Nash's funeral is today. Nash was just two and half months old. Below is Nash's story, as told by his father, Dr. Brandon Perry. Please keep Nash's family in your prayers. Nash Brandon Perry October 26, 2015 - January 17, 2016 My name is Dr. Brandon Perry. I'm an Internal Medicine Doctor, scientist, loving husband, and father. My wife and I are also one of the many unfortunate couples who have lost an infant to SIDS. Nash Brandon Perry was born on 10/26/2015 and taken from us on 1/17/16. Nash was put down on his back for a nap, when I checked on him about an hour later I found my son face down, arms straight down at his sides and legs straight out. I knew something was wrong. I ran, picked him up and immediately saw the horror that was my precious baby boy dead, blue in the face, with blood coming out of his nose. I attempted CPR until EMS arrived but it was too late. Now, maybe it is my grief just looking for answers or something to blame, but there are so many things that just don't add up. My son never rolled over except twice while throwing a fit and throwing himself around, never while sleeping. I was one room away, he never screamed or cried. Although he was only 2.5 months he had a strong neck. He could hold it up and he could definitely turn it to the side. He had slept the same way many times with no problems. He had no underlying medical problems. My research has found dozens of similar, horrible stories from other parents. Now, I could just write it off as God's will or bad luck. But like I said, I'm a scientist, I'm a doctor. There are some very disconcerning similarities between my son's death and a lot of the SIDS deaths I have read about. A lot of those people were told, "well that's just coincidence because the highest incidence of SIDS is between 2 and 6 months." But what if it's not coincidence? What if we (doctors) are doing routine things to our babies that put them at higher risk that could easily be adjusted to lower the risk, i.e. not giving 8-12 vaccines at one doctors visit to infants. What if Nash, and some other SIDS victims, had some predisposition that made them susceptible to reacting badly to that much vaccine at one time. I am in no way anti-vaccine because they have saved millions of lives, but what if giving them the way we do is contributing to SIDS (our son had his days before). This is just one hypothesis that I want to be able to research. I also want to reach out to other victim's families, listen to their stories and their hypotheses. During my time as a doctor, I've found if you ask the right questions and actually listen to the patient a lot of times they know exactly what is going on or at least have come up with good theories. What we are asking of you all, those who have shown desire to send us flowers or gifts, instead donate a little money to my new journey. I'm a doctor and now I know my purpose. My purpose is to search for causal relationships between things we are doing that are putting babies at risk of SIDS. To make sure fewer and fewer families have to suffer this horrible tragedy that we are going through. I live in Bexar County which has the highest SIDS rates in all of Texas, so I am confident I am in the right place to gather great data and do good research. Money donated will be used to fund my research and any money left over will be invested in the companies that are making great innovations /technology to help monitor our babies while they are sleeping and alert us of dangers. Thank you in advance for your support. I would also like to ask my colleagues from med school, clinical rotations, residency and current co-workers to please reach out to me if you want to help with research or any contribution. In the name of our beautiful Nash, lets Mash Out SIDS! Sincerely, Dr. Brandon Click here to support Nash's father's research into causal relationships between things we are doing that are putting babies at risk of SIDS. "Mash Out Sids in the name of Nash"
pat slate
1/23/2016 12:16:30 pm
I think its vaccines. if I were a new parent today I would sleep with my baby for he first 6 or so months and see how he does, cause they just want to call it SIDS because they don't know and don
Millicent Pierce
1/23/2016 12:32:06 pm
My child also suffered damages from childhood vaccines and eventually died. Look up NCIS Group since they have a huge amt. Of info. Regarding vaccine damages. You will be very surprised.
Dear Millicent...I am very sorry for the loss of your child. If you would like me to include your little one on the "We Remember" page of this website, please let me know. Perhaps by sharing the faces and stories of those who have been injured and those who have died following vaccines, we will be able to open minds and touch hearts; and take measures to end this tragic loss of innocent children. God bless and take care . . .
