by Ashley Everly, posted on Facebook May 11, 2019 It’s not “cool” to not vaccinate.
It’s dangerous. And not in the way you think I mean. Socially and professionally, it’s suicide.
Vaccine Safety...Who do you trust when the agencies you're supposed to trust can't be trusted?7/13/2018
I think it's safe to say that parents who choose to vaccinate their children believe that vaccines are safe and effective. Parents trust their pediatricians; and U.S. pediatricians trust the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which is the U.S. leading public health agency under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The following statement is taken from the HHS website.
"It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans. We fulfill that mission by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services."
What if, when it comes to vaccine safety, HHS is NOT doing their job; and hasn't done their job for more than 30 years? Should they still be trusted? If you're a parent, grandparent or anyone who cares about children, you should be concerned, especially since during that time, the childhood vaccine schedule has increased dramatically.
Read the World Mercury Project message below; and listen as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Del Bigtree discuss the recent legal action taken against HHS by ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network); update us on President Trump's Vaccine Safety Commission and more.
RFK, Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of the "Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines" as Stipulated in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
Click here to watch the full High Wire episode from which the above segment was taken.
![]() In the video below, Alvin Moss, MD, a Professor of Medicine at West Virginia University School of Medicine, who has taught Medical Ethics for over 25 years, speaks out about vaccine safety, informed consent, and medical ethics. He also discusses why physicians are afraid to speak out about vaccines. Dr. Moss practices Internal Medicine; is a Nephrologist and does Palliative Care. He speaks out, not in an official role as a professor in the School of Medicine, but as someone, who has done independent research, is concerned about vaccine injury, and who, along with his wife, is personally aware of 12 cases of vaccine injury including a severely autistic vaccine injured neighbor. In the opening of this video, Dr. Moss refers to CDC scientists who have come forward to voice their concerns about the integrity of research being conducted at the CDC, and conflicts of interest that are coming before the safety of the public. Read the CDC Spider statement here. "If you read the records of the vaccine court, you can see that there are people that are being injured by vaccines . . . The concern is, are people properly informed? As, as somebody who teaches medical ethics, I'm very concerned that people receive informed consent; that they really know the benefits and the risks . . . These are major risks for what usually are mild illnesses. Measles is a mild illness. Chickenpox is a mild illness . . . So unfortunately, we are having major injuries; like, like autism is a lifelong injury for something that itself would have been a mild illness. So I think it is a matter of informed consent that people be told and then be able to decide whether they want it or not. Unfortunately for children attending public school, it's mandatory and so they don't get a choice which isn't fair." " . . . There are still things in the vaccines that can be harmful. They have things like mercury in some, aluminum in others, polysorbate 80 . . . things that can cause infertility . . . there are viruses in some . . . There are all sorts of things where we don't really know the long-term safety and yet they're being done to people without sufficient data sufficient safety studies to assure us that they will be safe." ". . . I'm coming at it from the standpoint of being somebody who teaches medical ethics and is concerned about it. I don't think people should be forced to undergo something where we don't know for sure it's safe, and they haven't been given adequate consent." "Unfortunately physicians are afraid because organized medicine has been mislead and I think it's really because there's been misleading data from the CDC . . . misled into thinking that vaccinations are uniformly a good thing . . . they are not uniformly a good thing; they can cause serious harm and people should be free to choose whether they want to be vaccinated or not. . . " "I think you need some humility on the part of physicians. First of all, physicians have not been trained that vaccine injuries could be this great . . . I wish more of my physician colleagues were humble enough to say well let me look into this as opposed to saying well it couldn't be . . . " August 29, 2016 letter to Chief of Staff, Carmen S. Villar, MSW, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from CDC Spider (CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research)
Dear Ms. Villar: We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests. It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception. Some senior management officials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors. Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right. We have representatives from across the agency that witness this unacceptable behavior. It occurs at all levels and in all of our respective units. These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health. We would like to see high ethical standards and thoughtful, responsible management restored at CDC. We are asking that you do your part to help clean up this house! Continue reading letter. Updated 2/23/20 As the VAXXED Nation Tour continues, members of the military, injured by vaccines they were ordered to get, are coming forward with their stories. In the first video below, a former combat army medic turned military whistleblower shares a powerful story of how she discovered that vaccines made from animal protein (including flu, tetanus and anthrax) were causing serious harm to soldiers. She then shares what happened after she reported that discovery to her captain and why she can no longer keep silent. "Gulf War Syndrome is a reaction to the vaccine shot of anthrax into the body when a soldier is not compatible with animal made protein vaccines." " . . . I was treating a soldier who was given the diagnosis of Gulf War Syndrome, he was a young soldier . . . he had never left the states but was charged with Gulf War Syndrome and he never left the state of Georgia . . . " “ . . . we’re not even told what the vaccine is. As a medic, my job was not to ask questions. My job was to vaccinate . . ." The military and our government have known about the dangers of vaccines for many years as reflected in the documentary, "Direct Order" which focuses on the link between Gulf War Syndrome and the Anthrax vaccine. Listen as military veterans and their families tell their stories. Then take time out to watch the documentary "Direct Order."
