"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela Just about everyone has an opinion on vaccines these days; but when asked how much the individual knows about the subject, you often find that it is very little; and is based more on what they have been told rather than serious questioning and independent research. Unfortunately when those opinions are expressed by people in authority, they influence others; and despite what might be the best of intentions, those opinions can have serious consequences.
The Vaccine World Summit is a free presentation courtesy of Natural Health 365 that includes audio interviews with five medical experts who have done extensive vaccine research and are courageous enough to speak out about their findings. I invite you to listen with an open mind, verify the information as you see fit. References are mentioned in each video; and you will find many other educational resources here. Take advantage of this opportunity to educate yourself on this extremely important subject and encourage others to do the same.
![]() Last month, I shared a post about the U.S. National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP), which is something that every U.S. adult should be made aware of. Your opportunity to submit a comment on the NAIP has been extended to Monday, March 23, 2015, so there is still time! The NAIP, in effect, "piggybacks" on the current U.S. recommended vaccine schedule for children. Our children are to get 36 vaccines by the age of 18 months; 49 vaccines before the age of 6 and 69 doses of 16 different vaccines by age 18. Click here for the list of vaccines. With vaccine choice rights and religious and personal belief exemptions being threatened throughout the United States; you, your children and grandchildren could be forced to get all the vaccines on the government recommended childhood vaccine schedule, beginning in pregnancy, continuing with the adult schedule at age 18 and whatever new ones are added to the schedule until death! Click on the image below for a clearer picture of the "recommended" adult vaccine schedule as well as details that include the number of doses, intervals between doses, and other important information. Click image to view chart in PDF format.
Click here for more from the CDC on Adult immunization. ![]() I am disappointed -- but not defeated -- to share this update on today's hearing in New Jersey. As home to vaccine giant, Merck & Co., we knew New Jersey would be difficult and this just confirms it. My heartfelt thanks to all those who attended the NJ hearing and to everyone who supported them prayer. Our brothers and sisters in NJ have much work to do. The rest of us need to continue to pray and lend our support in whatever way we can! As a good friend just shared a short while ago, "I am afraid that the USA is gradually slipping into a dictatorship and people are not taking notice." God bless, watch over and protect us all . . . ![]() Please join us as we pray for the protection of religious freedom and vaccine choice! "Update 3/16: Today, hundreds of parents and professionals are planning to testify on A1931, a bill to restrict the religious exemption to vaccination in New Jersey on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:00 am in the Committee Rm 11, 4th floor State House Annex. A1931requires a written statement “explaining how the administration of the vaccine conflicts with the bona fide religious tenets or practices of the student, or the parent or guardian.” As such, it requires that parents justify their deeply held personal and private religious beliefs to the government for approval. This bill is designed to make it more difficult for parents to obtain an exemption. A1931 is discriminatory because the state will determine what is and is not a legitimate religious belief. This sets the stage for the unfair application of its dictates for people of various faiths." U.S. "We the People" Petition to Prohibit Forced Vaccinations -- Signatures close March 6, 2015!!!3/4/2015
If you don't use Facebook or other social media, you might not be aware that there is a petition on the United States "We The People" website to prohibit laws mandating forced vaccinations. The petition deadline is March 6, 2015. We reached the 100,000 signature goal yesterday, despite a few days where the signatures were not recording! Now it is important that the numbers keep climbing so that President Obama and our government officials know that we, the citizens of the United States, want the freedom to choose what substances are injected into our bodies and into our children; and we do not want FORCED vaccination against our will. The petition reads as follows: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: PROHIBIT ANY LAWS MANDATING THE FORCE AND REQUIREMENT OF VACCINATIONS OF ANY KIND. No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector. Let your voice in our government be heard! Click here to view the official "We the People" petition and to add your signature. Since the recent U.S. measles outbreak frenzy, many states are proposing bills to eliminate vaccine exemptions and take away vaccine choice rights. Bills are being proposed to mandate more vaccines and to take away the requirement of parental consent and even knowledge before a minor child can be vaccinated. Visit the NVIC Advocacy Portal to learn what is going on in your state. Register on the portal to be alerted when action is needed. Forced vaccination is taking place in other parts of the world. Read Children Around the World Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Is the U.S. Heading in the Same Direction? Whether you are a vaccinating parent, a non-vaccinating parent, or somewhere in between, the possibility of losing your freedom to make an informed vaccine related choice and do what you believe is best for yourself and your family is cause for alarm. With more and more vaccines in development for children and adults, the loss of vaccine choice freedom can and will have very serious consequences. Please visit the "We the People" website, sign the petition and share it with others. The petition closes March 6, 2015 so DO IT NOW!!! Thank you very much! |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025