1/23/2016 12:49:02 pm
Please reach out to Dr Tony Ebel DC, he Is in Chicago and specialises in paediatrics. Especially seizures, autism spectrum, vaccine reaction etc. If you want answers I would strongly recommend you speak to him. I am so sorry for your loss, I can't begin to imagine your families grief. My son has suffered seizures as a result of vaccination and thru detoxification and chiropractic adjustment to balance the tone of his nervous system we are on top of things but reactions in our children of multiple presentations is increasing and it has to be stopped as otherwise we are going to lose a generation. I wish you well in your quest for the truth. Kind regards. Dr Benny
1/23/2016 01:10:46 pm
So sorry to hear of another darling precious soul departing so soon. How devastating for your family and to receive the enlightenment that there was a cause, hidden from society, a barbaric practice which is accepted as routine by society. Everything you believed was true is lies. Evil does exist in this world. May you be surrounded by Angels and comforted by other parents who have gone through this tragedy, and channeled to the organizations who are doing our best so that it doesn't happen to one more baby. Sorry we lost Nash. We all mourn with you. <3
1/23/2016 01:55:03 pm
I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for your family and I hope that your research is well received by the scientific community, no matter it's outcome.. I have a close relative who is severely vaccine injured and his injuries presented 4 days after vaccination. I have read so many stories about babies dying 4 days after vaccination... There must be a link.
Leigh Walton
1/23/2016 04:57:38 pm
I'm so sorry for your loss. I recommend you get the book "Vaccination Policy and the UK Govenment: The Untold Truth" by Christina England (research journalist) and Lucija Tomljenovic (PhD in Biochemistry Columbia School of Medicine BC, Canada) and also look at the work Dr Russell Blaylock and Dr Andrew Wakefield and the late Andrew Moulden MD PhD "Every Vaccine Produces Harm" have already done.
1/23/2016 11:54:51 pm
What a beautiful boy! how awful, what a tragedy. I hope you make a huge difference in this area. I think vaccines need more research and I am very annoyed at governments now demanding they be vaccinated. I will pray for you and your family, and I pray that your little boys life will inspire you to find answers!
Angie graham
1/24/2016 06:08:17 pm
I have lost two grandsons from sids both at the age of 6 weeks one was my daughters and one was my sons they were both put down for a nap on their back and found on their stomach and the aunt in the aunt and mom were in the same room the babies never cried. They never heard a sound out I of the babies. I am so glad you are doing this. It means such much to a lot of us. Thanks for everything you do!!
Dear Angie...I am so very sorry for the loss of your two little grandsons. How terribly tragic for your family. Your story sounds so similar to little Nash's. Did your grandsons' SIDS deaths occur soon after vaccines? If you would like me to include their photos and stories on the VCPC website, please let let me know. God bless and take care . . .
Mary Mullins
1/24/2016 08:03:25 pm
First off, I'm so very sorry for your family's loss. He was a beautiful boy!! Praying for peace and comfort for you all. I lost my first grandchild, Hannah,4 days after vaccines as well. She was 6 weeks old. Shortly after my 2nd grandchild was born, he too would often stop breathing. They had him put on a monitor (which went off frequently). He's 9 yrs old now. He had seizures. I'm thinking because of vaccines too.
Dear Mary...I am very sorry for the loss of your granddaughter, Hannah and for the health challenges that your grandson has experienced. If you would like to honor Hannah's memory by including her photo on the "We Remember" page and if you would like to share your grandson's photo and story on the "Families Speak" page of this website, please email me at [email protected]. A candle in memory of Hannah has been added to our "Candles" page. God bless and take care . . . Jeanette
1/24/2016 09:26:23 pm
I am so sorry for your family's loss of your sweet angel baby,my son also passed at 10wks old n vaccinated 2wks before passing n I had him right next to me sleeping when I awoke I seen him on his belly n unresponsive. Daniel was such a strong little guy w his neck n lifting it and would kick his little feet n arms but he never rolled just like ur little Nash. We need to find an answer to this horrible tragedy,I mean the suffering of lossing a child is just to much bear.May God bless us all and put his arms around us n try to get some comfort at this time. Our son Daniel Alan Karis born 10/29/15 n passed on 1/15/16 love u so much my sweet angel baby
Dear Carmen...I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your little boy Daniel. If you would like to include Daniel's photo and story on the "We Remember" page please email me at [email protected]. A candle is now burning for Daniel on the "Candles" page. You are in my thoughts an prayers. God bless and take care . . .
I am deeply moved by the many touching and some heart wrenching comments that have been posted on this page. To those who have shared stories of loss, similar to Nash's, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. If you would like to have a candle lit in honor of your loved one or if you would like to share your story on the "We Remember" or "Families Speak" pages, please let me know. Thank you very much for reaching out and for keeping Nash's family in your thoughts and prayers. God bless and take care . . . Jeanette, VCPC
1/28/2016 05:52:53 pm
Please look into the status of the MTHFR gene of your family.
