. Click here to access Click here for Senator Johnson's powerful and poignant November 2021 "Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates." Click here to read "Don't make the mistake I did...I did it because I thought
it was the right thing to do, It wasn't." |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025