Beau and his two siblings all suffered adverse effects from vaccines. Beau's injuries included unusual behavior, a limp, tics, his speech worsened, he lost vocabulary and his sentences didn't make sense. He became introverted and nervous. According to his mom, "He literally regressed over a three month span...It took me about two years to recover him."
Beau and his siblings no longer receive vaccines, and are doing much better. His Mom is now a strong vaccine risk awareness advocate; and as you will hear and read below, at not yet ten years old, so is Beau.
Beau and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Rally for Your Rights - May 13, 2019 - Trenton, NJ (More photos from Rally For Your Rights 2019 at end of post.) "This picture speaks volumes...Beau was very proud to stand with Bobby... he literally thinks that RFK is going to fix everything... a super hero in real time.. I’m so proud.. proud of how far Beau has come, and how far I think he will go.. he understands what’s happening right now when it comes to civil rights and the vaccination movement.. maybe Beau will grow up to #belikebobby." - Beau's Mom, Mae Flick -
"But You Can Call Me Bobby"
Many thanks to Beau's Mom, Mae; and to Beau for permission to share this video and post!
Start video and make sure sound is on to hear Beau read his letter.
This is my youngest son Beau.. Every year the third graders are allowed to pick someone from the past, and write an Autobiography as a letter to another student in the class. Beau was assigned to Anne Frank.
Instead of choosing to be someone who is from our history.. Beau decided to choose someone that is Re-Writing History~ He chose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He chose Bobby because he wants people to know that he is one of the kids that Bobby fights for. He wrote this letter all by himself. Most students in the class probably wrote their letter in one 20-30 minute session at home. This letter took Beau, NINE twenty minute sessions (to physically write...) over the course of two weeks. (This isn’t even the entire letter!) He has to use a special type of paper to be able to write in a straight line...he also has issues with letters switching on him when he reads... sometimes even when he writes them down... they don’t look the way he sees them in his mind. Beau worked really hard on this project... and I want everyone to see it. I also want people to know: this is the same child that couldn’t count past 10, write his name, couldn’t even recite the alphabet at the age of 6. He was diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder, a language processing disorder, visual processing disorder -- and has an IEP still to this day: BUT LOOK at my 9.5 yr old ~ Sure, he still has the awful anemic circles under his eyes.. and he has a lisp... and he can’t read without switching the letters around...his penmanship is improving... But he is thriving.
The healing started for him once I realized how all his problems started.
I’m thankful to still have a choice in making his medical decisions. We are not one size fits all. I am the only thing standing between him and the dirty pharmaceutical companies- and I don’t plan on stepping aside. Today is Beau’s day to shine. PS. Lol I have no idea where he came up with the “But you can call me Bobby.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Children's Health Defense But thank you for all you do, love the Flick’s
RALLY FOR YOUR RIGHTS 2019 from marcy f on Vimeo.
Rally for Your Rights - May 13, 2019 - Trenton, NJ
by Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles and editorials spewing hatred toward a tiny minority of parents with unvaccinated children, who are being blamed for measles outbreaks. 1 2 3 The remedy is always a call to track down, persecute and punish any parent whose child is not vaccinated. 4 5 6 Some state and federal lawmakers are reacting to the relentless fear mongering by proposing to severely restrict the medical vaccine exemption and eliminate all religious and conscientious belief exemptions in state vaccine laws. 7 8 9 10 These exemptions, which help prevent vaccine injuries and deaths, also protect parental rights, civil liberties and the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking. 11 A thank you to mothers of vaccine injured children, from a mother whose children were spared...5/22/2019 by Tara Niebaum "That one family who was willing to tell me their story of vaccine injury likely changed the course of my entire life and the lives of my three children." In 1996, when I was pregnant with my first child, I walked into church one day and saw a child and a family I had never seen there before. The little girl was wheelchair bound, had a trach, could not hold her own head up or clear her throat. I don't know that I'd ever seen a child in such a severe condition outside of a hospital
I remember introducing myself to the family and asking if they were open to explaining to me their little girl's diagnosis. I will never forget the mother looking at me and saying, "I can't really tell you but, my sister is right there. Ask her. Her sister began to tell me about how this little girl had been a perfectly healthy baby right up until the day that she received her MMR at 12 months. Within hours, she developed a fever in excess of 108, began seizing, and ended up permanently and severely brain damaged. She explained to me that the family had been awarded a settlement through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. I knew that vaccines could cause reactions, but I had never heard of anything like this or seen with my own eyes such a tragic outcome. I was speechless. by Ashley Everly, posted on Facebook May 11, 2019 It’s not “cool” to not vaccinate.
It’s dangerous. And not in the way you think I mean. Socially and professionally, it’s suicide. As the middle of five siblings all born between 1947 and 1957, I was lucky enough (we all were) to get natural measles and lifelong immunity. So did our cousins, friends, classmates, etc., and those of us who became mothers, passed on protection to our children for the first several months of life. When my early vaccine safety research started in 1988, I talked with my own mother, aunts, and friends' mothers to find out what it was like when we kids got measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc. Read more about that here, but basically they all said, "No big deal." A few years ago, I asked my then almost 90 year old aunt what she remembered about measles. She told me when she was young (one of ten children) and got "them", they put a measles quarantine sign on the house. They had to stay inside and no one could come in; but years later, when her own four kids got measles, she told me there was no sign. She laughed and said, "Measles? Never thought much about it. Just waited until they ran through the house and were finished!"
I know that there can be complications with measles. They're listed in five lines on page 1 of the vaccine package insert. However, if you turn to pages 3 through 8 of that same vaccine package insert, you'll find those same complications plus a whole lot more listed under vaccine contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse reactions. In most cases with rest, good nutrition and adequate Vitamin A (Mom always made us take cod liver oil) measles is a fairly benign illness; and as a reward for your temporary discomfort and inconvenience, you'll have lifelong immunity. I hope the information below will help you put and keep measles in perspective. Read, watch, share; and if you've had a measles experience -- either as a child or more recently -- please post a comment sharing what it was like when measles "ran through your house." Doctors, government officials and the media repeatedly tell us that the MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) vaccine is safe. However, as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Children's Health Defense) explains in the first video below, the actual results of MMR vaccine safety trials, which remained hidden until a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) release from the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), tell a very different story. “The question is, ‘Are we now mandating a vaccine that is worse than the disease?'" Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The following information is from Children's Health Defense... The MMR vaccine is at the heart of the vaccine debate. The following are some of the key facts learned from the clinical trial reports produced by the FDA, which the agency relied upon to license the MMR:
Del Bigtree (ICAN/The HighWire) explains the MMR preclinical trials.
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025