“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Adopted 1948 after World War II) Below is a referenced commentary on religious freedom, as it relates to vaccines, by National Vaccine Information Center's Co-founder and Presdident, Barbara Loe Fisher. The Declaration of Independence begins with, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” That Declaration was a rejection of oppression by a ruling aristocracy and the pledge that this country would uphold the unalienable natural right to life and liberty that belongs to every person. 240 years later, we find ourselves again fighting for freedom from oppression because we have allowed the rise of a new ruling aristocracy, an elitist class of privileged citizens who want the legal right to judge, shame, segregate, discriminate against and punish fellow citizens who do not share their beliefs. Nowhere is this truth more self evident than in the oppressive implementation of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws that fail to respect biodiversity or human rights and crush citizen opposition, in violation of the informed consent ethic and freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief.
"We come here today . . . in honor of our children; our children who have passed from vaccination injury; our children who've been hurt from vaccination; and children who stand to be hurt from this new law. Our stories matter. Our children matter; and we're tired of being dismissed; and we tired of being ignored; and we're not going to stop fighting SB277."
Parents honored their vaccine injured and deceased children and stood in peaceful protest of SB277; a law that takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption for school attendance in the state of California. Listen to their stories below.
"No parent should outlive their children."
More stories at "We Remember" and "Families Speak".
Today, July 1, 2016 is the day that SB277 goes into effect in California. SB277 takes away a parent's right to a religious or personal belief vaccine exemption. If parents do not fully comply with the current mandated vaccine schedule and additional vaccines that may be added to the schedule in the future, their children can not attend private or public school. Their only option is to homeschool or move out of state. What has happened in California, could happen in any state. In peaceful protest of SB277 and to honor the many children and adults that have been injured or have died from vaccines, a rally and candlelight vigil is taking place in Santa Monica, CA today, July 1st. Those of us who cannot travel to California today or to other areas where sister rallies are being held, can support our California brothers and sisters in mind, heart and spirit by saying a prayer and lighting a candle from wherever we are. Please light a candle at http://www.gratefulness.org/light-a-candle/. Just follow the prompts to light your candle; and be sure to include SB277 in your message or signature so that we can search and see all the candles that are burning in solidarity with the SB277 vigil. The candle lighting process is simple, beautiful and free. Your candle will remain burning for 48 hours. To view candles already burning, go to http://www.gratefulness.org/light-a-candle/, select "View Candles" and then type SB277 in the "Search candles" box. Thank you for your thoughts, your prayers and your candles. God bless and take care... Learn more about SB277 . . .
Past articles, posts and videos . . .
“. . . Pretend you had a Holy Spirit intuition; an overwhelming gut instinct to avoid vaccinations before she was even born, in a state that doesn’t recognize freedom of religion concerning vaccines.“
Click below for Pailyn's story as told by her mother, Lindey.
Thank you Lindey for permission to share your story. "Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable." Proverbs 31:8
Maternal Instinct . . . Mothers of vaccine injured and deceased children often share how they, like Pailin's Mom, had a "feeling" a "sense" about vaccines that they put aside, usually because of pressure from doctors and other health care professionals. Sadly, they live with deep regret. Please mothers, tap into and trust that maternal instinct that comes from deep within; and I believe, from God.
"We are here on this earth, now, because of maternal instinct. It’s the most powerful force in the world . . . we ignore that instinct there are perils; and medicine has sought to usurp that instinct by saying we in the white coat know better. No we don’t. No we don’t."
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Vaccine Exemptions . . . The right to religious and personal belief vaccine exemptions is being threatened and has already been eliminated in some U.S. states. As a result, parents are losing their right to refuse vaccines for their children even when vaccines violate their deeply held personal or religious beliefs. Educate, advocate and pray for the protection of vaccine choice rights for those who choose not to vaccinate; and for safer, more ethical and effective vaccines for those who choose to vaccinate.
Join the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) Advocacy Portal to be kept aware of vaccine policies in your state; and take action when asked to do so. The combined efforts of concerned citizens have made a difference in many states. Click here to learn more.
