Haylee's Story
July 15, 2011 ~ May 10, 2012
HEPATITIS B VACCINE KILLS 10 YEAR OLD BABY!Another baby murdered by the government and their vaccine death cult!See how they try and discredit the baby's mother to try and cover up this murder!The government has billions of dollars to spend on propaganda to convince people that they have their best intentions at hear, but no amount of propaganda can shield them from the truth!All that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing!But I know that these words will reach good men and good women who have the courage to share this information and expose this worldwide eugenics death cult!Every single time we expose this murder, we bring ourselves one step closer to ridding ourselves of this diabolical government!PLEASE, SHARE THIS VIDEO!JOIN THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM TODAY!
Posted by Freedom on Tuesday, February 23, 2016