First released in 2003, Direct Order is a powerful, award winning documentary by Scott Miller (narrated by Michael Douglas) that tells the story of members of the military who were ordered against their will to receive the controversial anthrax vaccine. "I'd rather have caught a bullet from an AK 47 than gotten injected with this stuff. At least I would have known what my fate would have been." Federal regulators approved a plan by biotechnology company, VaxGen to test its experimental anthrax vaccine on about 100 people. The human volunteers were injected with the experimental vaccine to see if it’s safe and produces the desired immune response. VaxGen was awarded a $13.6 million federal contract to begin work on the anthrax vaccine. The company applied for two more anthrax vaccine contracts. The contracts were awarded for advanced testing and manufacturing of 25 million doses. In the last few years, a number of published studies have linked anthrax vaccination to the development of Gulf War Syndrome, among them a study in the British medical journal The Lancet. Hundreds of soldiers have refused the shots after evidence emerged that the vaccinations are connected to a variety of illnesses. Since mainstream media rarely if ever reports on this sort of thing, you may not know that on August 15, 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a proposed ruling that threatens to detain, quarantine, vaccinate and electronically track you, if you show signs of illness such as cough, rash, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc., while traveling. ![]() NVIC's (National Vaccine Information Center) Barbara Loe Fisher, explains further in the video below. Read the actual proposed ruling, "Control of Communicable Diseases" and look for the link at the upper right of the Federal Register page to submit your comment before October 14, 2016. (You can also read comments previously submitted to help you in formulating your comment.) It is urgent that we ALL take action to oppose this proposed ruling. Read "Control of Communicable Diseases" A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department as it appears on the Federal Register. “This is a clear case of federal government overreach,” The proposed law change particularly focuses on measles. “The ongoing persistence of measles in the United States provides a good example of the need for this NPRM,” states the CDC, and “every case of measles in the United States is considered a public health emergency because of its extremely high transmissibility.”
"If the NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) becomes law, it will affect American and non-American travelers entering the U.S. or traveling between states, particularly on commercial airlines and ships. The CDC is proposing to enlist commercial airline and other public transportation personnel to step up surveillance on and report "unwell" passengers with rashes, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms of illness." Read full press release. If the NPRM becomes law, it appears U.S. health officials could hold a person in custody for 72 hours without the right to contact an attorney to appeal the detention. Detainees could be asked to sign a contract with the CDC that gives consent to the “public health measures” being applied to the adult or a minor child, which may include “quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment.” However, the NPRM states that “the individual’s consent shall not be considered a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority” by the CDC. After release, the person can be electronically tracked and monitored, including by electronic tracking devices attached to the body. Read full press release. Related articles: "Control of Communicable Diseases" A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department 8/15/16 “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Adopted 1948 after World War II) Below is a referenced commentary on religious freedom, as it relates to vaccines, by National Vaccine Information Center's Co-founder and Presdident, Barbara Loe Fisher. The Declaration of Independence begins with, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” That Declaration was a rejection of oppression by a ruling aristocracy and the pledge that this country would uphold the unalienable natural right to life and liberty that belongs to every person. 240 years later, we find ourselves again fighting for freedom from oppression because we have allowed the rise of a new ruling aristocracy, an elitist class of privileged citizens who want the legal right to judge, shame, segregate, discriminate against and punish fellow citizens who do not share their beliefs. Nowhere is this truth more self evident than in the oppressive implementation of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws that fail to respect biodiversity or human rights and crush citizen opposition, in violation of the informed consent ethic and freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief.
"We come here today . . . in honor of our children; our children who have passed from vaccination injury; our children who've been hurt from vaccination; and children who stand to be hurt from this new law. Our stories matter. Our children matter; and we're tired of being dismissed; and we tired of being ignored; and we're not going to stop fighting SB277."
Parents honored their vaccine injured and deceased children and stood in peaceful protest of SB277; a law that takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption for school attendance in the state of California. Listen to their stories below.