In my last post, I shared the powerful speech that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gave at the CDC Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally in Atlanta Georgia on October 24, 2015. Below is video of National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Co-Founder and President, Barbara Loe Fisher, and the powerful and passionate speech she gave at the same rally. ![]() As Michelle Ford of Vaccine Injury Awareness League (V-IAL) states in her introduction which begins at point 1:44 in the video, Barbara co-founded the NVIC in 1982 and for over 30 years has led the vaccine safety and freedom movement. Barbara is "one of the most frequently quoted non-medical experts on vaccine science, policy, law, and the ethical principals of informed consent. . . . She has debated more doctors on radio and television on the subject of vaccination than any other American." NVIC's President Barbara Loe Fisher spoke at the CDC Truth and Transparency Rally on October 24, 2015. In her speech she spoke of the history of vaccine injury, the creation of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and its failure to provide vaccine injured Americans with a no-fault non-adversarial mechanism for vaccine injury compensation and the betrayal by the U.S. Supreme Court of making the VICP the sole remedy for vaccine injury compensation. Learn more at NVIC.org. Full Transcript of Barbara's speech is available here.
I'm going to say one last thing to you. Frank DeStefano, who runs the division, the vaccine division, and who orchestrated this corruption; he is a criminal and he committed scientific research fraud and he is guilty of injuring all of these people. Now I'm saying that and I'm using his name; and what I'm saying, if it's untrue is an act of slander, and I want him to sue me. And if he didn't do it, he ought to sue me. He ought to file a suit this afternoon and enjoin me from ever saying that again. If somebody said that about me, I would sue them immediately and I'm saying to you, Frank DeStefano, if you didn't poison the children, you need to sue me right now and shut me up because what I'm saying to you is damaging to your career. So let's see what he does on Monday. Thank you all very much." ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CDC Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally, October 24, 2015
In this informative and powerful video, of a presentation that took place on Mother's Day 2015 in Berkeley, CA, you'll hear four intelligent, articulate women share their knowledge, experience and personal stories about the dangers of vaccines. Dr. Tina Kimmel, former Research Scientist for the CA Dept. of Public Health’s Immunization Branch, and head of the Personal Belief Exemption Program, explains how approval of the Hepatitis B vaccine for newborns was based purely on profit. The panel makes a strong case for opposing CA SB277, which was signed into law on June 30th; however, the information presented is of importance to all. Scroll down for information on each panel participant.
The full version of the presentation which includes a Q&A appears below.
Do Vaccines Violate the Christian Faith? by Courtney Charles ![]() Continuing along the same lines as my post "Aborted Fetal Cell Vaccines & Religious Beliefs," below is a beautifully written, well referenced article by Courtney Charles from her website Alkaline Mom's Alabaster Living. It comes at a time when Christians and non-christians are facing the very real possibility that they will have to violate their deeply held religious beliefs in exchange for education, employment, medical care and more. Thank you Courtney, for permission to share your post!
Recent hearings in California on SB277 -- a bill to mandate vaccines and eliminate exemptions for children attending public and private schools, day care, etc. -- have been eye-opening for me. I am appalled by what I have heard and seen during legislative hearings where inaccurate information is presented by those in support of vaccine mandates and testimonies of concerned parents, vaccine choice advocates and the vaccine injured community are ignored. ![]()
Our right to refuse vaccines for personal and religious beliefs in the U.S. is under attack at the state and federal level. Defining the word "religion" is difficult; and many laypeople and government officials, don't understand that a deeply held religious belief -- as difficult as it might be to explain -- has to do with a person's relationship with their God and not necessarily the church where they worship or a denomination to which they might belong. In addition, for many of us, a deeply held religious belief is so closely intertwined with our personal, philosophical and moral beliefs, that it can not be separated.
Many catholics, christians and non-christians who are opposed to abortion, often do not know that several vaccines are made using aborted fetal cell lines; and that vaccine ingredients include DNA from aborted fetal cells along with other toxic substances. In addition to the moral implications, adverse health effects including autism are linked to aborted fetal cell vaccines. Learn more here and here. |
Author"Why I started researching vaccines." Archives
January 2025