Stories of vaccine injury come from all over the world. This is Ori's Story, from Australia, as told by his father. Please pray for Ori's continued recovery. Our beautiful son Ori (Hebrew name meaning 'My Light') was born in 2006. We had never done one second of research into vaccines as we simply trusted what our GPs, health professionals and what the media told us. At two months my son received his HepB vax at the Erina Fair Medical Centre (NSW, Australia). He screamed after the injection and during the 15 minute (just incase of reaction?) waiting period after the shot. Just before we left he became quiet. We were literally 30 seconds outside the the centre when Ori flopped and passed out in my arms. We raced back into the surgery in a panic and got the attention of the administering nurse. My son was just starting to come around and she totally dismissed our concerns saying "Don't worry, that's normal. Look he's coming around. He'll be fine." Looking back at her statement I think to myself 'Wow. Normal? Unconsciousness?' We were such nervous first time parents unfortunately we didn't question the advice of the authorities. After that we noticed at playgroups all the other babies lying on the blanket were constantly making eye contact with the adults and smiling but Ori's eyes were constantly scanning anywhere in the room but not eye contact. Our had his first and only MMR shot at 1 yr. Within 48 hours he broke out in a raging 40+ degree C fever and we rushed him to the children's hospital. There was never any discussion by the hospital staff that this could be a vaccine reaction though all the usual non vaccine related tests and speculations were made. From that time on Ori regressed into severe autism and chronic illness. Asthma, chest infections, ear infections, constant runny stools, moaning, no language, spinning of objects and frequently random meltdowns. He was offically diagnosed with Autism at 21 months by a pediatrician who said "He'll pretty much be like this for the rest of his life so get used to it". Welcome to the world of autism. We were devastated and totally unprepared. Sorrow and guilt enveloped us. What had we done to cause this? What could we do? The situation seemed hopeless. However, we were totally uneducated on the subject. From that MMR at age one until three he was constantly sick with the conditions mentioned above. It was horrible. No one got any sleep, we were at the hospital with raging 40+ fevers almost every week and this stress drove our marriage to breaking point. Our GP just told us don't worry, kids get sick and assured us the autism and vaccinations we're in no way related to the sickness. He continuously pumped our boy full of antibiotics. He had constant runny stools and just became sicker and sicker. He referred us to a few very expensive specialists one of which said all his ailments were a result of zinc deficiency the other dust mites? Their treatments did nothing. Our GP also chastised us for trying gluten dairy free diet saying it was a load of rubbish, had no effect on sickness and autism and would deprive our boy of nutrition. He practically demanded we stop it and we naively compiled. At our wits end we moved to Port Macquarie, a beautiful and quiet seaside town for a fresh start and a clean environment. At this time on the insistence of my sister, a brilliant and open minded nurse, we went to a biomed doctor in Sydney. He insisted on hair, blood, urine and stool testing of my son. He also requested a gut (KUB) x-ray. Before we knew anything else we realised this was way beyond anything the mainstream system had ever asked for. No one in the mainstream system had ever talked about or searched for the root cause of my son's illness. This made us start to seriously question what our supposed 'health system' was really about. At our appointment with the biomed doctor, post testing, he talked in detail about the gut brain connection in autism (something our GP never mentioned due to the fact he didn't know it existed); the role of toxicity and particularly vaccinations in my sons illness and autism. He showed us the levels of vitamin and mineral deficiency, the lack of beneficial and excess of harmful bacteria in his gut, the metals retention and particularly the x-ray showing the poisonous sludge of gluten, preservatives and other toxins lining the wall of his gut. This he explained was what was being absorbed into my sons bloodstream and therefore his brain, instead of the nutrients which a healthy, clean gut should deliver. He talked of the previous successes he had with other children which gave us great hope yet it seemed too good to be true. He said it would require total commitment of dietary change (ironically gluten dairy free!), targeted supplementation and probiotics. He claimed our boy's illnesses would clear and he would start talking (he was non verbal to this stage). He also claimed his autistic symptoms would reduce and there was a good chance he could go on to lead a productive life. This was totally contrary to what the pediatrician and GPs had told us. So we took the commitment on. This was our son's life. His future at stake. It was an expensive and time consuming process. Most foods in the house had to be changed and the supplements were very expensive. On top of this we were already experiencing severe financial hardship. But we stuck to it. Sure enough within six months Ori's chronic asthma, chest infections and ear infections cleared never to return. Then came that amazing, wonderful day at 3.5 years at a play centre when we said to Ori "ready, set...." and he said "GO!" Our boy spoke for the first time. Tears flowed and we suddenly realised what we had achieved for our beautiful boy. We continued biomed treatment moving on to GAPS diet at 5 yrs and he just kept improving as time passed. Now at age ten he is one of the healthiest children I know. Social skills probably that of a five year old but improving. He attends an ASPECT school in our town which is a wonderful organization making a huge difference in his life. He is extremely smart with languages, mathematics and computers and is on track to be a functioning independent adult. He also has a beautiful, smart, compassionate seven year old sister that we know will always be there for him in adulthood. Ori has not had any vaccinations since his chicken pox vax at 1.5 years and has only had one of the regular childhood viruses. That was actually chicken pox which he caught off a fully vaccinated child (oh the irony!) at his school when he was eight. His healthy little body handled it just fine. Like everyone of my generation did as children. Remember people? So in summary: To the pediatrician -- you were dead wrong. How dare you dictate a doomed future to the parents of these children. Shame on you. To the GP -- your treatment and advice was incorrect, inept and a total betrayal of our misguided trust in you. You were nothing but a sales rep for drug companies. Not a healer. To the biomed doctors -- thank you for saving our son, showing us the truth and what health care should be about in this corrupt, drug dependent world. Vaccinations- do your own research. GPs do not explain the risks to you, only the benefits (if there are any?). PARENTS ARE NOT GIVING INFORMED CONSENT WHEN THEIR CHILDREN ARE BEING VACCINATED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT TOLD WHAT IS IN VACCINES AND THE POSSIBLE RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS. To those who disbelieve the autism-vaccination link. Don't be stupid enough to believe the crap the mainstream press tell you. Talk to the thousands of parents with autistic children who will tell you 'My child came home after that vaccination and was changed.' And if your child doesn't have autism don't think vaccinations have done them no harm. Research for yourself what aluminum, formaldehyde, thimerosal and the many other toxic ingredients in a vaccine can do the the developing brain of of a baby. PARENTS MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT IS BEST FOR THEIR CHILD. FULL STOP. SORRY BUT I AM NOT GOING TO DAMAGE MY CHILD FURTHER BECUASE YOU THINK IT WILL PROTECT YOURS. MY CHILD CANNOT GIVE YOUR CHILD A DISEASE HE DOESNT HAVE. I would not wish the hell we went through on any parent. We have had a wonderful success and we saved our boy because we simply opened our minds to alternatives. So open your mind. Not just to this story but everything in life. This experience has taught us that the world isn't what we thought it was. Good health and freedom of choice to you all. Regards, Bruce Thompson Thank you, Bruce, for sharing Ori's story; and thank you Greg Wyatt and Vaccine Injury Memorial Community for permission to share with Vaccine Choice Prayer Community. More stories like Ori's at Families Speak.
6/27/2018 03:54:37 am
Thank you for sharing
You are very welcome, Erin. Thank YOU very much for reading. Stories like Ori's are shared so that other parents can learn and do the research that Ori's parents and other parents of vaccine injured and deceased children wish they had done. God bless and take care...
8/15/2018 05:25:37 pm
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Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025