"No parent should outlive their children."
More stories at "We Remember" and "Families Speak".
Today, July 1, 2016 is the day that SB277 goes into effect in California. SB277 takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption. If parents do not fully comply with the current mandated vaccine schedule and additional vaccines that may be added to the schedule in the future, their children can not attend private or public school. Their only option is to homeschool or move out of state. What has happened in California, could happen in any state. In peaceful protest of SB277 and to honor the many children and adults that have been injured or have died from vaccines, a rally and candlelight vigil is taking place in Santa Monica, CA today, July 1st. Those of us who cannot travel to California today or to other areas where sister rallies are being held, can support our California brothers and sisters in mind, heart and spirit by saying a prayer and lighting a candle from wherever we are. Please light a candle at Just follow the prompts to light your candle; and be sure to include SB277 in your message or signature so that we can search and see all the candles that are burning in solidarity with the SB277 vigil. The candle lighting process is simple, beautiful and free. Your candle will remain burning for 48 hours. To view candles already burning, go to, select "View Candles" and then type SB277 in the "Search candles" box. Thank you for your thoughts, your prayers and your candles. God bless and take care... Learn more about SB277 . . .
Past articles, posts and videos . . . "Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It's a religion." Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD In "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" (1979) Mendelsohn goes on to say, "Modern Medicine relies on faith to survive. All religions do. So heavily does the Church of Modern Medicine rely on faith that if everyone somehow simply forgot to believe in it for just one day, the whole system would collapse." ![]() Listen below as VAXXED producer Del Bigtree makes a passionate and powerful statement about the religion of science. I think Dr. Mendelsohn is smiling. ". . . You cannot do enough studies of these things (vaccines) to ever prove that they're going to be safe. Now I'm all about making these vaccines as safe as possible for people that want to believe in the religion of science. That's ok and that's why I'm here. Everyone deserves to have the safest product available; but you cannot do enough studies . . . You can never do enough studies to prove they're safe; so we're left with faith in a theory about vaccines. We're left with faith that the pharmaceutical industry is making vaccines for our health; not to make money. We're left with faith that our doctors actually look at these stupid studies they're doing and read them and figure out what's going on. We're left with faith that our pediatricians are doing their job. We're left with faith that you do need a Hep B vaccine in a day one old baby for their health and not for the bottom dollar of the pharmaceutical industry. So I have to say, with that much faith, let's call this thing what it is. It's a religion; and I live in a country that celebrates the freedom of religion. You can have yours and I can have mine." Good, solid, well conducted science is important; however, I cannot comprehend how people choose to trust "vaccine science" when it contradicts what we see in hundreds of thousands of real-life cases. Scientific studies can be changed at the stroke of a pen and are only as good as the integrity of those conducting, funding and publishing it. The heartbreak of vaccine injury and death is real and permanent. Below is a comment from the mother of a beautiful, healthy toddler who passed away within 24 hours of receiving 7 vaccines. "Medical experts" ruled the child's death "undetermined". “I have a difficult time with people hanging their hat solely on science. Currently there is no scientific way to prove that a child died from vaccines. There is no test that can prove unequivocally that the vaccines took the child's life. How then can we trust science to be the supreme answer? When a person dies from a heroin overdose, that can be listed unequivocally as cause of death. When a child dies from vaccines, there is no way to test unequivocally for a vaccine overdose. I struggle with the fact that healthy babies are dying within hours or days of vaccines, doctors are dumbfounded as to why the child died and don't have the resources to test and know for certain it was the vaccines so since they can't prove it was, then it must not be. If we are trusting in science for all the answers, why does it not provide all the answers?” Many more real life "stories" that cannot be proven by science can be found at "We Remember", "Families Speak" and "Stories" . . . and these are but a few.
Since September 2014, I have shared several posts about the CDC Whistleblower and the CDC coverup of information that links vaccines to autism. (Click here to read those posts.) This is such an important issue that affects the lives of our children and families, many of whom have been personally affected by vaccine injury, including autism, and death as a result of vaccines. With the pharmaceutical industry as their major sponsor, mainstream media does not give truthful coverage to stories that implicate vaccines; and they discredit those who do tell the truth. To get the facts, you must do your own research and seek alternative media sources. Independent investigative journalist, Ben Swann has been investigating and reporting on the story of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who hired a whistleblower attorney and turned over to Congress thousands of pages of documents regarding a 2004 CDC study on autism and vaccines. On January 26, 2016, Truth in Media will release Swann's documentary exposing the corruption within the CDC. |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025