3/14/2016 03:11:55 pm
My son suffered a stroke after his 18 month Hib shot. He lost his speech 12 hours after the vaccine was administered. Over the next few days he lost his gross and fine motor skills too. I have worked tirelessly on him for the last 9 years and was able to restore his gross and fine motor skills 7 years ago and finally his speech 3 years ago. He is now 11 years old and still has autism. I feel lucky, since I know if he had the normal vaccine schedule he surely would have died of SIDS. We only gave him six separate shots and he still suffered enormously from each one. My heart continues to bleed for all the parents that have suffered a loss that they feel is connected to their child's vaccines. It could so easily have been me. I am so sorry for you loss and applaud your search for the truth. Please don't stop looking, so many children's lives depend on it!
Dear Dara . . . Thank you for your touching message which I have forwarded to Nash's family. I am so sorry for the challenges that you and your son have faced as a result of vaccines. With your permission, I would like to add your son's story to the "Families Speak" page of this website. Please let me know if you would like me to do that. You can message me at [email protected]. God bless and take care . . .
Molly Miller
3/29/2016 02:04:46 pm
Hello Dr Perry. I'm so sorry for your loss. You may want to check out Dr. Viera Schreibners work on SIDS .
3/29/2016 03:17:53 pm
Dr Viera Scheibner has done a lot of work regarding SIDS and the link with vaccines, whilst developing a cot monitor back in the late 1980s. There is a lot of information in her books with references. It is so sad to hear about Nash and I feel for you. I wish you luck in your search because I, for one, am sure that there is a link. When my children were born in the UK in the 1980s and 90s, I had already met several people who had either suffered a child death following routine vaccines as well as parents whose children became autistic after vaccination, when previously they had been fine. I chose, because of this, not to vaccinate my children - who are now adults. I did a lot of research over the years since then and I firmly believe that parents are not told the facts, that vaccines are not tested for safety beyond a couple of weeks and also that the toxic ingredients such as aluminium, formaldehyde and so on have never been tested.
3/29/2016 04:00:39 pm
The gofundme account no longer exists. Does anyone know why? Or how we can help this doctor continue his research?
3/29/2016 05:11:12 pm
I'm so sorry for everything you have to live through. Thank you for your article, and thank you for not giving up. People say some horrible things. What you're doing is right. My child was vaccinated, but only one at a time. Medical "professionals" called me a bad parent for not allowing them to give all at once. They told me if my child were to get sick it would be my fault. Would they have accepted the blame had something gone wrong with the vaccines? No, they would have found an excuse to save their own skin. Covering up the truth doesn't prevent death, it prevents progress.
Randal Barrett
4/3/2016 02:19:29 pm
This tragedy happens often! Don't waste your time and money on research that has already been done. Listen to a Real Doctor:
5/6/2016 10:35:59 pm
I found my daughter in the same sprawled out position and blue and not breathing just s short time after her vaccinations. She never slept like that. I was fortunate to revive her. They called her a SIDS survivor. My other babies had various bad reactions to immunizations. I am a firm believer that people are safer without them. I'm sorry Nash was a victim.
5/17/2016 12:05:07 am
Dr. Nash, I am very very sorry for your loss.
Mary Cope
6/29/2016 11:48:23 pm
Dr Nash - I am so sorry about your loss. We lost our granddaughter to SIDS on June 6th. She has an interrupted episode in April and was sent home without a monitor. I have been doing lots of research as you can imagine and one thing that I have found in common with a lot of these cases is the blood coming from the nose. When my daughter found my graundaughter Marlie during her first episode she had blood coming from her nose and when she picked her up she spit up blood. She was limp and unresponsive. The paramedics were able to get her to respond. They never was able to give an answer about where the blood came from. I am not a doctor but I do see the connection in all the stories that I have read. Any theory on this?
5/17/2017 05:49:13 pm
RIP to your precious baby. I appreciate you greatly for bringing up the issue of SIDS and many vaccines being done to our children in our society. I lost a cousin in a hospital due to a traumatic brain injury. My aunt spoke of a possibility of conducting procedures differenly in the ER that would have possibly had a different outcome. I believe all of us should question and attempt to improve our medical field and the current way of treating patients.
10/2/2018 03:56:33 am
So sorry to hear about your loss. No parent should ever experience this. We should help find out what other lifesaving safety steps we may be missing to prevent SIDS.
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