Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Click here for background information and Dr. Humphries' website.
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Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a highly educated medical doctor with specialities in internal medicine and Nephrology talks about vaccines, diseases and health in an interview recorded in Ängelholm, Sweden in September 2014. (Video courtesy of Canal 2nd Opinion.)
In "Trojan Horses and Clusterbombs" (Finland-November 2015), Dr Suzanne Humphries breaks down the issue of aluminum (aluminum) in fine detail. She discusses arguments that pro-vaccine doctors make about aluminum and the science (or lack there-of) behind it.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries speaks on giving vitamin K to newborns. (Video courtesy of Canal 2nd Opinion.)
Introduction to Infant Immunity Series. Parts I, II, III and IV can be found on Dr. Humphries You Tube channel.
Aluminum is toxic to all life forms: The case against aluminum in vaccines.
Vitamin C Basics
Neonatal Immunity
A Lecture On Vaccines, Disease and Health
Vaccines - Honesty vs Policy, Part I. Parts II through VI can be found on Dr. Humphries You Tube channel.
More from Suzanne Humphries, MD:
"It may seem odd that a medical doctor with 19 years of experience has passionately turned away from the practice of vaccination. It may seem even stranger that, with a successful career as a nephrologist, she would pack her medical bags and leave the hospital without looking back. At the top of her game, she left a very lucrative practice and a shining reputation behind. I’d like to share my story of how this came to be and how I ended up as an outcast from the conventional medical system." Continue reading.
For further information from Dr. Humphries visit her website at http://drsuzanne.net.
Click here for more videos from Dr. Humphries.
Click here for more videos from Dr. Humphries.
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk |
Rising From The Dead
by Suzanne Humphries MD |