Stephanie Seneff Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Senior Research Scientist at MIT
Senior Research Scientist at MIT
Interview with Nancy Tarlow -- Episode #8??? Healthy Alternatives to Vaccines
"People get really worried if they didn't get their flu shot, they're afraid they're going to get some horrible flu. The fact is, actually, when you look at what the flu virus is doing, when you catch the flu, it goes into the muscle cells, and it tells the muscle cells to stop providing itself with sulfate, and instead to put the sulfate around the virus.
So there's these little tiny bugs inside the cell, and the cell goes right to work giving those little tiny bugs a nice coat, which contains sulfate, and then, eventually, that cell dies and releases all those viruses, and they go into the blood, and they hand that sulfate over to the macrophages. So the immune system attacks those viruses, eats them up, and says thank you very much for the sulfate you've given me, because that will revitalize the immune system and make it work.
So what's happening is, when you have a weak immune system, your immune cells don't have enough sulfate... If they don't have enough sulfate, they can't kill bugs, so you become susceptible to disease. You get a virus, the virus goes in and steals the sulfate from the muscles and gives it to the immune cells, because it's more important for your immune cells to have the sulfate than it is for your muscles... to keep you from dying.
So the immune cells can now work better than they used to be able to work, because they've been given all this sulfate, [but] your muscles get wrecked, you've got muscle aches and pains, because of the flu, cause your muscles are being deprived of their sulfate in order to feed it to the immune cells, and the viruses are mediating that transfer.
So you really need to think of disease, infectious disease as a mechanism by which viruses come in and solve a problem for you that is otherwise going to be fatal. I think of infectious disease as a way to help you heal, help to redistribute the sulfate to places where it's urgently needed, when there's not enough."
— Stephanie Seneff, PhD
"People get really worried if they didn't get their flu shot, they're afraid they're going to get some horrible flu. The fact is, actually, when you look at what the flu virus is doing, when you catch the flu, it goes into the muscle cells, and it tells the muscle cells to stop providing itself with sulfate, and instead to put the sulfate around the virus.
So there's these little tiny bugs inside the cell, and the cell goes right to work giving those little tiny bugs a nice coat, which contains sulfate, and then, eventually, that cell dies and releases all those viruses, and they go into the blood, and they hand that sulfate over to the macrophages. So the immune system attacks those viruses, eats them up, and says thank you very much for the sulfate you've given me, because that will revitalize the immune system and make it work.
So what's happening is, when you have a weak immune system, your immune cells don't have enough sulfate... If they don't have enough sulfate, they can't kill bugs, so you become susceptible to disease. You get a virus, the virus goes in and steals the sulfate from the muscles and gives it to the immune cells, because it's more important for your immune cells to have the sulfate than it is for your muscles... to keep you from dying.
So the immune cells can now work better than they used to be able to work, because they've been given all this sulfate, [but] your muscles get wrecked, you've got muscle aches and pains, because of the flu, cause your muscles are being deprived of their sulfate in order to feed it to the immune cells, and the viruses are mediating that transfer.
So you really need to think of disease, infectious disease as a mechanism by which viruses come in and solve a problem for you that is otherwise going to be fatal. I think of infectious disease as a way to help you heal, help to redistribute the sulfate to places where it's urgently needed, when there's not enough."
— Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Ms. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Dr. Seneff received a B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, her M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980 and a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT.
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her attention towards biology, writing over a dozen papers on a number of different topics and health conditions.
For more information about Dr. Seneff's work, please visit
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Dr. Seneff received a B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, her M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980 and a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT.
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her attention towards biology, writing over a dozen papers on a number of different topics and health conditions.
For more information about Dr. Seneff's work, please visit
This Doctor Hates Statin Drugs, Wait Until You Hear Why!
This Doctor Delivers the Best Explanation and Treatment for Alzheimer's
Could This Be the Root Cause of Inflammation and Many Modern Diseases?
This is the Best Explanation of the Vaccine/Autism Connection I've Ever Heard!
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